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  • had fun catching up with yooou <3!

    also, good to see we still have the creeper as our background. reow.
    hello fabulous! How are you today? I haven't forgotten you, im just run off my feet! xx
    hey, sorry ive been so bad at replying to people this last week. I dig your taste in music, sounds like we have some cross overs for sure. Yeahhh I don't think anyone ever needs to list's just a given.
    I'll be honest, there are so many sub genres of metal now I'm not even sure which is which anymore! I think i may listen to a few metalcore bands. I think a lot of what i listen to is prog or tech though. What kind of bands do you listen to? Trying to see if we have any cross overs!

    haha I live in a city and we get tons of people going to the shops in their pjs! It's ridiculous really!
    Oh sorry, only saw your message now...accidently got posted to your own wall! Oh cool, I'm not the only chick around here that likes metal then :) I tend to listen to a lot more tech metal, but I like what i like.I listen to a lot more than metal, but trying to explain my musical tastes always ends up getting me confused! I just love music, if something grabs me, then that's awesome.

    Yeah, rosy pinks are great for day time! I have a really nice one that I use when I'm going out during the day. I don't know about where you are, but here, a lot of make up counters like MAC etc will do little make overs for free or give free samples...could be a good way to find a shade you like. You can always match it to a drug store brand later.

    I'm from the boring old capital Dublin. Nothing too exciting really, but I do like it here for the most part. How about yourself?
    Ohh, still metal mostly...industrial, new wave, etc. Depends on what I'm craving, I suppose. I listen to a little of everything except for country and about 99% of hip hop. Metal and industrial are still my all around favorites though. That's not likely to change anytime soon. It tends to sooth my nerves, which is something our family therapist says is good for hyperactive/anxious people, I I let my kids listen to all the metal, etc they want as long as the lyrics aren't inappropriate.

    That's a good idea (the makeup)! There was a color of lipstick that my grandmother used to wear (kind of a rosy pink) that I always thought looked good on me. I take that back on the red...I do remember wearing a red that had a bluish undertone that actually worked pretty well for me. It came in a soft pencil which was perfect because I could cover it with chapstick and it wouldn't feel all sticky or goopy. I wish they still made it.

    Where in Ireland are you from? My ancestors on my dad's side (Gallogly and Tierney) came from the Limerick area....also the Kelleys (Kelly) but I'm not sure which area they were from.
    We sound very similar! I used to be a rock chick myself, I don't dress that way completely anymore but there are definitely elements in my wardrobe (wearing a dark greay tshirt with a red, white and blue skull today!). I dress so many different's a great way of showing off your personality. I still listen to a lot of metal. What kind of music do you enjoy?
    Oh wow! I have a lot of respect for you. I can understand where you are coming family are all ADD. My 6 year old sister is VERY ADHD and my 10 year old brother is most likely autistic, he just hasn't been properly tested. IT does run in the family though, so its more than likely. Respect, lady! And also thank you, I'm on my own with my little girl and some days I despair of my parenting! She's bordering on hyperactive, so I'm kept busy.
    Hooray for the bagel! Stick with it! I hope the kids are being good for you today.
    As for the makeup...I'm the same, I tend to focus on my eyes most. You should try experimenting in the evenings when the kids have gone to's relaxing and a lot of fun. Try out a couple of cheap lipsticks and see if you can find a few colours that suit. I've found tons of tutorials on youtube that have been pretty easy to follow. I don't wear make up much these days, but its nice to be able to try somethng new when you get the chance to go out :)
    Hooray for intuition! Oh me too :) I love 20s -40s, some 50s. I also love day to day wardrobe mostly has a strong 60s vibe to it. My wardrobe tends to be a huge mash of everything I like...I also wish I could dress more vintage, but it just costs so much! And I very much doubt you look bad with red lipstick...I used to think the same about myself, but one thing I've learned is that there's a shade for just need to find yours :). Judging from your picture I think 1940s pin up would look stunning on you! You should give it a go sometime :) It's quite simple.
    haha yeah sometimes I think people don't appreciate how normal I am compared to how I could be, so thanks for that compliment ;)
    Not too much info at all..I'm very sorry to hear that, hope you're feeling better today and that that bagel stays put! How old are you kids if you don't me asking? I have a 2 year old myself...busy work!
    haha yeah I really love stuff like that, but I don't dress that way....mostly because I can't afford to! I love vintage. I look extremely 20s apparently...I get a lot of people approaching me asking me to model 20s stuff etc.
    Yeah I know, I wasn't even joking in confess something not so anonymously when I said I thought that zeroemission might be my dad. (He's not). My dad is JUST like that. He rants and spews hate like a crazy person repeating himself over and over. He also hates women, although I've never heard him spewing as much out loud as the banned member we are referring to has! Sometimes I think people don't appreciate how normal I am considering :p
    How are you doing today? :)
    maybe i should follow your lead! If there's any truth to women going for men like their fathers I'm bound to end up with a zeroemision! D:
    I loved "The Nightmare Before Christmas" so I thought it wouldn't be so bad. And I remember Johnny Depp from his 21 Jump Street days and have always liked him. Unbeatable combination. Found out it was actually beatable-by the original 1971 version I had loved since childhood ;)
    Hi Dear. Just wanted to stop by and wish you some peace and love :love: on your Birth day. :hug: :kiss:
    "I live in podunk hell and never hear anything original unless someone recommends it. They even got rid of our local rock station last month."

    Ugh, sounds rough; sorry to hear that : (
    I'll certainly let you know if I come across anything worth recommending : )
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