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  • Seriously? Well okay...I was just gonna say that one of my kids is probably your age then. Funny, huh?
    I don't know when I actually started enjoying writing; I really can't remember a time when I wasn't writing. And it wasn't really about enjoying it, although I did. It was more like a compulsion. I just seemed to be able to organize my thoughts better on paper. I loved playing with words and coming up with fresh metaphors and just looking at things from a different way than everyone else around me did.
    I could write my full name at 3 1/2, and by age 6, I was writing my own little 'books.' I didn't really write much poetry until I was 14 and got my heart broken for the first time. And , of course it wasn't the last, so I kept on writing it! If nothing else, broken hearts can lead to good poetry, if you work at it enough. LOL
    Thank you. :) I'm thinking of maybe posting some poems on the forum first...just to get a sense of what others think before I try to publish again in a competitive market.

    Where do you go to school?
    Oh, yes! I love writing...I have since I was very young. I've even gotten a few poems published...but not for some time. I actually have considered a blog. I think it would be cathartic considering all of the issues I'm going through at this point. But I'm still pretty much a noob here, and while I'm starting to get to know and share with some people privately...I'm not sure I'm ready to be quite that naked. And if I would start a blog, it would have to be completely honest to be useful for me. I don't know if I can do that if I feel I must defend my own feelings.
    Btw, I've started reading yours, too. You seem to be a good writer yourself. There's an interesting combination of strength and vulnerability in some of them, a sense of no apologies, of confidence in your own unique vision and perspective, combined with a quest for understanding the inner structure of things we usually only see on the surface. I admire your free expression. :) And thank you for your encouragement.
    Some people say spelling is an intp trait actually. But yeah you are probably onto something lol.
    Who gives a damn?! I mean, look at my post count. It's obscene! I stopped caring long ago, it doesn't matter what so ever :smile:.
    I don't know. Maybe, I don't remember.... I'm a very simple hedonist that thrives from merely existing.
    I feel those things at all appropriate times. It's so great, it reminds you of what you are. Or it merely lets you experience it, what you are is probably a mystery. Either way.

    Living and dying... I don't know. one seems like the other but merely dipped in chocolate. To live is to die, to die is to have lived. But everyone likes chocolate, except for the unusual few....

    That's why it's my mission to find the people who don't like chocolate. Because it's those people that define who I am. Not the stimulus of all things experienced.

    Or.? ~ I don't know. I merely string together words and try to confuse people just for fun. Really, I do, you have to believe me. You have to judge it.
    Do you love the pretentious world? Do you marvel at what there is simply because it is?

    Do you feel the pressure, the guilt, the shame? What's the difference between living and dying?
    It's so plain, isn't it? I hope people loathe it, love it, fear it, I hope the emotions will be awakened. I hope I create life.
    hey... just wanted to let you know that I'm not ignoring your graphology request...it's just that I 've pondered it a bit and I don't think the sample is conducive to an accurate analysis. General rules are...no verse, nothing dictated or copied from another source, at least 100 words-but more is better, preferably on unlined paper, in person in order to accurately measure sizes and angles, etc. Sorry it took me so long to respond.
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