Recent content by TheBlondest | INFJ Forum

Recent content by TheBlondest

  1. TheBlondest

    Quotes from Family Members

    "I wonder if I can buy Fart Credits? You know, like Carbon Credits. I'll call it crap and trade!" Dad, ENTP "NPR is a little liberal, kinda like Stalin was a little into killing people." Dad, ENTP "We're on the deck right now. Yeah, we're trying to drink enough scotch so that we can't feel...
  2. TheBlondest

    I Think I Scare ENFPs

    Oh please. Because I mentioned that I don't just date/friend mentally unstable people? THAT's Existentialist of me?!? I can absolutely say, as an Absolutist, that the former unstable relationships were absolutely unstable, and my stable ones were absolutely stable. If I were to have...
  3. TheBlondest

    I Think I Scare ENFPs

    (WARNING: I fully realize that I am labeling types, and I don't care, I just want to get my thoughts out. So, please, non of the usual "but give the other types a chance" stuff. :) Thanks!) ...or they just think I'm stupid. This seems unlikely. When I encounter another N I always put on my...
  4. TheBlondest

    Was/is he really joking?

    Yeah, I've done things similar to the "is this bottle for drinking?" scenario. :) I find that with S types, especially SPs, thy just don't get it. It's really funny, and really annoying—you know, if you're trying to flirt. I also think that a lot of my close S friends trust me, and thus trust...
  5. TheBlondest

    Underestimation conundrum

    Does anyone else ever feel as if as an INFJ, you're either underestimated because of the Fe preference, or seen as cold or prickly because of the Ni function? I feel both. I show people my feeling side and goof-ball nature and they cease taking me seriously. I show them I can spar in a debate...
  6. TheBlondest

    ENTP and INTP wars

    Last night I watched two friends. ENTP and INTP males, debate an abstract issue. ENTP had already formed his argument and opinions and INTP kept trying to poke holes in it. INTP was more creative in argumentation, but ENTP was smarter. It was kind of like watching an open cage match. ENTP...
  7. TheBlondest

    Oh cool. I go to Rocky.

    Oh cool. I go to Rocky.
  8. TheBlondest

    Dating and intuition for INFJs

    Great use of Erikson—I just read some of his stuff for a Psychology class. Back to the original question—I have experienced this. Usually it is with an ENTP and I actually do know what is going on internally but they don't. But in time I'm usually right. I think that one way to circumvent this...
  9. TheBlondest

    Did you ask me where in Montana I am? I think so, anyways I'm in Billings.

    Did you ask me where in Montana I am? I think so, anyways I'm in Billings.
  10. TheBlondest

    INFJs and ENTPs

    I've always been attracted to and dated either ENTP or ENTJ. The later was mentally and emotionally abusive though. But, my last boyfriend (of over a year) was an ISTP. You can imagine what that was like. He's really sweet, loyal and sensual, but, among other things, there was virtually no...
  11. TheBlondest

    Serendipity's Bitch

    Hey did, but I invited him in for tea and crackers. As he entered my foyer I made sure he had a reflection and then we seated ourselves by the fire and chatted late into the night. His name is Ferdinand and he raises free-range chickens in South Minneapolis. We exchanged hot-dish recipes and...
  12. TheBlondest


    I have a difficult time with anger and I usually just internalize. For me, it is easier to be upset or angry than hurt. I'm curious how others deal with anger. I'll admit that being passive-aggressive is fun, even though I find that behavior annoying in others. But that doesn't usually happen, I...
  13. TheBlondest

    Serendipity's Bitch

    I often experience the max strange-coincidence quotient. And I have started to say that I am Serendipity's little-play thing. Anyone else?