All things russia


Dares, Dreams, Does
Hey people,

I thought It might be interesting to start a topic where smaller interesting Russia related articles could be linked.
Personally I feel like there's a lot of bad mojo flying around these days and a lot of flaming going on towards them.
As such I thought It would be nice to make a thread where articles of a different nature than the current hot topic could be linked and discussed.
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erm...all I know about is Russian vodka...not really interested in the presidency too much.

That's my que.
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Putin stabilized Russia. That's no easy feat, and he should be commended for doing that. I don't know how to do that and avoid splitting up the country in any other way than he did it. In my opinion he should have handed off the country after he stepped down. His mission to stabilize the country was complete, and he had put down a roadmap for economical growth and industrialization for Russia. Now since he's back, he's been busy undoing it all. His aggressive actions in Eastern Ukraine and hostility to the EU and US has imposed embargos and international condemnation. McDonald's and Apple even stopped doing business in Russia, for crying out loud! He's fucking up. Now he will remember not only for turning Russia into an ochlocracy, of sorts, but also a broke nation. Oof.
Nothing about testing everyone with his air force lately, I guess?

OK. I like Russian women.
Putin stabilized Russia. That's no easy feat, and he should be commended for doing that. I don't know how to do that and avoid splitting up the country in any other way than he did it. In my opinion he should have handed off the country after he stepped down. His mission to stabilize the country was complete, and he had put down a roadmap for economical growth and industrialization for Russia. Now since he's back, he's been busy undoing it all. His aggressive actions in Eastern Ukraine and hostility to the EU and US has imposed embargos and international condemnation. McDonald's and Apple even stopped doing business in Russia, for crying out loud! He's fucking up. Now he will remember not only for turning Russia into an ochlocracy, of sorts, but also a broke nation. Oof.

I Kinda agree with you on half your post, at the later half though, I think its a matter of perspective, perhaps a few years from now we will look back and determine with hindsight that he did what he had to.

Still I do think it would be interesting to see another such compilation in another 5 years from now, and see how the Russians portray him then. It is always interesting to see how a people view their own countries and leadership. And I wonder if the nato centered public opinion will have changed by then. We've seen public opinion change all the time about presidents, conflicts and leadership. And mostly, I wonder how he will be portrayed in the russian history books.
Putin isn't the aggressor in Ukraine

The US orchestrated a coup by backing far right (fascist) groups in Kiev to carry out a coup

Mossad and the CIA were involved in sniper teams who shot people on both sides in the kiev stand off to stir up more hatred

The aim is to turn Ukrainian grasslands (so vast they are known as the 'bread basket of europe') over to big agra corporation MONSANTO who want to plant GMO's and spray the soil with cancer causing pesticides like round up

To achieve this the US corporatocracy has to prop up an unelected dictatorship in kiev which is using the army against the eastern part of the country who do not recognise the right wing kiev government

This US backed coup has destroyed the Ukrainian economy just like i predicted it would so that now the Ukrianians will be the debt slaves of the international bankers behind the IMF

NATO meanwhile is aggressively pushing troops and carrying out military exercises nearer and nearer the russian borders whislt moving missiles up closer to russia which to any ane person would be an open declaration of war

Putin is keeping a pretty cool head, all things considered

However the US backed coup in kiev did force his hand in Crimea because the crimea is of vital importance to russia due to gas/oil pipeline access

The crimeans are also culturally close to russia and chose to go to russia rather than the fascist IMF puppet, unelected oligarchical, war mongering government in kiev

Also footage has shown a soldier picking out a cannon shot from the malaysian airlines flight that what SHOT down by the ukrianians NOT by russia who the US tried to blame for the attack (claiming they shot it down with missile launcher but the plane wreck is riddled with cannon shot holes)

These lies coming form the same people who told you Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, that oswald got off 3 shots in 6 seconds leaving no trace of pwoedre on his cheek and that the bullet that killed kennedy that was in the hospital was pristeen and unwarped and that two planes knocked down 3 buildings in new york on 911

I wouldn't believe anything the US government or their stinking corporate media tell you...they are lying murderers
@muir, don't believe every time you see something happening overseas, it is CIA or the US.

Oh, and do CBWs rate as WMDs?
@muir, don't believe every time you see something happening overseas, it is CIA or the US.

No you're right a lot of it is Mossad and british intelligence all of which are all networked and working for the zionist enterprise centred around certain bloodlines such as the rothschild clan who control the money supply, the gold markets, the corporate media, the diamond trade, the oil trade, the drug trade, the weapons trade and a lot more besides

Oh, and do CBWs rate as WMDs?

The chemical weapons used by for example saddam were supplied by the western network i mentioned above

The chemical weapons used by the syrian rebels against syrian civilians were supplied by the network i mentioned above

The russians argued for the destruction of the chemical weapons of the syrian government...remember?
I sure am glad that I'm not a gay man in Russia ...

[MENTION=5601]ezra[/MENTION] whilst I understand if you feel in certain ways about things related to russia,
the intent was to make a thread that shows more positive articles which could be discussed.

I also mentioned the reason why I made this thread in the beginning.

Hey people,

I thought It might be interesting to start a topic where smaller interesting Russia related articles could be linked.
Personally I feel like there's a lot of bad mojo flying around these days and a lot of flaming going on towards them.
As such I thought It would be nice to make a thread where articles of a different nature than the current hot topic could be linked and discussed.
[MENTION=5601]ezra[/MENTION] whilst I understand if you feel in certain ways about things related to russia,
the intent was to make a thread that shows more positive articles which could be discussed.

I also mentioned the reason why I made this thread in the beginning.

I know, just saying.

Positives about Russia.

Birthplace of cinema genius and innovator Lev Kuleshov.
They have the Mariinsky Theater!
I've heard that Saint Petersburg is beautiful.
Leo Tolstoy is one of the greatest writers of all time.
If I spoke Russian, it would be an honor for me to attend the Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography. It is possibly the best and most historically important film school in the world.
They have free healthcare, and tuition for education is provided for free as well.

Still, their human rights issues and political system ...
Nothing like having an experienced KGB leader lead your country for a long time.
Siberia is on my bucket list, but not the wife's.

OK, now she says she would enjoy the wildlife.
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Siberia is on my bucket list, but not the wife's. Hmmm.

Been to Russia three times (as my ex-wife was Russian….no I didn’t order her) and I can’t recommend it enough.
If you stay in Moscow or St. Petersburg you undoubtedly pay higher prices…but if you can go to some more off the beaten path places you can see and find some really awesome deals monetarily.
I went to this really nice restaurant…waiters in suits, had four course meal with champagne…of course they come do the whole dinner service…brushing the crumbs off your table, etc. Very nice.
Paid around $50 US dollars for two people, which isn't half bad at all.

The people in public are very different in private…shopkeepers will not smile at you or greet you in most cases, this is considered insincere…so keep that in mind when flashing your smile at people on the street, they’ll immediately know you’re a tourist or think you’re crazy.
But in private, they are very warm, will feed you till you burst and keep the vodka flowing into your glass.