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Poetic Justice
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  • Greetings Little Fist Shaker (my name for you in my head--you can never change your avatar) Hope all is well. I never did read what happened with your job situation--still advising people?
    HAHA, noway, I'm armed and dangerous with a pair of particularly high heels and a large hammer, so don't try convincing me ;D How about I try convincing you to try cheese and marmite though :3 or marmite and crushed up salt and vinegar crisps :p
    What I want to know is how you convinced those poor souls to try that concoction! xD
    NDN is Indian NT is for Intuitive Thinker
    Studebakerhawk says it stands for Indian Nut though... ;)
    Whaaaaaaaat, I'm dissapointed in you ;D it's a muffin / bap! Mmmmm lamb barm with mint sauce!
    Hallo hallo :b I just noticed from the map you're a fellow Northener in the UK! Whoo for bacon butties and barms and rain xD
    Thanks for your reply!

    Well, the jedi mind trick was just a joke ;P

    I was buying a book on how to learn Russian, and then I saw it lying there.
    And I thought of our brief conversation about NLP, which did make me interested in the concept.

    I'm not going to study this by heart. I'm just going to read it, reflect on it and perhaps use it.
    I mainly bought it out of interest, not really because I wanted to use it.
    (But as I'm reading it, it does seem useful in some areas.)

    Also, thank you for offering to explain it for me if it isn't clear.

    May I ask you where you studied it?
    (Is there a university course for it? Because I think it'd be interesting to apply in therapy in a criminological setting, like with victims.)
    I'm reading a book on NLP.
    It does seem quite interesting.
    But it hasn't mentioned jedi mind tricks yet. I think they're saving it for the last chapter.
    (It's NLP for dummies. Have you read it/what's your opinion on it?)
    Oh drama, basically loved ones being sick and in the hospital ICU have got me worried, as well as money problems. nothing unusual. I'll take that big hug though! <3 And good luck with the work situation, hope you'll be able to adjust to the change easily. also, yup I'm not exactly enamored with the name Elicity anymore to tell the truth, but it'll do for now. I think I've changed it one too many times already ^^;
    Hey. I read where your job is ending soon. Just wanted to express my condolences. I hope you are able to enjoy the time off when it comes.
    PJ! *hugs you* yeah back for good, fingers crossed :)
    lol forum drama .. kind of glad I missed it. I get enough drama in real life.
    How have you been?
    I think it is. Really it's up to you to decide, one can't use a microscope to identify MBTI type.

    I considered ISTP (Ti-Se-Ni-Fe) also, it's a wildcard I guess.
    No, not really. I simply didn’t value your expression inasmuch as it reflected invalidation, assumption made without information, and judgment that I didn’t agree with and that I didn’t think made sense given the context. Nothing personal, mind you — the choice on my part to neg rep, that is. As it concerns the personal, in general I very much value what you express, and that informed my recent choice to voice my support for the idea of you being offered (again?) a position as moderator. That said, I will also offer that my choice to express as I did was informed, in part, by advice and counsel to be more authentic in my expression toward others, whether positive or negative. I tend not to express the negative — to wit, before today I had never given a neg rep. That my first (and second and third) were issued to you is unfortunate, given my overall sense of things. To the degree my issuing them has caused you distress (if at all), I do offer you my apology, for my intent was not to agitate, but to express my not valuing what you said. As it concerns your person, I have no issue, and wish you well.
    :) I was trolling you with the intentions of you responding to me to show the point that we were both making. I apologize
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