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  • Yeah, upon going back through list of those who responded I noticed two more candidates. Sometimes I'm very grateful for such memory. :D
    I'm so glad your back though. Love that atmosphere song, it makes me think of my brothers and I know it makes you think of yours. Please stick around k? xoxo!
    Oh yes, I actually built one. He was terrific and amazing in every way (until I noticed he had been dismantled by a bunch of frat brothers having a snowball fight). The circle of life, I suppose. :p
    Did you ever get that next really big storm?
    At least Southerners can appreciate the snow. Can't say that about the North...I was born there also (Ohio in my case) and I think a much higher percentage of the total population up there hates snow than in the South. did you guys get enough to build a snowman? :)
    What a good sport you are! I never get my hopes up about snow anymore because we almost never get any here, but at least this time I was wrong. School was canceled the first day just because of the large quantities of snow, but the other two days because the roads were completely iced over and it's been almost impossible to walk around outside. The absence of snowplows or any kind of salting machines doesn't help, I'm sure. :p
    Does your area get a lot of winter weather or is it mostly an occasional phenomenon?
    He was my favorite character in Inception, too! Especially in the floating zero gravity still blows my mind just thinking about it!
    I like 500 Days of Summer so much because it portrays love and relationships very realistically, without going for the cliche happy ending that so poorly represents real life. And like I mentioned before, the main character, Tom, reminds me eerily of myself. Watching the movie was a little surreal because his mannerisms, behavior, quirks, and even taste in music are all very similar or the same as my own.
    Same here, only I'm lounging around at college. Because of this huge winter storm we've had classes canceled for three days. :)
    Not a bother at all! It's Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who's one of my favorite actors. but the real reason he's my avatar is because his character Tom, in 500 Days of Summer, is basically me...only a guy. :p
    And hi, I'm spectacular, how are you? :)
    Aww thanks for asking Reon! I got to go home for Christmas so it was the best Christmas I've had in awhile! The New Year is good so far. How about yours?
    Haha, well first I was looking up relationships between INFJs and INTJs. Just on how well they tend to end up and other people's experiences with them. Then I realized that I wanted to join because I thought it'd be nice to connect with a group of like-minded people.

    Merry Christmas!
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