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  • What an intimidating heritage you have ma'am.D:

    Agh, then it's simply poor luck.

    I am sorry indeed.

    I'm sure you'll deal.

    Just be highly dignified and eloquent about it, or super excessive and disgruntled!
    Oh but of course!

    A grand idea!

    And this is one frequently drunken Irishman who won't hesistate to lend you a kidney!

    Though you may need Celtic blood to avoid utter rejection by your system:>

    So is your problem genetic, a disease, a hard life or just an age thing?
    Never seen you before miss.

    Are you interested in kidenys per chance, or was that rep comment a coincidence?;p
    *grins* I reckon what I like most about the ocean is the sheer power I feel when I look out at it. Listening to waves crashing into the beach and searching the horizon and feeling like the entire thing is just endless, its amazing to me.
    Which is why it is so infuriating! It never, ever stays where it belongs. It gets into every little crevice and rubs you raw.

    On the plus side it is rather easy to dig through and it is something I have to suffer through if I want to enjoy the ocean...which I dearly love.
    It matters not, that line has always made me smile even though I cannot remember where it is from. I like most things in life, except injustice and hypocrisy...and sand...I cannot find enough ways to express how infuriating sand is.
    Weird! Although she must be awesome, because it's the best day to have a birthday. Hands down.
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