Recent content by magister343 | INFJ Forum

Recent content by magister343

  1. magister343

    Songs that are of an INFJ nature

    The most INFJ musician I can think of is probably Sufjan Stevens. This may not be his most INFJ song, but it reminds me the most of the most clearly INFJ girl I knew back in college. It was basically her personal theme song. (In addition to being a huge Sufjan Stevens fan, she grew up in a...
  2. magister343

    [PAX] "Men Need Sex"

    Viagra actually works equally well for males and females. The FDA only approved it for men, but quite a few women have taken it off label. In either sex, it works by diverting more blood to the genitals. In men that just causes the penis to be engorged. In women it causes an increase in vaginal...
  3. magister343

    [INFJ] if god were an mbti type which one would he be?

    An omniscient being would seem to have no need of a perceiving function to take in information, as he would already know it all. A panentheistic or omnipresent deity would have nothing outside of himself to sense anyway, so Se is impossible. I suppose you could argue God could have Si to...
  4. magister343

    Building a wall.

    Immigration, even illegal immigration, is a net benefit for the country. We would probably be better off deporting all Trump supporters than deporting all undocumented immigrants. Open immigration would by even very conservative estimates double the world's wealth. We don't need to keep...
  5. magister343

    Trump Promotes Torture

    She is out of the race now, but when we was in it her rhetoric was some of the most militaristic of them all. She is the one who wanted to shoot Russian aircraft out of the sky in areas where the local governments have invited them to help fight our enemies, and said she would not even consider...
  6. magister343


    A girl I liked back in college (who seemed to be as INFJ as possible) really wanted to be an immigration lawyer. She was too busy studying for the LSAT when I asked her out, but presumably didn't end up doing well enough on the next to get into the law school of her choice. She ended up going to...
  7. magister343

    Opinions of Ayn Rand's Philosophy

    Rand excels at using her highly idiosyncratic lexicon to make some fairly common sense conclusions sound much more profound and controversial than they should be. Her conclusions usually make sense within her closed system of thought, but it is a huge error to think that they apply to...
  8. magister343

    Your age vs. others' perception of your age

    My perceived age seems to vary. Most recently, just a couple weeks ago, I was told by several people I know from Habitat for Humanity that they all assumed I was between 30 and 32. When I informed them that I just turned 27 this February, they were surprised. One of them suggested that the...
  9. magister343

    It’s not MY debt.

    Allowing politicians to forgive all debts on a whim is a recipe for horrible instability. The Roman Empire suffered from such shocks frequently. It would be better to enshrine in the constitution a system like that of the ancient Israelite Year of Jubilee, where general debt forgiveness recurs...
  10. magister343

    Rich vs Poor: what they read

    So, is basically just someone with a self help book to sell trying to do so by lumping such stupid self help books together with the sort of continuing education materials which many professions are required to read and be tested on in order to keep their certifications/licenses to practice?
  11. magister343

    Final Fantasy Tactics Job Assessment

    Time Mage 37 HP, 50 MP, 42 Speed and 15 Attack! Time Mage You are a tactician at heart, focusing your efforts where it matters most. Your sense of urgency and placement can lead to stunning victories if the strategy behind your efforts is sound. The Time Mage uses some quirky abilities to...
  12. magister343

    Going from dating older men to dating younger men

    One sign that a man is likely not very mature for his age is if he has a preference for women who are significantly younger.
  13. magister343

    Is everyone racist? *thread split*

    Ashkenazis are Semitic. Some of them have partial Khazar ancestry too, but only a small minority. Most Khazars never adopted Judaism anyway, only the elites did, and the Khazars converted en masse to Islam only about a century later. No more than 12% of Ashkenazis carry any of the Turkic genetic...
  14. magister343

    The "Aw FRACK" ebola thread

    Technically it is extremely infectious but not very contagious. How contagious something is is a measure of how easily it is transmitted. How infectious it is is a measure of how likely someone is to come down with the disease once exposed to the pathogen, after it has already been transmitted...
  15. magister343

    Which Disciple Are You?

    You are most like PHILIP Like Philip, you are an inquisitive and analytical person. You are open to exploring new ideas and testing them with the tools of logic and reason. You tackle the "big questions" about life and the universe, and...