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  • hahaha my sister dyed hers when she was like, 15 and continued to do it for a while. And then she had to pay all kinds of ridiculous to get her hair stripped and dyed back to her regular colour. What a disaster! Hopefully she won't want anything more than highlights lol. It's a mess to correct colouring for red hair.
    as soon as my sister discovered the magic of hair straighteners she never wore it curly again lol. I can see how it would be annoying, but hopefully she will grow to love it!
    Yes! I love red hair. My favourite is seeing red hair on little kids. It is sooooo cute. My sister and I both have red hair except hers is exceptionally curly. Needless to say every time we were out and about people would always come up and ask to touch it lol.
    hahah I think you might be right. I am exactly the same way. I always wait for people to approach me first. But on a forum full of introverts SOMEONE has to initiate first at some point! lol. This is a good place to practice!
    enjoy :)

    I might be one of the worst people I know at initiating conversation. Every time I do I think back on what I said or wrote and I'm like "Why did I say that? They must think I'm stupid" and all kinds of variations of that lol. I think I have this fear that while I want to talk to others, they may not want to talk to me. Otherwise they would have wrote me first! But I know that's silly.
    haha oh I am the same. I remember being told when I was younger at my first job that while everyone was going left, I was always wanting to go right. And that has always stuck with me and made me realize that I always have to go down my own path, even if I am headed in the same direction as everyone else. It's not so bad. Just different scenery I guess!

    And this forum is a great place to make friends I think. I know I've met some fantastic people here so far and I am sure you will too!
    What's "normal," anyway? haha. I don't think anyone knows anymore! But yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes it doesn't seem real. Sometimes I feel weighed down with the gravity of it. But as long as I am moving forward it's a good start.
    That sounds nice! I bet they love having other adults in their lives that aren't more family. I don't have much planned for the rest of the weekend. I'm at work tonight and will be again tomorrow night with a work meeting Sunday night. Yesterday was a good day though, and I kinda made Thursday night my weekend.
    Yeah I can imagine that it would take a lot of time to process. I don't think I've even really processed it either. It comes in waves I think. I can only imagine how it must feel for you.
    After I heard the news he showed up in my dreams a LOT but I never saw him. I just kind of felt that he was there. Then I had one where he showed up in bright yellow sweat pants and a bath robe he made lol. But this one was definitely different. It felt like a true message. I'm glad that you're getting some peace through your dreams. :)
    You're welcome :) He just came to me with such clarity, it was crazy. I've never really dreamed of someone who has passed before but John has shown up in my dreams a couple of times. I felt a lot of relief and peace after this one.
    i really do care about people. i sometimes just don't care about being rude or sugar coating things. i'm okay with that. =)
    lol, you give me too much credit. =) i was just saying how i felt.

    ty for being the voice of reason though. i think your comment was much more helpful than mine.
    Intestinal pyrotechnics....what a terrible image in my mind but what an awesome combination of words! Woo, it's almost the weekend!
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