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  • Aww, I can imagine that you would think of John, watching that scene. It must have been a very cathartic outlet for you too.

    Do you have pictures of the tree? I would like to see it.

    And also, are you going to make a video for the memorial?
    Yes I have! It was such a wonderful movie! Yes, it could have been a bit more epic though.

    I greatly anticipated that Snape Scene more than anything. I cried sooo hard. He has always been one of my favourite characters...I guess I have a thing for ant-heroes,
    but I absolutely loved the way they finished the movie! Everything coming full circle. : )
    Yes we are! : D

    I absolutely LOVE that quote by Snape. I'm ecstatic that you got the reference.
    I might have to watch Prisoner of Azkaban today...
    Hello oh crazy lady. I seem to have some kind of feeler sickness going on right now. I am running around saying Hi to people for no other reason than to be social. I hope all is going well with you! Have a great day/week/ life. Note to self: What is wrong with me??? LOL
    I am sorry to hear about your job. :eek:hwell: I am glad though to see that you're taking the opportunity to go back to school. Hopefully, you'll be able to manage it with the kids, and the chores, and all that.

    And now it's time for...
    I am goood! I did my final this morning and I am done school finally. Yay, summer!
    How have you been? Dark Lord misses Harry Potter....oddly enough. lol
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