Am I an ISFP or INFP?


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Lately I've noticed many of my "S" traits creeping up, enough to make me wonder if I may actually be an ISFP rather than INFP. But there's no ambiguity at all about the other three preferences; I am very sure that I am an I?FP.

Some of my "N" traits:

- I have many elaborate fantasies, and I dream very big.
- ISFPs are usually very artistic, and I'm not artistic at all.
- I often theorize about things, and imagine how things could be, often playing out hypothetical scenarios in my head that may or may not be true.
- I am very good at recognizing patterns.
- I have a keen "BS detector", and can often tell when someone is not on the level.
- I tend to be understanding and open-minded about unique lifestyles that may seem "strange" to most people.

Some of my "S" traits:

- Dry sarcasm gets me every single time.
- I often edit and adding to posts and emails, gradually adding thoughts one by one as they occur to me. It is not unusual for me to send more than one email in a row about a certain subject.
- I tend to keep fairly extensive statistics and raw data about video games.
- I consistently fail to see the big picture behind individual remarks that seem hurtful to me.
- I have an almost complete lack of empathy for others (but I do care about how others feel.)
- I have very good spelling and grammar, even when very drunk lol.
What kind of test results to you get?

I am more inclined to say you are INFP. The reason being is some of those ISFP descriptions are traits of Si, and INFP's begin to work on their Si after their teen years.
Lately I've noticed many of my "S" traits creeping up, enough to make me wonder if I may actually be an ISFP rather than INFP. But there's no ambiguity at all about the other three preferences; I am very sure that I am an I?FP.

Some of my "N" traits:

- I have many elaborate fantasies, and I dream very big.
- ISFPs are usually very artistic, and I'm not artistic at all.
- I often theorize about things, and imagine how things could be, often playing out hypothetical scenarios in my head that may or may not be true.
- I am very good at recognizing patterns.
- I have a keen "BS detector", and can often tell when someone is not on the level.
- I tend to be understanding and open-minded about unique lifestyles that may seem "strange" to most people.

Some of my "S" traits:

- Dry sarcasm gets me every single time.
- I often edit and adding to posts and emails, gradually adding thoughts one by one as they occur to me. It is not unusual for me to send more than one email in a row about a certain subject.
- I tend to keep fairly extensive statistics and raw data about video games.
- I consistently fail to see the big picture behind individual remarks that seem hurtful to me.
- I have an almost complete lack of empathy for others (but I do care about how others feel.)
- I have very good spelling and grammar, even when very drunk lol.

I'm not sure about that one. My bet is an ISFP. Do you happen to know what enneagram you are? What your describing to me sounds like an ISFP e9
I won't try to type you (mostly just because I'm not in the mood for it right now.:lol: ), but here are some thoughts on the traits you described.

- ISFPs are usually very artistic, and I'm not artistic at all.

Not all ISFPs are artists in the traditional sense. Their Se preference for engaging in concrete sensate experiences in the here and now can often lead them to express their Fi in that way, but just as often it can simply be expressed through a love of physical experiences like dancing, or sports, or through a love of nature and animals etc.

- I have a keen "BS detector", and can often tell when someone is not on the level.
That's Fi, not Ne.

- I tend to be understanding and open-minded about unique lifestyles that may seem "strange" to most people.
Not Ne IMO. It's not a trait that's limited to MBTI types, however Fi does place great value on individuality.

- Dry sarcasm gets me every single time.
Not MBTI related IMO.

- I often edit and adding to posts and emails, gradually adding thoughts one by one as they occur to me. It is not unusual for me to send more than one email in a row about a certain subject.
No idea if that's MBTI related or not. :tongue:

- I tend to keep fairly extensive statistics and raw data about video games.
That's Si IMO.

- I have very good spelling and grammar, even when very drunk lol.
Not MBTI related IMO.:lol:
Well are you more of an Idealist (NF) or an Experiencer (SP)?- this is a huge difference. Idealists are people who live based on their beliefs, and if you cross the line on one of their values they are likely to stab you. Experiencers live for experiencing the world through their sense, they want to see/taste/touch everything, they are thrill-seekers, and believe that rules are meant to be broken.

Here are some good sites:

Make sure to look at all the sections to compare, I'm sure it will help you.
And remember to think not just about what you do, but about what comes naturally to you.

But, honestly, you seem like an ISFP to me.
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Thanks for giving me some leads everyone.

I guess I need to familiarize myself with the specific functions more (Fi, Ne, Si, etc.) to get closer to figuring this out.
Well are you more of an Idealist (NF) or an Experiencer (SP)?- this is a huge difference. Idealists are people who live based on their beliefs, and if you cross the line on one of their values they are likely to stab you. Experiencers live for experiencing the world through their sense, they want to see/taste/touch everything, they are thrill-seekers, and believe that rules are meant to be broken.

Here are some good sites:

Make sure to look at all the sections to compare, I'm sure it will help you.
And remember to think not just about what you do, but about what comes naturally to you.

But, honestly, you seem like an ISFP to me.

I'd recommend this over functions. IDK how much scientific merit the functions have, but there is a such thing as temperaments in psychology. There also called Artisan (SP) and Idealist (NF). They should help you significantly. I see ISFPs as being practically intuitive, so I understand your dilema.

Good post Crabby Lil Me
I'd recommend this over functions. IDK how much scientific merit the functions have, but there is a such thing as temperaments in psychology. There also called Artisan (SP) and Idealist (NF). They should help you significantly. I see ISFPs as being practically intuitive, so I understand your dilema.

Like the MBTI, Keirsey's temperaments are based on Carl Jung's theories on cognitive functions, so if anything the functions have more merit within psychology.

Most of the S traits you mention are not very S, at all. For example, S are less likely to make numerous revisions and editions, especially SPs - they 'just do it'. And usually with amazing precision, I might say.