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  • annie is dressed hotter by the producers or whoever, because her character fulfills a guy's fantasy more than Brita's does. and they point fun at this when Annie says she wishes she was wearing pants. and on a side note Brita is fully clothed. and the western themed paintball episode isnt the only episode where annie is shown as more of a sex object than annie, this happens in the episode about the oil spill, the debate episode in the debate prep scene between annie and jeff, in the numerous referrences to annie's boobs, in her cute blinking/sad face, i think being the forbidden fruit is her gimmick.
    Just because you don't believe in what I believe in
    does not mean you have to be so heartless in
    wrecking my dreams.

    Thank you.
    I cut myself shaving.
    I was standing in the
    bath and she burst in
    through the door and
    I jumped and ended up
    removing a strip of
    skin. A small chunk.
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