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  • Well 'ello to you too dear

    How've you been? The monkeys (*ahem* I) actually missed you! I was beginning to feel like a toddler that lost his favorite blankie. *cries* Yeah you know, I'd rather drive the car, that boat doesn't look all that steady. :madgrin:
    key I'm back. Yeah I know, wtf that was fast. I scarfed that pancake down. :p Actually, it was mainly because my dad started a conversation with me that I really did not want to have.
    I think I'll be logging off soon because my mom said I had to do my laundry before I by my homecoming dress today.
    Also, I hope you didn't get offended by my laughing at your earlier. I did so in a really non malicious fashion but online idk if you can always tell.
    1) you didn't get it ahaha that's hillarious
    2) aww shucks
    gtg temporarily. My mom made pancakes, a rare treat.
    In the mean time, idk if you'd want to but if you want you could search for possible avatar too.:) I mean all I'm doing is searching my username on google images. :p
    off the internet idk how to downlad picture's into the computer. I don't think my computer's hightech enough.
    I also found this one just now. I like it cause I identify with her in alot of ways. we both wear glasses, I have the same hair color, she's basically like prettier version of myself.
    Not saying I don't think I'm pretty or anything. :)
    Here what do you think of thisone? I'm not a little boy tho so it might be false advertising. :p
    I'm joking
    Yeah I've been thinking about that. I've just been too lazy :p and this morning I actually looked for some and found a lot of ones that would work but I'm too indecisive. :p
    Yay a new car thanks! Oh wait... and what am I going to do with a car with a flat tire huh?

    Ah I always wanted to use one of those! :yo: But as I'm not a guy.. for some reason it doesn't feel right. lol.

    Had a good day yourself?:croc:
    yeah got a teaching job, so haven't got as many free hours, been thrown in the deep end so have been very busy and of course socialising alot, bit worn out now though so Im appreciating the silence today, when are you starting uni again?
    hey man how are you? BTW I'm now an ENFJ. Well my J/P is nearly 50-50 so I can swing either way! maybe i'm not an accurate representation of ENFP's, any more meetings with your lady friend
    It wasn't too bad I suppose, but it's a heck of a lot of work. It's worth it though.

    When do you start Uni?
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