

Are you for or against? At what point would you say life "officially" begins?
All for it. Of course within limits. But I do consider the welfare of the mother to be more important than an unborn child.
Ehhh, it's a tricky subject for me. I'm not particularly for it, but unless I played a part in the role of creating the child, it really isn't my concern. I'd say somewhere around 25 or 26 weeks would be the absolute cut off. Somewhere around this time the brain starts to form high levels of activity, and 5.5-6 months if far more than late enough.

When does life officially begin? Hell if I know.
Ehhh, it's a tricky subject for me. I'm not particularly for it, but unless I played a part in the role of creating the child, it really isn't my concern. I'd say somewhere around 25 or 26 weeks would be the absolute cut off. Somewhere around this time the brain starts to form high levels of activity, and 5.5-6 months if far more than late enough.

When does life officially begin? Hell if I know.

Life begins straight away imo. But you have to keep in mind that you're dealing with 2 lives. Just as passengers on a plane are advised to secure their own masks before their child's.
I am 100% against it. A human life for me beings as soon it is conceived.

And what about the life of the mother which began years ago, is that all of a sudden worthless?
I can't see why anyone would be against pro-choice.
It's up to the parents.

I'm 100% pro-choice, but this doesn't mean I'd abort my baby.
No, I'd just want to be able to make the decision with my partner.
And what about the life of the mother which began years ago, is that all of a sudden worthless?

A mother is not worthless but a mother's job is to protect their child.
Abortion to me is the complete opposite of this, I consider abortion to be somewhat of a selfish choice.
For me it depends on the situation, I for one would not and could not do it.
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I support pro-choice ideals.
I also support stem cell research which is one of the
main reasons that I am pro-choice.
I support pro-choice ideals.
I also support stem cell research which is one of the
main reasons that I am pro-choice.

you know stem cell research uses discarded embryos from failed IVF treatments... it's either literally destroy them, or obtain stem cells from them (and kill them in that way). either way, those embryos ain't growing up to become babies...
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I am completely Pro-Choice. I have absolutely no right to tell someone what they can and can not do with their body. I have no right to judge their situation. Who am I to say that they are in the right physical or mental state to carry and give birth to a child? Only the woman (and her partner) in that situation can make that kind of decision. Not me, not the government, not anyone that isn't directly involved. Would I have an abortion? That would depend on the situation surrounding the pregnancy, but probably not. I believe I could both physically and mentally handle the pregnancy. If something were to come up that rendered me incapable of doing that, I would consider abortion an option.
A mother is not worthless but a mother's job is to protect their child.
Abortion to me is the complete opposite of this.

The mother has a more developed brain and a better chance at life than the unborn fetus in her womb. Yes it's her job to protect her child but protecting herself is more important. Before the brain shows activity the fetus is about as important as an ant (yes gasp and shock all you want). The only difference is the potential the fetus has. Then you also have to consider the potential of the mother to have more children, in probably better situations too.

I'm pro life, and pro abortion. I do not agree with it being used as a safety net, but it very rarely is. Contraception can fail at any time and there should be something to fall back on. Nobody should be forced to have a child they don't want.
you know stem cell research uses discarded embryos from failed IVF treatments... it's either literally destroy them, or obtain stem cells from them (and kill them in that way). either way, those embryos ain't growing up to become babies...

I am well aware of this.
Offtopic: I actually had a very interesting conversation with my best friend about this last night.
Well, usually I'm a bit stubborn when it comes to these things.
But he made me look at it differently.

You gotta love those ENFPs.
The mother has a more developed brain and a better chance at life than the unborn fetus in her womb. Yes it's her job to protect her child but protecting herself is more important. Before the brain shows activity the fetus is about as important as an ant (yes gasp and shock all you want). The only difference is the potential the fetus has. Then you also have to consider the potential of the mother to have more children, in probably better situations too.

I'm pro life, and pro abortion. I do not agree with it being used as a safety net, but it very rarely is. Contraception can fail at any time and there should be something to fall back on. Nobody should be forced to have a child they don't want.

I'm not at all surprised by this response. I was expecting it, I have said it many times and I will say it again.
To love is to sacrifice.
Who do you love more, yourself or the child that is within you?
It is instinct for humans to think about themselves and their own survival, that's why sometimes we do things that are considered to be selfish to others. As a species many of us fail to step back and realize the possible consequences of our own actions and the lives of those around us that will be affected in the process.
Humans simply don't care for others that have no connection to them what so ever, but to be a mother and having to make the choice shows the individual's values and morals. Life is a gift that many take for granted, a gift that they, by their own choice are willing to spit on and trample, not only to themselves but to others too.
I'm not at all surprised by this response. I was expecting it, I have said it many times and I will say it again.
To love is to sacrifice.
Who do you love more, yourself or the child that is within you?
It is instinct for humans to think about themselves and their own survival, that's why sometimes we do things that are considered to be selfish to others. As a species many of us fail to step back and realize the possible consequences of our own actions and the lives of those around us that will be affected in the process.
Humans simply don't care for others that have no connection to them what so ever, but to be a mother and having to make the choice shows the individual's values and morals. Life is a gift that many take for granted, a gift that they, by their own choice are willing to spit on and trample, not only to themselves but to others too.

So being human is morally wrong?
@Bird: what's your opinion about the ethical implications though?

My entire life I've been being programed to become a medical professional (it's sort of a family thing) and considering the possible benefits of stem cell research, I think the pros outweight the cons. Stem cells can only be harvested from fetuses that are still quite young. Fetal stem cells, that is. Not mature. Do I think you should have an abortion in your third trimester? No way. Do I think you should in your second? Not really, I feel as though if you're going to get an abortion it should be in the first trimester. Personally, I'm not sure I would every be morally comfortable with aborting a fetus myself, but I'm not going to penalyze others for their choice.