[PUG] Abortion

So it's up to the woman to prevent rape, huh? How about we teach men how NOT to rape instead of the other way around? So it's the WOMAN'S fault if she can't defend herself? It's HER fault for "letting" herself get raped? That is absolute bullshit! I was sexually abused by my brother for seven years. Are you saying that it was MY fault for allowing that to happen?? The point is women shouldn't HAVE to defend themselves. And the only person who is responsible is the RAPIST.

That is a very powerful post and I feel the need to reply.

For starters what kind of man or woman would abuse another human being in such a manner? Yet alone your own family member?
I am very sorry that happened to you and I couldn't begin to imagine what it feels like to be in your shoes.

There are ways a woman or a man can avoid being raped, such as;
Don't go to places that you are not familiar with such as dark allyways or down in out places, especially after hours.
Learn to scan you surroundings and trust your gut feeling, if something dosn't feel right, then it probably isn't right.
Travel in groups and learn self defense (pepper spray is very effective)

The situation becomes even harder in a domestic setting. In the situation that you described, I did not think that you were at fault. Like you said, It is the rapist that is resbonsible.

The only way, I believe that this sort of action can be prevented is to make the consequence severe, but even then humans are humans.

Where I live, a person would only on average get about two years imprisonment, but that is not justice to what they have caused the victim to undergo.
A life time of pain.

God knows what should be done.

Since the age of 12, I have had friends that were victims of sexual abuse.
Seeing the pain in their eyes was enough to make me weep.
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If abortion was illegal, some women would still have back street abortions which aren't safe. In a civilised society it is better to enable women to do this safely.

Unfortunately life is messy and things don't always turn out how people want. I guess sometimes it comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils. The decision is down to the individual, who will probably have enough to deal with physically and emotionally without stigma being attached
If abortion was illegal, some women would still have back street abortions which aren't safe. In a civilised society it is better to enable women to do this safely.

Unfortunately life is messy and things don't always turn out how people want. I guess sometimes it comes down to choosing the lesser of two evils. The decision is down to the individual, who will probably have enough to deal with physically and emotionally without stigma being attached

men still steel, is it better that we take guard dogs so they can do it safely
Why was the PUG removed?


I still see PUG

This topic is bullshit

barnabas, your logic is ridic

quit trolling with your superior morals

we dont share your limited views

please take this personally

change your ways

you are in the wrong, completely

you have been misled, thats all

come to the light

repent of your wicked ways


I still see PUG

This topic is bullshit

barnabas, your logic is ridic

quit trolling with your superior morals

we dont share your limited views

please take this personally

change your ways

you are in the wrong, completely

you have been misled, thats all

come to the light

repent of your wicked ways


Let the games begin! :mwaa:
Here are some practical down-to-earth suggestions:
1. Men can carry babies already. Let every anti-abortionist carry around 8 little horses in his belly, to see what it's worth.
2. Declare the uterus of every woman in fertile age as public property, and appoint state administration to inspect and guard this national territory. (especially against those horny aliens from Mars and outer space!) No baby should ever cross the borders of these holy lands without the state permission!
3. Reinstall Sunday burning with fire for every unregulated uterus.
4. Rock throwing and occasional crucifixions optional.
5. Build special prison camps for the babies who escape our uterus territory. They should be interrogated with torture, until they admit to be double agents. Otherwise they may leak information in the hands of our enemies - the evil abortionists from panspermia.

Ah. I see the crowds [strike]of ESxJs and ISxPs[/strike] are already gathering. Nothing like good old days' witchhunting and flesh abusing to lighten up the spirits of decency and freedom.

Greetings with: http://mp3.xalo.vn/nghebaihat/32481...t-Impression-Part-2~Emerson-Lake--Palmer.html

men still steel, is it better that we take guard dogs so they can do it safely
Actually, yes. If all doors were unlocked, men wouldn't steal as much, or at all.
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Here are some practical down-to-earth suggestions:
1. Men can carry babies already. Let every anti-abortionist carry around 8 little horses in his belly, to see what it's worth.
2. Declare the uterus of every woman in fertile age as public property, and appoint state administration to inspect and guard this national territory. (especially against those horny aliens from Mars and outer space!) No baby should ever cross the borders of these holy lands without the state permission!
3. Reinstall Sunday burning with fire for every unregulated uterus.
4. Rock throwing and occasional crucifixions optional.
5. Build special prison camps for the babies who escape our uterus territory. They should be interrogated with torture, until they admit to be double agents. Otherwise they may leak information in the hands of our enemies - the evil abortionists from panspermia.

Ah. I see the crowds of ESxJs and ISxPs are already gathering. Nothing like good old days' witchhunting and flesh abusing to lighten up the spirits of decency and freedom.

Greetings with: http://mp3.xalo.vn/nghebaihat/324814019534/Karn-Evil-9-1st-Impression-Part-2~Emerson-Lake--Palmer.html

Actually, yes. If all doors were unlocked, men wouldn't steal as much, or at all.

Yeehaw I am an ISXP and I am apperantly a backwoods hilly billy religious fanatic just like all my MBTI kin. Woo-hoo!
Yeehaw I am an ISXP and I am apperantly a backwoods hilly billy religious fanatic just like all my MBTI kin. Woo-hoo!
No, you are not! You are a horse!
Are witchhunts type-specific? Try not to implicate such groups.
The witchhunts in question are about specific topic. But okay, let me scratch that part from the record. I dislike MBTI racism too, shouldn't have even remotely implied it, even in a PUG joke in a PUG thread.
So it's up to the woman to prevent rape, huh? How about we teach men how NOT to rape instead of the other way around? So it's the WOMAN'S fault if she can't defend herself? It's HER fault for "letting" herself get raped? That is absolute bullshit! I was sexually abused by my brother for seven years. Are you saying that it was MY fault for allowing that to happen?? The point is women shouldn't HAVE to defend themselves. And the only person who is responsible is the RAPIST.
I made a thread about this a couple months ago.

I agree with you completely, and it's bullshit that rape-prevention is taught to women, when it's overwhelmingly a crime committed by men.
I made a thread about this a couple months ago.

I agree with you completely, and it's bullshit that rape-prevention is taught to women, when it's overwhelmingly a crime committed by men.