- infj
- Enneagram
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*EDIT* I am dedicating this thread/video selection to every guy who ever thought to himself "you know, i'm a good person, I don't hurt people and I care about the people around me why don't I get noticed? Why is my kindness perceived as a weakness?" This is for you you are not alone and nothing stays the same forever, there are things you can do maybe not 100% of what I am suggesting but you can still pick between the bits and take out the good stuff that applies to you. If anything, confidence and being genuine, those are traits I have brought to the table for myself as an introverted feeler, thats something many people will misunderstand, or trample all over if you let them... but its your greatest asset in the end towards getting the girl you want and building a relationship built on mutual attraction and MEANING. One tip I would also like to add in as an addendum is
11. Know what you want. Don't "get" girls if you aren't planning on being a decent person. These tips aren't for men to score chicks fast and get laid, if thats what you want I would suggest a hooker with a fair price. This stuff is meant for those of us guys who may or may not intuitively know what's going on around them.
It took me a 29 years to get this far and a lot of hell. But these are some of the better bits of info i figured out. I know a lot of it focuses on superficial stuff, but thats life. We live in a material world and there is nothing wrong with material as long as its not what you are living for. No more rambling.
This is just for fun, but what do you all think?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM10P3U5Jh8"]YouTube- Billy's 10 tips for getting chicks.[/ame]
conclusion here:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ICqrwiJ6-Y"]YouTube- Billy's 10 tips for getting chicks. Conclusion.[/ame]
11. Know what you want. Don't "get" girls if you aren't planning on being a decent person. These tips aren't for men to score chicks fast and get laid, if thats what you want I would suggest a hooker with a fair price. This stuff is meant for those of us guys who may or may not intuitively know what's going on around them.
It took me a 29 years to get this far and a lot of hell. But these are some of the better bits of info i figured out. I know a lot of it focuses on superficial stuff, but thats life. We live in a material world and there is nothing wrong with material as long as its not what you are living for. No more rambling.
This is just for fun, but what do you all think?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM10P3U5Jh8"]YouTube- Billy's 10 tips for getting chicks.[/ame]
conclusion here:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ICqrwiJ6-Y"]YouTube- Billy's 10 tips for getting chicks. Conclusion.[/ame]
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