your ideal personality | INFJ Forum

your ideal personality


Sep 5, 2009
So, if you had to construct your ideal personality type, what it be and what traits or qualities would be essential?
My ideal personality would be more aggressive, commanding, fearless, truthful, honest, and self possessed without being imposing or dominating, which sounds contradictory. But humans are racked with contradictions. :D
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The one I have is pretty good so far, plus I am familiar with it and know what to expect. It is also flexible so if I did want to change something about it I could.
my ideal personality for myself is the one i have. i like who i am and have spent a lifetime getting to that point, so i don't want to change it now!
my ideal for another person or a partner is someone who is upbeat and positive, creative, and intelligent. they would be compassionate and at least somewhat spiritual minded.
'It must be understood that man consists of two parts: essence and personality. Essence in man is what is his own, personality is what is not his own. Not his own means what has come from outside, what he has learned, or reflects, all traces of exterior impressions left in the memory and in the sensations, all words and movements that have been learned, all feelings created by imitation - all this is not his own, all this is personality.
A small child has no personality yet. He is what he really is. He is essence. His desires, tastes, likes, dislikes, express his being such as it is.
Essence is the truth in man; personality is the false. But in proportion as personality grows, essence manifests itself more and more rarely, and more and more feebly, and it very often happens that essence stops its growth at a very early age and grows no further. It happens very often that the essence of a grown up man, even that of a very intellectual and, in the accepted meaning of the word, highly educated man, stops on the level of a child of five or six.' - P D Ouspensky
'It must be understood that man consists of two parts: essence and personality. Essence in man is what is his own, personality is what is not his own. Not his own means what has come from outside, what he has learned, or reflects, all traces of exterior impressions left in the memory and in the sensations, all words and movements that have been learned, all feelings created by imitation - all this is not his own, all this is personality.
A small child has no personality yet. He is what he really is. He is essence. His desires, tastes, likes, dislikes, express his being such as it is.
Essence is the truth in man; personality is the false. But in proportion as personality grows, essence manifests itself more and more rarely, and more and more feebly, and it very often happens that essence stops its growth at a very early age and grows no further. It happens very often that the essence of a grown up man, even that of a very intellectual and, in the accepted meaning of the word, highly educated man, stops on the level of a child of five or six.' - P D Ouspensky

I've often wondered about this difference between someone's core or "essence" and their persona. Yes as we get older, we do define ourselves more and eventually strip away much of the things that have we've put on as a result of socializing in our world. However, at some point, everything gets stripped down to an essential self which we recognize as "I". However, this doesn't mean we can't think about ways we would like to be or aspects we would develop. There's always the hypothetical or the possible.
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My ideal personality is quiet, yet forceful. Sensitive, yet self-contained. I know how to use the right words at the right time in the right way to achieve the right goal, set in my not so right mind.
I have these alter egos that seem cool in the fantasy anime universe in my head, but they wouldn't be very cool as people in the real world. In reality, my personality is pretty cool and I am okay with it. If I was able to be more mindlessly industrious and more confident in my capabilties that would be useful to me. Really I just think it would be great if life looked like it was playing out like a suave and titillating fairytale from an omniscient point of view and my own personality doesn't have much to do with it.
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Well I'd make myself stop trying to solve logical problems in my sleep.

I mean its kind of cool since dreaming produces visual stimulation, so I can arbitrarily draw diagrams and stuff directly onto my vision. It's however incredibly annoying and frustrating for a few reasons:
1. Stuff is hard to read in dreams
2. It's hard to remember what I discovered when I wake up
3. My dream self is really loopy and hardly ever comes up with anything useful.
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My "ideal" personality is a faceless cloak used, paradoxically, to crystallize my self. I consider personality an evolutionary force of character whose growth is paramount to individual well-being. It is an eternal work in progress whose dimensions shift and shatter across many strains of thought. Therefore, rather than reach for static traits that may not be universally advantageous, I allow myself to blur, become malleable, and fit into the constraints of the situation I'm in. I force myself to learn something from everything. Keeping myself on track simply requires routine self-diagnostics: whether things gained surpasses things lost and whether progress towards virtue has been made. I'm always on the look-out for more threads and colors to weave into my personality, deepening and refining the figurative cloak.

Ni-Fe ftw! Bahahaha!
Freedom from preference.

To be able to exercise strong judgement when suitable and enjoy it; and to be be able to be completely perceiving and non-prescriptive and enjoy it.
To be completely content and energised alone; and to be completely energised and happy when in company.
To relish concepts intuitively and to be caught up in sensory data without fatigue.
To be caring and detached; accomodating and principled without sorrow, or compromise.

Or in quasi myer-briggs: