A case of being moody

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Permanent Fixture
So I've been looking through so many threads on the forum
and it's just my guess to say..that a majority of people here are quite 'moody'
Another word someone used was chaotic.

What does moody mean to you?

Is moody changing emotion unexpectedly.. quite often.. throughout the day?
Happy one minute, sad the next, angry in the evening?

Do you always know what has changed your mood?
A person, something you've eaten,the weather.. Do you ever think that maybe those feelings aren't yours?

I've met several persons who've acknowledged to themselves they are empaths. A few have admitted to me (I asked) that they do not always know if a thought or feeling they get is theirs. One woman said she makes it a routine to ask herself if she feels they are hers. So I guess this can have drastic effects on mood-changing as well. And can be dangerous in some cases

I'm asking because it seems so common here, and since I don't find myself going through this at all. Though, what's interesting was that same woman there told me I'm also clearly an empath based on life stories I told her, but I could have a shield up..as I don't change mood in crowds, crying at funerals etc. I kind of wonder if maybe mine works different from others on this forum, where my tendency is to zone in on one person as opposed to absorbing the whole environment.
I guess I am moody. I can feel fantastic in the morning then feel quite depressed then back to feeling great in the evening. It sounds really bad when you explain it but it's just how I've always been. In fact, if I maintain the same emotion throughout an entire day, it's almost boring- that means I haven't done enough in the day to stimulate a feeling or thought... Now THAT is depressing.
Moody, to me, means changing moods, dark moods, and, most especially, moods that I find difficult to contain or control -- I'm not always moody, but certain seasons do make me moody, and there are certain things people do that will put me in a moody state.

I do take on other people's emotions at times, especially if they are deeper or strongly expressed. I can usually tell when this is the case, because I make it a point to always question the origin and validity of my emotions, but that doesn't make it any less irritating :/
A lot of people use 'moody' to describe you in a bad mood. If someone is moody, they are apparently always in a bad mood. But I'm not usually in a bad moody, they just change frequently.
I feel the same way as you do, as in I am not typically moody and how I usually zone out on one person. I don't really have a temper and I NEVER get annoyed. And I think you may have a shield up; I think this because I know I'm an empath but recently when I'm around my family I purposely put up a shield from feeling the other's emotions or thinking things through. They are a nasty group of people. Thats the only way I can survive with them--trying not to feel at all when I am around them, and trying to keep myself occupied. I don't really know if this is a good thing because it is against my nature.

So maybe it is the norm for INFJs to take in their environment as opposed to taking in one person at once. But I don't know if the way you and I think is because we may have shields.
Interesting you use it as a kind of motivation, Yield. I think I have that too, but didn't think of it as a mood
Gloomy-optimist has there been a particular incident that caused you to be more careful with thoughts/feelings you get?

Fairypotter you know how to put a shield up? Several members here have been wondering if they could do that.. I don't really know if I have learned control over anything I do. It just seems to be automatic/natural for now, unexpected. I'm feeling the same lately, about it being against my nature. In a way most of my life has been governed by logic, rational thinking/left brain, and I'm feeling much more worn out than usual.. that I should try to get to deeper side of me, the area where intuition lives.. and let it open up because I'm not getting any better at this other level. It is good for a lot of things too though.
It definitely starts working if I grow concern for the person. There have been a few times too where it was a person I met for the first time. Usually I don't open up so quickly with strangers. I wonder if it depends on the problem the person has. I was in a class full of miserable people two years ago but I only felt drawn to 1-3.
Gloomy-optimist has there been a particular incident that caused you to be more careful with thoughts/feelings you get?

Not necessarily, but I've always been in-tune with the feelings of people around me, for as long as I can remember -- if I wasn't careful, I'd go insane :B I think a lot of people around here could relate
Yeah I am really moody..
It feels like this :m065:

I don't like it so much

Interesting you use it as a kind of motivation, Yield. I think I have that too, but didn't think of it as a mood
Gloomy-optimist has there been a particular incident that caused you to be more careful with thoughts/feelings you get?

Fairypotter you know how to put a shield up? Several members here have been wondering if they could do that.. I don't really know if I have learned control over anything I do. It just seems to be automatic/natural for now, unexpected. I'm feeling the same lately, about it being against my nature. In a way most of my life has been governed by logic, rational thinking/left brain, and I'm feeling much more worn out than usual.. that I should try to get to deeper side of me, the area where intuition lives.. and let it open up because I'm not getting any better at this other level. It is good for a lot of things too though.
It definitely starts working if I grow concern for the person. There have been a few times too where it was a person I met for the first time. Usually I don't open up so quickly with strangers. I wonder if it depends on the problem the person has. I was in a class full of miserable people two years ago but I only felt drawn to 1-3.

Yeah I can have a shield. For me it came with practice, like, I had to tell myself to think/not really feel others in a certain way. Its weird. And well, I've heard that your personality (MB type) can change when something drastic happens (and probably not even if something drastic happens) so maybe you are pressured by the left brain government or part of you is getting used to the frequent usage of your left brain. Well something is happening and you are probably not as free as you need to be.
I'm honestly not all that moody. I think maybe it has to do with not defining my self by them very much. Once upon a time I stumbled on the concept of "me" and "I"......."me" might be experiencing a range of moods, but "I" (my inner, grounded self) is just fine. So my mood winds up being just one part of the equation...there is so much more going on. It's like the weather....it's raining, it's sunny....no biggie. No point in getting derailed because of it.
Extremely moody. It's why I only hug people I don't know very well. I need the touch but don't absorb much emotion from them. Introversion, I think, is mainly the INFJs way of protecting themselves. Otherwise, I think we'd be extroverts.
Posted via Mobile Device
By moody, it seems you mean someone who changes their mood frequently. It seems that moody is being described as something that is entirely internal. This is not a fair way of understanding why someone changes moods. If someone is going through a rough time, and they're experiencing a great deal of stress, then it is difficult to be on an even keel. It would be fairly normal to feel uncertainty, and not know how to respond. It's not always easy to find a balance. And it really depends on the situation and the issues someone is facing which determine why they may change moods so often.
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Extremely moody. It's why I only hug people I don't know very well. I need the touch but don't absorb much emotion from them. Introversion, I think, is mainly the INFJs way of protecting themselves. Otherwise, I think we'd be extroverts.
Posted via Mobile Device

I think so too. I can be quite moody too sometimes, though no one really notices them haha:m083:
i consider myself to be quite moody, however, i think a better way to describe it is sensitive. I can often locate my mood changes: external environment (the ‘feeling’ of any given moment and verbal and nonverbal interaction with people), and internal environment. i think my mood is affected by the interplay between these factors. i absorb people’s emotions, so much that it can drain my own energy. the more hidden/covert the stimulus, the more difficult it is to articulate my internal response.
I’m quite good at disguising my ‘moodiness’... because being reserved comes second nature to me, and i don’t like to upset people
"Do you always know what has changed your mood?
A person, something you've eaten,the weather.. Do you ever think that maybe those feelings aren't yours?

I've met several persons who've acknowledged to themselves they are empaths. A few have admitted to me (I asked) that they do not always know if a thought or feeling they get is theirs. One woman said she makes it a routine to ask herself if she feels they are hers. So I guess this can have drastic effects on mood-changing as well. And can be dangerous in some cases"

Do I always know what has changed my mood? If the reason is outside of me, then yes I know what changed, but when I am starting to think which places of my thoughts and feelings system it has touched exact, then I am getting confused, but it happens so fast, that in my thinking moments I am also doing decisions which are growing me, so I believe that I never reach the exact point of me which was touched by that reason.

Do I ever think that feelings which I have isn't mine? yes. it happens when I have conversations with other people. and when conversations touches enough deep places of mine and if I am very open to new ideas, because I am looking for an answer which I have never had in me, I have moments, when I am taking other people experience instead of my thinking. But that is also just a stage of decisions making. I am learning how to make decisions without blind trusting of other people sort of blind trusting too. :mlight:
For me, 'moody' means being/acting out of character (not being true to what I really am or want). So, I'm moody when:

- I'd rather stay at home, watching romantic comedies on a Friday night instead of hang out with my friends.

- I don't answer the phone when my friends call, even though I was hoping someone would call.

- I begin conversations trying to bait someone into an argument.

- Say something that will obviously give away my moodiness and then say I don't want to talk about it when someone asks.
I used to get called moody quite a bit from a very early age and it always hurt my feelings. I didn't understand introversion and nobody else did either so my wanting to be alone at times triggered responses like: "Are you mad?" "Are you pouting?" "Are you sad?" "You're so moody!" "You're a downer!"

And really, I wasn't mad, upset, moody or anything. I just wanted some peace and time for my thoughts. But after being insulted or misjudged I would sometimes get moody - bloody moody!

After a lifetime of being very moody indeed, I recently discovered I had a gluten allergy.
Excluding wheat, barley and rye from my diet, I now have no moods at all.
It feels very strange.
This lack of conflict.
This lack of anxiety.

I really like it.
I am moody in the sense that my dynamic changes considerably from week to week. I am still me, but I have a lot of different shades and hues.
This week I am a bit detatched and pragmatic. I wouldn't necessarily say logical, but sensible and almost cold.
Most of the time I have no idea how to pinpoint the exact cause of the change in mood. It's typically gradual. I don't think I am moody in the term of quick mood changes. It's fairly linear, or a cycle.
I'd say being moody means for me that my mood changes frequently during the day. Lots of factors can cause these changes, usually unexpectedly. And yes I seem to be constantly absorbing other people's emotions as well. When I feel someone is stressed, depressed,.. it's hard for me (if not impossible) not to get affected by that. It doesn't even matter if they're strangers or people I know well.