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  • This is how I feel too. When people remove their mask, even if it's lifting the bottom flap to show their chin, you get that new dimension to them.

    Don't worry, one day the youth will rule everything lol ;p

    Out of curiosity, what is your Enneagram?
    It's all good :)

    Girl, you should be a life-coach lol, if anything else. You have this intense feeling to inspire others to be the best that they could thought and action. I like it ^^.

    Your time will come in due time. I think the reason that they won't let you work with the troubled people, could partially be the fact that you are still rather young, and may not be emotionally mature to handle they make you do the busy work ( I think that is LAME though.)

    And thank you, very much :D

    Ahahaha, I have yet to figure out who made that confession..probably someone in Tiny Chat lol.
    It is flattering...I mean my boobs aren't all who I am, but they are a large part of me :)
    If I were more of an extrovert, I would be a life coach. :3
    And your dreams sound very nifty, you are going to change a LOT of lives, I can already see it.
    The reason I said "balance" is because of the fact that sometimes people seek active counselors for help and advice, and other times, they just want an ear, someone to vent to. Learning this has brought me a long way in my relationships with people. (I like giving advice lol)
    I would like to be able to utilize both of these aspects of counseling. I'm still working on it though. Have you always wanted to be involved in counseling?

    Btw, I have to agree with Sali in saying that you are gorgeous =)
    freaking sexual orientation thread is driving me bananas. its like the epitomy of Fi in that garbage hole.
    No worries! We all get busy, you'll answer when you can =) I appreciate the wall post though ^_^
    Is it odd, that I knew you were going to say counselor? lol

    I tend to lean a little more towards helping people than counseling them, but I tend to balance the two.

    And the difference is a bit difficult to explain, I'll get back to you on that
    Lol, I like chem, just not organic chem (unlike crazy people who live and breathe it (*coughKavalan*cough)

    What do you plan on doing with your psych major?
    Did you know, before you joined, I was obsessed with the idea of an aerosol can. Not even kidding. I find the idea fascinating, and the act poetic. NO IM NOT A NERD! IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN IM A MAN i hope
    Yes, that is how I feel.

    I am a 2nd year with 3rd year status. I am debating between a chem major with teaching track, biochemistry, or biology with a possible chem minor...or English...or Vocal performance.

    Either way, I am deciding between a doctor and teacher.

    What about yourself? (major wise)
    I feel a lot of tension, especially from a certain few threads. They are making such a huge deal out of otherwise not-so-major issue(s)
    Lol that is what i was thinking.
    "She must have a free spirit within her"

    So how about the tension tonight, lol?
    Close, it's Lauren, which means "Crown of laurel" you like things that are associated with the air?
    Partially, but more the reason that I didn't fit the meaning of my original name, the way I used to. I stopped trying to measure myself completely by my successes (which is what the laurel meant to the Romans), and through this ceasing to try to be perfect, I became not necessarily happier, but more calm and focused on life, on my inner self, my soul, my life force. :)
    *notices you staring and gives a warm smile*
    Things are pretty good. I feel more centered than I have in the past few weeks : )

    And yourself?
    Damn, I forgot you were a foreigner. I would love to hear about your story. And I'll look up The Fig Tree, I generally dislike reading other poetry, I just like writing my own. well im off to bed, i got a class tomorrow... school is for nazis.
    and i was clicking through member blogs just now, turns out I'm banned from like 8 of them. and like 7 of the peopel I don't even know. lol'd.
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