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  • I KNOWWWWW!!!! How in the world did we let that happen???? Anyway - I'm glad you caught it and now we are. :love:
    I appreciate your sentiment on whether I can say it better. But truly you have the rapport with him. I just build off of what you and he have said. In other words - I couldn't have said it without you. Frankly, I'm in awe of what you've been able to share with him. High Five! :)
    An egg & cheese biscuit is NOT very filling, but I don't have a big appetite upon arising in the morning, anyway. :)
    A client just brought me an egg & cheese biscuit for breakfast. Isn't that nice?! So unexpected.

    Yes. Your comments, AND your avatars make the forum goers happy. :)

    I hope you are happy, too!
    Wow, I knew you put a lot of thought into them, but DANG, lol. :D
    They make people happy. I hope you get breakfast soon. *HUGS*
    No offense taken at all. INFJs tend to have bleeding hearts and it seems to be prevalent that most are nonconformists. I used to be that way, until I got older. Now protecting my family and assets is more important than people who want socialism. I approach government and money without "feelings" ... the T starts showing. :)
    I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. I've been getting really involved with music at my school and I've been offered a lot of opportunities to play and such. There's a girl I have a crush on and I'm going to ask her to homecoming on Monday...I think it will go well, but of course I've driven myself into worry.

    How have you been? I recall you were facing some tough decisions. But that's what makes life interesting.
    I was on holiday because life was just a bit too much and I needed to hide. I am doing better. Sometimes it just seems life is crazy and you gotta step off the ride and find a quiet spot to lick your wounds.
    It gets your name because you were the first person I saw do that... It isn't anything to be ashamed of because you usually have such great comments. ;)
    Thanks Tri. I have been trying to "pull a trifoilum"--have all the recent comments say Sonya--but haven't posted fast enough to pull it off.
    Hah! Thanks! I actually googled it after I read your comment.
    I agree! I think that is what is unsettling about it..
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