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  • ok, basically add and adhd are the same internally, they just differ externally. add people are typically lazy as fuck. adhd people are typically hyper as fuck.
    i like the profile of your body much more interesting than the profile of your infj forum. and that was supposed to be an enfp post. i hate american cheese. squirrels are cute though.


    -- But yay for counseling psychology! I am really really thinking of going to it. Did you choose an instate university or out of state? I'm in the sophomore year of college atm, I'm going to transfer once I have my AS degree. And I love your epitath. and silversun pickups made that song panic switch I loved. Yay for mainstream. what are other good songs from them?

    and i'm surprised you didn't put your central nervous system on their. prettttty sure you can't live without that. like, impossible. srsly. look into that.
    well i do know that virginia is a part of the country of america, which sounds like amerigo, wich reminds me of american cheese. IN THAT ORDER. which reminds me of cheesy jokes like adam sandler, or that splitting an atom inside of an adam is not going to make a bomb, and thatd be kind of gay, and i dont get why gay people get the copyrigfht on rainbows its kinda of racist and I AM A SQUIRREL!
    i just logged in and my actual name is Ur Tehnoes. my bad. whats your name, I'll add you.
    Mostly due to your extremely wide left margin. Often, this indicates someone shy, reserved and who had a difficult/unhappy childhood they are working to overcome. It also can be a sign of divorce or recent break-up. Your starting letters tend to separate from the rest of your letters and your i's stand alone. The combination of these factors with my interpretation of the location, pressure and symbolism of your doodles indicate past anger and intent to move forward.

    Please be aware that my methods were not pure graphology alone. Some things I felt to be when you get a positive or negative vibe from someone you've only just met, without knowing why. However, I did try to corroborate these impressions with graphology, basically looking for affirmation from each system to the other. This is why I questioned the veracity; wondering if any of it held truth for you. I also worried the results might be skewed due to the fact that it was a flawed sample and was done online. So, I'm hoping it didn't freak you out too much.
    Actually I'm not that far from Malvern, Maybe an hour on the train. Went walking there last year. I'm not a fan of London - I find it too rushed and generally unfriendly, but I've been a handful of times, mostly to show visitors around. :) How are your psychology studies going?
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