I get the creeps from ai generated things for two reasons. Firstly, in anticipation of the possibility that some day there may be true artificial general super intelligence. Such a great intelligence could conceivably hack our neurophysiology and easily manipulate us through seemingly mundane stimuli such as simple shapes embedded in pictures, or a series of tones embedded in music (almost like subliminal messages, but more irresistibly). Secondly, because there's a creepiness to trying to find meaning in randomised things. For example, people who try to find meaning in the casting of dice/runes, in avian behaviour/physiology (augury), from oueja boards, tarot cards, constellations, etc, are essentially superstitious. It seems like a doorway into mental health issues, or occult beliefs. It just seems odd to look at ai generated images for what they are: devoid of intention, sentiment, expression, impression, and artistic awareness.