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  • T
    We may not have talked, but I do know who you are!

    I'd like to pause for a while giving opinions on members, if you don't mind :)
    But you and Dneecey are on top of my list!

    Now I think of it, I know who you are on this forum, but could you tell me who you think you are?
    I absolutely loved it. It's an easy read, but it's so emotionally investing and lovely. What about you?
    I'm sorry I only just read your rep! *facepalm* I don't think it's possible since it's not connected to the forum. The way it is now, members have to be added by someone already in the group so I figure that should (hopefully) cut down on randoms, since it's otherwise invisible. :-D
    Somethings along the line of "contrast", "black & White", "body ink". I found those sometime ago.
    ahaha well let's lay this issue to rest. I accept the apology! Yes, I've been enjoying chatting with you as well, actually! Oh, and you're welcome about your honesty and all that jazz. :)
    chances are you will never capture my attention long enough again on here to have this sort of conversation. so you better add me on windows live or on aim skeggsismad
    Well, like I said at this point, I don't care what type I'm called. So whatever you think suits me, I will be. ;)
    I just think MBTI is a simplistic way of categorization and no longer works for me. I have studied it long enough to know if i put x and y on the test i will get this or that result and so it becomes easy to cheat the system to be whatever you want it to be. Furthermore, I really don't identify with any of the generalized descriptions. I basically had a poll and asked people what THEY wanted my type to be on the forum and the highest vote was ISTP. So if you must put a type on me, apparently this is the census type. Do I believe it's my type? Nope. But everyone else was content with it whereas with INFJ they all have a major BF. "YOU CANT BE AN INFJ OMMMG" and thus...I was not.
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