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  • Wait, you'll prove that we both are, or are not the same type publicly?

    I was looking over your visitor posts, and if you look at it with an *tada* open mind, you can see how we both say the same things. a lot.
    I've told you over and over again, and you use the same reasoning I use to get out of having to come to terms of it. Thats what I find so laughable, you over and over again say "we're way different types." But we're not. Otherwise I wouldn't keep giving you so many damn reps. I might think you're a douchebag, but then again you think I'm one as well. I think the reason you may not see it, is I don't see a reason to "show" my infjness on the forum. However, I still do post it, the posts may be rare, but they are certainly there. Its why I think we would actually get along quite well IRL, you won't agree, but I think it would be fun.
    Is there even a reason to tell you? I don't think there is anymore, since I've already told you.
    Do you have any explanation for why there would be so little Fe use in your videos?

    And I don't see why Si would be organised and linear - it's still a perception function, so should be structurally the same as Ni. What's your memory like? Do you tend to remember things moreorless the way they happened, or do you more remember the overall meaning behind what happened with only a vague notion of the details?
    Lol. My sleep is messed up anyway (dang this prednisone) but I'm tired. I go, m'man. And no pitch and torches before noon! ;)
    I'm sorry about your headache...Try pinching the skin between your left forefinger and thumb, with your right index finger and thumb, going in little circles.

    And it's ok :)
    Indy, I will get back to you about the PM. I'm having to censor my every thought, word and deed because I am presently at my limit as I know you well understand. (I have zero tolerance for anything) I can't even tolerate a hug or being touched from my children right now, and I feel badly about it. I just wanted you to know that I am planning to reply.
    But that's the thing Indy, I'm not saying I'm always right, I'm wrong alot of times. But I don't let me being wrong in the past decide if I'm right in the future.
    For clarifications sake on that post: Its not being elitist, and you're not even the first person to say that though, which I find perplexing. I have nothing against non infjs whatsoever, I simply enjoy INFJs more so than say ISFJ or ISFP. With that same token though, I will say all the non infjs misinterpret every goddamn thing I say, while the real ones do not. Notice I say real/non instead of real/fake. Its not an attack on anyone who isn't INXJ. Its a statement. Not to be rude, but I would think you would have caught on by now. Well, no, you wouldn't. You just want to hate me, and will find any excuse to do so, I can tell because you overreact to everything I say, when no one else does. Its time to move on, I'm not an evil person, so stop perpetuating that I am, its so goddamn annoying.
    The reason I asked, by the way, is that even when I thought I was an INTP, I deeply wished that I could: have a perfect holistic and intuitive understanding of things (though not necessarily including much knowledge), be able to socialise and relate to people and do so very effectively, be able to clearly explain and put into logical structure what it is I thought intuitively, and have at least some level of proficiency in reacting in a bodily way - essentially, that I were a well developed Ni-Fe-Ti-Se. The other functions would be cool to have, but I never felt deeply about them. (when deliberating over my type, I assumed that I only just wished I were INFJ, but what I really wished is that I could reach my potential as an INFJ)

    So, I thought maybe it could be a similar case with yourself - that those areas you most wished you could be proficient in are in fact the areas that do relate to how you naturally are, and that you only wished that you were better at them. So, if there was a particular type that you really feel comfortable with the notion of being, then maybe it is in fact your type. I don't know much about Enneagram however - have you been able to identify strongly with other 1w2 INFJs?

    +Also, if I'm wrong about types tending to most want to develop the functions they already have, then certainly it would be most healthy, and a necessary part of knowing oneself, for people to want to most develop those functions, rather than wishing they were a way that they aren't.
    I see that you wish you were an Si/Te user. Is this simply about wishing you could do everything, or would you really prefer that you were another type than INFJ? Is there any particular type that you wish you were?
    Thanks for the link Indy, I'm hopeful to have my little mystery all solved as soon as possible! I just registered and will have a good look around there tomorrow.
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