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  • hmm, how do i say this?

    (read the following in a strict british accent)
    my heart is heavy with sorrow for we have not partaken in the act of conversation in what seems like forever.
    the tears stream down my narrow yet bulky face and my blue eyes become reddened with anger. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU, my head screams, but this is not eloquently put so i hold it back and instead leave you with the notion that your mere prescence graces this simple forum with so much pristine intellect and virtuous beauty and a myriad of other adjectives and nouns which do not go together at all. and i do know in my heart of hearts that you are too good for a forum like this, but can't you just try? if not for you, then for all of those here who adore you?

    everyone on the forum
    :) I went to a Spring celebration last night, and am about to leave the house to get some dinner (maybe check out some bookshops, too). Should be a fun evening!
    I work the night security shift for the university. Basically, I sit at a desk all night and get paid for no reason. Occasionally I have to kick someone out of the building or call an ambulance, but most nights nothing happens.

    As for my name, it used to just be mf which stood for the initials of the band I used to play in, and then TheLastMohican offered to change it to bamf. So now it pretty much means anything and everything. Yes, even bitch-ass motherfucker.
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