10 tips for getting chicks.


Contents Under Pressure
*EDIT* I am dedicating this thread/video selection to every guy who ever thought to himself "you know, i'm a good person, I don't hurt people and I care about the people around me why don't I get noticed? Why is my kindness perceived as a weakness?" This is for you you are not alone and nothing stays the same forever, there are things you can do maybe not 100% of what I am suggesting but you can still pick between the bits and take out the good stuff that applies to you. If anything, confidence and being genuine, those are traits I have brought to the table for myself as an introverted feeler, thats something many people will misunderstand, or trample all over if you let them... but its your greatest asset in the end towards getting the girl you want and building a relationship built on mutual attraction and MEANING. One tip I would also like to add in as an addendum is

11. Know what you want. Don't "get" girls if you aren't planning on being a decent person. These tips aren't for men to score chicks fast and get laid, if thats what you want I would suggest a hooker with a fair price. This stuff is meant for those of us guys who may or may not intuitively know what's going on around them.

It took me a 29 years to get this far and a lot of hell. But these are some of the better bits of info i figured out. I know a lot of it focuses on superficial stuff, but thats life. We live in a material world and there is nothing wrong with material as long as its not what you are living for. No more rambling.

This is just for fun, but what do you all think?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM10P3U5Jh8"]YouTube- Billy's 10 tips for getting chicks.[/ame]

conclusion here:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ICqrwiJ6-Y"]YouTube- Billy's 10 tips for getting chicks. Conclusion.[/ame]
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I thought the first video was right on. :m105:

But the conclusion video ... I actually prefer androgynous guys. Macho anything turns me off. I wouldn't rule someone out for this, because I factor in a lot of things about a person's personality, but it's still a huge turn off.

I wouldn't want to date anyone who intends to become the head of the household ... I like things as equal as possible, and I'm attracted to guys who go with the flow (my happiest relationships have all been with P's). Maybe this will change in the future, but I'm in my late 20s now, and it's still what I like.

However: As mentioned in the first video, I don't like whining from anyone ... female or male. It's annoying as hell.
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I thought the first video was right on. :m105:

But the conclusion video ... I actually prefer androgynous guys. Macho anything turns me off. I wouldn't rule someone out for this, because I factor in a lot of things about a person's personality, but it's still a huge turn off.

I wouldn't want to date anyone who intends to become the head of the household ... I like things as equal as possible, and I'm attracted to guys who go with the flow (my happiest relationships have all been with P's). Maybe this will change in the future, but I'm in my late 20s now, and it's still what I like.

However: As mentioned in the first video, I don't like whining from anyone ... female or male. It's annoying as hell.

I don't think I was implying that people be macho, just that they be strong assertive men. Also don't forget this was made for men in man talk lol. It's why I disclaimer dropped that I'm not pc
Good tips on how to get chicks.

What are the 10 tips on living life?
Makes sense Billy, made me think I should probably go and get that haircut!

I didn't mean to imply that you gotta have short hair or something, just clean, well maintained hair lol.
Depends on the woman I suppose. My mum wears the pants and walks all over my dad, but I also suppose she doesn't respect him either, which was one of your previous points.

At the same time she doesn't seem the type to accept a man who would take charge, she'd just lock horns with those types >>
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I'm still trying to figure out what to make of you Billy. :) Interesting videos by the way.
i refuse to take charge except as an internal assertive thing. No one rules me or tells me what to do, but i refuse to be some "head of the household" macho prick. I rarely lack for female company.
Thanks for the pep talk, Billy.

I don't know about the whole confidence thing. I think there's a fine line to walk and then it just turns into cockiness, and that is a big turn off for me. I like for a man to feel confident in his abilities (it's not a requirement as I do pep talks pretty well), but as soon as I pick up that he's confident he's got me I lose interest. That was when I was dating though. I might just be a bitch.:m130:
I say you cluck. That'll get you plenty.


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10. - don't agree... personally i don't like a guy that puts more into his looks than me, it's a turn off. i like a guy to be casual, comfortable... but not a dirt bag!

9. - i wouldn't pick a rich guy over a poor one... money would just be a perk. to me it's more about not working a job you hate and following your passions in life.

8. - agreed! but that goes for men and women both!

7. - somewhat agree... genuine yes! cold hard dick..no... that actually makes someone less attractive physically. show some emotions... be sensitive, but not too much! it's smothering.. i want my man to be a MAN..otherwise i'd date a girl.

6. - FUCK YES!

5. - don't be too available...meh... but don't play games. that's just bullshit. and not all women will walk all over someone... personally i'd leave before i would do that.

4. - haha yes.

3. - cleanliness, yes! but you don't need to shave.. and i'm not down with the tanning! again about the guy putting more into his looks than i do.

2. - i don't like guys that go to the gym... i like it when they are in shape because they do real activities like hiking, or running (outside!) or something like that. it's about healthiness to me, not being ripped or anything.

1. - confidence goes for everyone, male and female. people need to be happy with themselves. it's sexy. whoever they are.

With all that said, those are just my personal preferences.

Either way, highly entertaining Billy, enjoyed it!
Billy Bill McBillerson, did I just hear you say in # 3 that people should tan themselves to get a girl?!?! Don't you know that gives you melanoma? And wrinkles? THAT IS NOT HOT.

Don't tan yourself unless you come that way naturally. It is part of being a man to accept yourself for who you are, and if who you are happens to be ivory-complected (or whatever shade), embrace it, don't try to be some weird-o tanning bed-leathery oompah-loompah, that is NOT attractive OR healthy and you will regret it when you're older, plus it could kill you. And nothing says "idiot" like those little taning bed goggles that leave tan lines on your face. Don't do it.

/mommy lecture

sorry. :bounce:

As for the rest.... you've got some good points. But, meh, I don't really care where a man's clothes come from, as long as they are clean, and I couldn't care less about cars... most men spend way too much effort on that. And money, well, it's nice, but I hate people who are posers. Better to just be honest and show that you are capable and hardworking and have some goals in life, rather than a fake pretending CEO wannabe.
I agree on the tanning thing Janet.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDE8HvGIt2U"]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Oh, thank you, I am SO glad I am not the only one who feels this way about that topic! whew. Sunscreen -- it's one of those things you will be very grateful you used when you are older.