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Poetic Justice
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  • I enjoy cosmology a lot... the thing for me though is that I am terrible with math equations which is why I never went into hard sciences... I couldnt even pass fucking algebra, something about it just gets stuck for me. I Aced geometry though... which was odd.
    No, it never did. Lol. <3 If you had thumbs downed a post of mine I would have PM'd you probably and wanted to 'talk' about it. Lol! I've had three I think. I need to check. I think one was an accident.
    Well, when I feel like getting showered with appreciation I'll do something like that hahaha. Usually when I post super bitchy posts about forum members it goes over very well with most people and over not so well with others :)
    What a sick, twisted game you play! ;)

    Seems like you're 'good deed' broke! Who is the sucker? Maybe, if I'm feeling generous, I'll give you some of mine. ;)
    Yes, INTPs can cry, because they can be childlike, according to some typologists. They can cry, possibly arising from Si sentimentality in conjunction with simplistic Fe if sympathy is required in a particular movie scene. :smile:
    Dammit. You're right. I have to factor in the feelings. But how am I supposed to factor in the feelings?

    Can the hugging of each other continue while the science is discussed? I do try to remain objective, despite my bubbly enthusiasm. I guess that is a way of "including feeling in the analysis". :wink:
    I brow beat him into admitting he didn't believe in any of the tenets of Christianity, or believe any of it literally, and then asked him why he keeps referring to scripture. It was like he couldnt get why that was ridiculous.
    Oh I agree and I am all about putting up a resistance to flawed ideas with better ideas and letting the people not involved in the conversation weigh them both and thats where you "win" but this guy is just going to spin in circles and keep changing the topic, as I said I think he is high most of the time. You will be going for a cogent point about how he is basing what he believes on translated copies of copies of copies and he will astound you with some ridiculous nugget of flawed thinking that actually makes your brain throb. Just giving you a heads up, dont know if you dealt with him before. Good luck!
    Hahaha, that's pretty awesome. I've gotta say, I think you made the best points out of everyone I debated on that thread, I look forward to some good discussions in the future. XD
    Because there are a lot of people who hold grudges after debates. You seemed like you weren't. I think that is a good quality.
    But at least a nom is something you can treasure for LIFE... socks just get holey and go in the bin 8D
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