

Time Lord
So I figured that I need some thing nice and relaxing to discuss.

And so, naturally I thought of zombies. Let's figure out what you would do after z-day. I'm gonna post plenty of questions, feel free to answer as you will, not all then need answering.

What would you do during the first week after Z-Day?

Week 2?

week 3?

week 4?

week 5?


Where would you head for before the zombies are in full spring?

Whith your first choice is now out and the zombies are every where, What do you Do?

You've made it to a safe zone, but you keep seeing one man hunched over and dragging his leg?

Either you killed the man or he turned, you've had to flee the safe zone, You come across a large bridge lined with cars, either you stay and fight the men from the safe zone or head across the bridge?

Either crossing the bridge or fighting the men from teh safe zone has alerted zombies to your presense, what do you do?

What kind of weapons do you grab?

what about food, gotta have that right?

Do you work with a group or on your own?

Is your family with you?

If so what are they doing?

If not are you looking for them?

Do you accept the reddker plan or one similer that your country has adopted?

would you survive, why?
First 3 stops..
Sporting goods store, Hockey equipment equals light body armor.
Second stop Motorcycle clothing store equals tough outer armor and wide vision head gear.
Third stop , S+M sex shop for spiked collar as those things always seem to go for the neck.

Being a Canadian there aren't guns laying around everywhere so I would try to get into a police evidence room for weapons and drugs.
after that... meh .. I probably wouldn't last past the 1st 2 hours anyways

But if I did.. it wouldn't be because I tried to do it all on my own.
I would make friends pretty fast with some tough guys and bribe them with the drugs I got from the cop shop. ;)
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I never thought of drugs as currency, not a bad idea. though I have a feeling they might just kill you and take the drugs.
I never thought of drugs as currency, not a bad idea. though I have a feeling they might just kill you and take the drugs.
Well in that situation.. since I wouldn't do any hard stuff .. I would prepare a few baggies of Draino just in case.. and get revenge from the other side :evil:
This is a great thread! I love it.
I have feeling that if I could hit my stride, I would survive for longer than most. But that is b/c my over imaginative mind is always running scenarios like this. What would I do, where would I go, what would I need.
The first week would be all about finding a defensive position, a place to take stock. First my gun cabinet for my weapons and ammo, then to the big pick up next door; haul ass to the armory up the road to get more weapons, maybe a better ride, fuel, food and body armor... Then grocery store & pharmacy raid if possible to get supplies and off to a defensible house - there are several in the area that would be close to ideal. If a defensible position could not be achieved, a tank would be the best mode to a safe place.
I would have grabbed as many people on the way as well as bazookas, chainsaaws, anything that can be used as a weapon.... A convoy, heavily armed would make quick work of the bridge.
The ultimate goal would be to establish our own safe house and dig in. There is some truth to safety in numbers. There is a a scottish castle that would make a desireable local. Made of granite, circular, moat, modern, top of a hill. private well and septic.
My family would be with me - my hubby can drive a tank and shoot most weapons.
I think we would survive for a long time. But I can be beyond formidable when my family is in danger! Think Milla Jovovich ... SHe is my Hero!



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A tank seems unrational to me, so much fuel that would be hard to get.

I like the castle idea though especially if you could repair some of them. We have a working fort in st. agustine Fl, it would have to be stocked though as it has no electrcity and no one lives in it.
A tank seems unrational to me, so much fuel that would be hard to get.

I like the castle idea though especially if you could repair some of them. We have a working fort in st. agustine Fl, it would have to be stocked though as it has no electrcity and no one lives in it.
In our area we have a lot of castles. The one I posted above is less than 5 miles from my house anad looks like this inside...



We would only need the tank to get to the castle and provide us with the ability to get through obstacles. We would certainly be retrofitting the cars stored here^^^ and arm snowmobiles for the terrain....
I'd build myself a guillotine and kill myself.
I'm EXTREMELY afraid of zombies.
So fuck that.
What would you do during the first week after Z-Day?
I run. I am definitely not fortifying anything. We all saw how useless that was during 28 Days, and what if Zombies have that ability?

I favour mobility over defensiveness. I'm pretty certain that I'd take this route immediately.

There's noone up there, and it takes an hour and a half to get there by car. It's pretty much forgotten about except by the 4WD and Aboriginal Community. The AC is a problem because they get drunk and tend not to shower so it'd be hard to tell who's a zombie and who's not. But there's heaps of crocodiles in the area on that beach, so I'd be safe for the moment.

I've already got a zombie bug out bag in the cupboard and I've made that run a few times already. My friends in the city that I roleplay with have the perfect two story brick unit to defend with huge walls all around. They've got defensive plans which might even work, if bad luck doesn't destroy them (which is why I favour mobility).

On the second/third day, I'd go back for them. I need a cruiser with a trailer, or a Can Am Spyder with trailer to get to my ultimate bases of operation for this.

My other immediate possibility is this as an overnight escape location which all my friends know I'd head there if not the beach.


I've got a great first aid kit in my bike along with survival foods.

Week 2?
Week 2, I'd prep the bike and trailer (whichever) with the radio supplies I need from the hobby stores in Darwin, and a generator.
I'd head to one of these locations.


Immediate focus is on fortification with two methods of escape.

week 3?
Trying to reach survivors. If people have survived, then they're obviously ruthless, prepared and intelligent.

week 4?

week 5?
In our area we have a lot of castles. The one I posted above is less than 5 miles from my house anad looks like this inside...



We would only need the tank to get to the castle and provide us with the ability to get through obstacles. We would certainly be retrofitting the cars stored here^^^ and arm snowmobiles for the terrain....

Lots of windows and entrances for zombies to break through. You could seal them up of course, but that is time demading and would take a lot of material to make it strong enough to prevent 28 weeks later zombies. And Barnabas haven't defined what kind of zombies we're dealing with.

And imagine if the zombies followed you from the grocery store, you'd be fucked

Also, where would you get the tank from?

To further elaborate, is the castle yours? If not, how do you plan to get in, break a window?

Also, if it is not yours, then how can you be sure it won't already be occupied?
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Also, where would you get the tank from?

And where would you get the tank driver from?
Imagine breaking into an army base where the zombie-disease has broken out.

Zombie-soldiers. Oh sh-


They have guns + won't die unless you shoot them in their head.
Somehow this reminds me of 50 cent. That bitch wouldn't die either.
She did say her husband could drive it though.

Learn how to read jester, or else you'll just end up looking like a giant douche

She did say her husband could drive it though.

Learn how to read jester, or else you'll just end up looking like a giant douche


Hah shit.
I still has post count though :(

Here, I'll give you a monkey and we'll forget about this whole affair. :m176:
"Barnabas haven't defined what kind of zombies we're dealing with. "

slow moving infected with a incubation period of two to three days.
Yeah that kind of blows my cop shop idea all to hell as well.
Army bases,police stations and hospitals, on second thought would be the last places you would want to go, because the infected would flock to these places in droves. Sheeple always run to the authorities in crisis.
What would you do during the first week after Z-Day? Go

Go north picking up supplies on the way, sticking to small towns and back roads, Once far enough north, I'd find a place to hold up and shelter myself from the cold, Alaska sounds like a good idea, maybe find a very small town far in the north and hold up their. before i leave florida I'm picking up some hurricane supplies

Week 2?

Should be able to make it to Alaska by the middles of the week at worst, saying the infection has spread terribly quickly in the more remote areas, pick a home out preferably a two story house, with a few windows on the second story. and then board up the windows with the stuff grabbed in Florida.

all that's left is to hold out to winter, or if it is winter hunt for food and consume as little supplies as possible.

week 3?

week 4?

week 5?


Where would you head for before the zombies are in full spring?

Alaska, zombies freeze

Whith your first choice is now out and the zombies are every where, What do you Do?

travel light, and head north. if I'm lucky i'll find a group of same minded individuals

You've made it to a safe zone, but you keep seeing one man hunched over and dragging his leg?

Confront them, and most likely kill the person, he's either a liability or a real problem

Either you killed the man or he turned, you've had to flee the safe zone, You come across a large bridge lined with cars, either you stay and fight the men from the safe zone or head across the bridge?

run across the bridge, got to be careful of the grabbers though, none the less their zombies in cars are preferable to men with guns

Either crossing the bridge or fighting the men from the safe zone has alerted zombies to your presence, what do you do?

run like hell, get as far away as fast as possible
, I can't kill an entire horde but their still limping, crawling, corpse

What kind of weapons do you grab?

tactical Shovel, small caliber hand gun (Beretta maybe), high powered rifle and a shot gun.

what about food, gotta have that right?

if I'm set in up north, canned food and meat that I've killed, if not scavenging seems like the only reliable way of doing things.

Do you work with a group or on your own?

Group in either situation

Is your family with you?

probably not were not all packed together.

If so what are they doing?

If not are you looking for them?

nope, I'll try to contact them, and tell them my plans though if they wish to join me.

Do you accept the Reddker plan or one similar that your country has adopted?

No, I don't i understand it but no.

would you survive, why?

I'm dam sure gonna try, well, if I can hunt in the winter and hold myself up in the spring and summer then I should be able to survive especially if i can work with a well organized group.
Jesus H Roosevelt Christ on toast People, i thought this was a fun what if. I did not say my plan was perfect. The tank is 1/4 mile to my left, which my hubby can drive; the castle 1 mile to my right,i have the keys to both. In my fantasy world the windows would be all boarded up, the moat full of zombie eating man sized piranha, and all of you would be the first to die. There. Going to my happy place.
piranha, I like that. to the pet store!
My goal in life is to have a little out of the way place in the country where I grow my own food and keep chickens..I hope to be there if the zombie hordes come. I
Oh. You don't know how much I'm THINKING after reading HALF of World War Z. Thank you. Being a zombie fanatic / paranoid myself.... I'm going to answer.
So I figured that I need some thing nice and relaxing to discuss.

And so, naturally I thought of zombies. Let's figure out what you would do after z-day. I'm gonna post plenty of questions, feel free to answer as you will, not all then need answering.

What would you do during the first week after Z-Day?
Run. RUN. RUUUUUUN. I'd probably asking to run FIRST after rumors of those (so before Z-day), tho. But if I'm still there on Z-Day....I'm going to take a weapon and run. Here we have like, Lots of malls. I'm probably going to go there; preferably one that has tools and hardware stores. I am also going to call friends (Facebook? Twitter? :D) to meet up and build a group..or something. And then there I am going to explain the whole zombie invasion and all things needed to be known about zombies to everyone else coming, so that even if I'm dead, others could live on.
Anyway, there, I'd lock up the gates and clean up of possible zombies + finding tools and supplies in this order;
a) hardware stores; I need sharp and long things; preferably crowbar; or baseball bat; or an axe...but an axe is heavy. Preferably crowbars. We don't have much tools here, y'know. >_<;
b)Music store; If the zombies are attracted to SOUNDS, I'm going to need these as baits. Probably grabbing some radios too.
c)Clean up. Clean up. Praying and hoping I'm not bitten. CLEAN UP. Locking every possible entrance.
d)Done? Not dying? Finding a save place; preferably giant convenience store inside, with foods and tools and everything else...There, I'm going to regroup, and train. Martial arts, self-defense..using those weapons I had...at least until I'm adept enough on using those. Building an armor; as useless as it might be >_>;
e)The idea about pet stores is fun, too; sorry, pets, but I need you as baits or radars.
f) Lock up. Use radios, probably laptops and wifis and internet connection, if they're still running. Need to know the news, whether military are succeeded on finishing the Z or not, going on zombie survivor boards and finding the new, necessary information and rumour while I can. Find the generator and everything needed to be comfortable.
g) Probably putting a sign that there are survivors here and there, so that people / SAR team would know.

Week 2?
If we're not rescued yet. Still lock up.I'm sure we can live for another week inside. Even if there's evacuation news. (except if there would be aerial bombing / nuke. Then we're off)

week 3?
Lock up, with chances of going outside increasing or decreasing depended on the situation.

week 4?
If things are getting worse, and zombies haven't decomposed yet (or they aren't), we're locking up. Thaaaanks.
If things are getting better, we're going out now. We'll probably drive...to somewhere safe. Or we can go to the harbor, then take a boat to one of the small islands. Of course, we're preparing and preferably going in groups or batches.
OR we will make groups and going for a hunt; survivors, tools, foods...everything.

week 5?
Repeat week 4.


Where would you head for before the zombies are in full spring?
The north? Canada/Greenland/North Pole? I don't know; do they freeze in subzero temperatures? If yes then there. If no...probably I'd rather lock myself in. Here we have quite a tropical weather and LOTS of flies; zombies would be decomposing quicker than they do on subtropical countries.

Whith your first choice is now out and the zombies are every where, What do you Do?
Either break down and kill myself, or trying to survive. :P Read above lists.

You've made it to a safe zone, but you keep seeing one man hunched over and dragging his leg?
Prepare my weapon, ask the man what's happening / did he get bitten, if he said yes then...

Either you killed the man or he turned, you've had to flee the safe zone, You come across a large bridge lined with cars, either you stay and fight the men from the safe zone or head across the bridge?
NO. NOT BOTH. I'd run towards the other way. There would be other, safer places.

Either crossing the bridge or fighting the men from teh safe zone has alerted zombies to your presense, what do you do?
RUN! RUN! RUN! Towards residential areas; people would probably escaped there, there I can go to the roof...somewhat, or probably finding supplies first and I can restart the escape there.

What kind of weapons do you grab?
ME want crowbars, but I don't know if we have one or not. :( if yes, then I'm taking that. but if no, then...probably some kind bat or hammer.

what about food, gotta have that right?
Not at first! I'm going to grab all possible food (preferably canned) from the house but I'm going to (firstly) grocery stores and shopping malls, so...

Do you work with a group or on your own?
a group. I can't survive on my own.

Is your family with you?
I'm living with them, so probably yes. My mother lives away, idk if the others will try to find them, but I probably wouldn't. It'd be too dangerous.

If so what are they doing?
They'd all have their opinions, but here it's life or death, and I probably am the one who know best about zombie apocalypse..but common sense still win, tho.

If not are you looking for them?
Hopefully no. I'll send text messages, call them, probably ask them to come over here, or if they had found a better place to escape to, then yes, but generally no. I don't want to be responsible for their deaths, nor do I want to be dead myself because of them.

Do you accept the reddker plan or one similer that your country has adopted?
Suuuure. >_>; sure (LOL, I see you're reading WWZ too), but yeah; I mean, they're still protected. And a lot of people means a LOT of resistance. Why not built a resistance army instead?

would you survive, why?
NOW this is hard. I admit still being a spoilt kid; I don't know how to drive, or any self-defense, and my preparation ain't that good. But that's what I'm generally doing right now....

Wow, this is LONG. I guess I'm that paranoid.