A World of INFJ


Retired Staff
What would the world be like if all humans had an INFJ personality? Would society and humanity even be able to function? If yes, how would it be different or the same as it currently is?
It would never work. INFJs are too holistic, and many social functions require specialization, such as engineering. We'd have countless visions of how the world works, but nobody actually running the world.
Ya it takes all kinds for the world to run the way it needs to. There wouldnt be enough action in the world if it was just INFJs, just alot of dreaming haha.
I dont think society would function very well...those who had the wish to take leadership would probably think they were always right.Everyone would spend so much time thinking,reflecting on the past or speculating for the future we wouldnt get much done as a society.Also I dont think there would be many functioning relationships as many infjs wouldnt be able to cohabitate with each other etc...ultimately leading to the dwindling of the human race lol,ha that got real heavy far too quickly!but ya not so sure it would work...it would be a nice vaccation spot to visit though,pensive,relaxing and comfortable....
Why do we need societal "progress" or whatever? What would be wrong with a world of dreamers and reflectors? Sure, we might never make it out of the jungle technologically speaking and not do a good job organizing ourselves into hierarchies, but why would we need to anyway? What is wrong with living as a band or tribal society?

In regards to sex, I'm sure we could work out a system of intimacy to continue the race. However, it might be radically different from what we have now.

I agree that the world would not function AS IT IS if everyone were an INFJ, but I disagree that the world and humanity would cease to function. Things would just be very different. The whole of human history would be very different as we eventually did develop better technologies as we needed them. I think that everything that currently happens would still happen but in much different proportions.
It's not bad, but having one group of anything severely limits everyone. We need everyone (whether we like them, or not) because we all have different skills and abilities. It takes everyone to make things work.

I'm in a workplace that is predominately NF. Two of the bosses are NF, and one is an S. I see this often: The two bosses love to plan, but they don't have follow thru. The S boss has follow thru, but forget changing the established order with him.

But when they work together, things really do happen - for the good of all of us.
I realize we are people as such, but talking with people we don't know on the internet is one thing and talking to them in real life is another. I have "met" some very interesting fellow infj "spirits" on this site. I could never be bored with a few of them. In truth, there are those I would travel miles to get to spend more time with talking. I have even imagined how improper it might be to some, so my imagination ran wild and it could be like sitting in a confessional without really seeing each other. I think it would be great to have another local infj to talk with. There are other "types" that might drive me a bit more crazy spending a lot more time with than fellow infj people.
I would be happy if the INFJ's just ruled the world and had little to do with other types.

The other types could do the work behind the scenes.

I would be happy if the INFJ's just ruled the world and had little to do with other types.

The other types could do the work behind the scenes.

Or better yet, they could be our slaves! :D

But yeah, I agree that a world full of INFJs would never work.
Realistically if a meteor were to crash on earth and destroy all on INFJs there would be a mutation then adaptation so that future generations would have more of a variety of types.

But for the sake of lala land I think it would be world war three with each side thinking they have the moral high ground.
One person would cough and the rest of the world would phone them up, ask them if they were dying, can I visit you in the hospital, do you want me to bring food, do you want a hug? Of course, nobody would actually take the initiative to visit that person, but they'd "keep them in their thoughts."

A) You guys are way too sensitive.
B) You seriously can't get stuff done.
Or better yet, they could be our slaves! :D

But yeah, I agree that a world full of INFJs would never work.

The INTJ cannot be enslaved. The 3 INTJs in the world that were there for behind-the-scenes purposes would quietly divide the world up amongst themselves, then take it over before you guys even realized it.
But it's already happening right now.

The beauty of an INFJ constructed prison camp is that no one knows they are prisoners.
The INTJ cannot be enslaved. The 3 INTJs in the world that were there for behind-the-scenes purposes would quietly divide the world up amongst themselves, then take it over before you guys even realized it.
Maybe, but they'd all probably be so paranoid knowing INTJs could plot against them that they'd have some sort of defense.

I could definately see some sort of Thought Police system instated in an INFJ ruled world. O_O
wow ya imagine the paranoia....and the negative paranoia vibes from all of us all the time making the rest of us feel weird...and paranoid could be absolutely hilarious to watch though
I don't know...there are lots of different types of strengths of INFJ we've been discovering. Check out some of Von Hase's posts and you'll see what I mean.

Although, it would work better if we were all the powers behind the scene. So we'd need figureheads to work our will through.
Figureheads? We'll fake the creation of artificial intelligence. That way it will seem the computers are running everything and are the nasties, but in reality, there will be an infj in a control room running things (preferably behind a big velvet curtain).
But no one would know we were working behind the scenes. Someone described me as cute bunny with fangs. Innocent and harmless until you look deeper. Imagine how that would look. Utopia but with dictators hidden under the velvet curtain. (I like the velvet curtain, it's soft but still a barrier.)