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  • Aww thanks! But my penis is on hiatus :p as I attempt to live with dignity. UGH so hard... dignity, not the penis... although...
    :D I had a feeley feeler feeling that you were teasing, but at least I had an excuse to use the pwease puppy face, which should be used as often as possible.

    *probably unconvincing semi-evil grin*
    OH GAWD please don't! We aren't a couple, and I wouldn't want to make anyone uncomfortable.


    The smiley faces were because for once it seemed like everything in my life was falling into place/going right, which is insane for me. It warranted smilies, and wasn't anything forum-related.

    It didn't last long, but at least things went right temporarily.

    Also, I have no love. Stop teeaaaasing me. :D
    Just because you're thinking bad thoughts doesn't mean we all are....

    Yeah, I was thinking bad thoughts too. lol ;)
    I really hope so. I have had a few people in the past mention to me that it's an avenue I should venture into but I was too afraid to do the video thing.... Then I discovered Tiny Chat and that I can be comfortable talking in front of a camera, etc. Writing is always been my primary joy but I think this will add to it. So many of the people that I've followed for blogs or on youtube since their early days have gone on to get book deals and go to conventions and win awards, etc. It's really inspiring to see regular people be able to sustain themselves just by being themselves.
    I come from a long line of alcoholic manic depressive irish catholic miscreants :) Gloom is in my blood.
    I didn't see it. I don't make a habit of reading his stuff at all. I've never had the urge to be around him. The only reason I knew about the thread was because it was to GracieRuth and I wanted to wish her a happy birthday. Then I saw who and what.... Like I said in my blog....they have black holes for hearts...nothing ever comes out of 'em....nothing... 'Tis a waste of a good brain too...
    :lol: I knew that you knew what I was talking about.... We're clairvoyant smartass sisters!
    Thank you. I really appreciate your thoughts and words =) Things are coming and going, but finally seem to be coming together somewhat. I still think about you even though I'm hardly here, and I hope life has been treating you well.
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