Wishes for the New Year | INFJ Forum

Wishes for the New Year


Sep 5, 2009
What are your wishes for the New Year?
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It's my wish to get that book published.

The desire to reach as many souls with information to perhaps lighten their baggage, (traumatic, emotional, esteemic, the list is long). By creating the atmosphere of strength for ourselves, we open our baggage one bag at a time, evaluating its content, accepting our choices, forced or non, recognize and label them as step or mistep (mistake) in our direction, and release the bags heaviness through accepting that these 'things' are what shape us, what gives us courage, and what gives us Life.

Yes, some items in the bags are scary, some sacred; however, by naming and claiming them, our burden becomes lighter. We are not consumed by the weight of our baggage...This does not mean we should fill up our bags with new items once we've emptied out the old. Instead, when a new condition-experience-event arrises, make time to examine it in the moment.

Ask yourself, does 'this' belong to Me? If the answer is no, get rid of it. If the answer is yes, ask now how much is your responsibility, accept and acknowledge this responsibility and release what is not yours.

Once this becomes habit, the baggage will begin to lighten and peehaps disappear altogether, making room only for those 'things' within your control. The True things that are yours. For the bottomline is that we can only control what is within us to do so, it is a futile effort to continue to try and control what is outside of yourself....lay it down, let it go. Keep at it. Your best efforts are indeed good enough. Remind yourself daily...multiple times daily. There is 'try' and try is the first step to Do, as long as it is intentional and not used as excuse.

Be grateful for those 'things' that assist you in knowledge. Knowledge of good/ bad, right/wrong will only exits if you pay attention to the difference. Acceptance is letting go of the difference. In doing this you will indeed experience peace of mind, wholeness of heart, and joy.

It is my wish that we all invest in ourselves and cultivate the habit of addressing our experiences in the moment. Do not develop the habit of thinking that if we don't think about it it will just 'go away'. It will not, it will instead come back, and often at a time of inconvenience to us. A time when our bag is already full.

It is my wish that we all be well, be kind, be grateful...Be Love to ourself, and to others.

❤Blessed New Year to All❤
A substantial lottery pay off after which I will retire to a moderately uninhabited but well supplied and lavish island. Where I will stay until I am compelled to find another similar resting place. There I will ponder existence and the stars until they become to blurry to recognize.
I need to take more action. Not just think about it, but actually get a move on and make my visions become reality.

I have to be more patient as well, as I still think my mental fuse blows too soon. For this, I need to both be more in-the-moment and also be more mindful, so I'm able to take a step back while in the moment, to make more prudent decisions in the short term.
A substantial lottery pay off after which I will retire to a moderately uninhabited but well supplied and lavish island. Where I will stay until I am compelled to find another similar resting place. There I will ponder existence and the stars until they become to blurry to recognize.
I wish for my current state of positivity to be shared as much as possible with those around me! :smiley:

And I wish for my family to be well and in good health. That includes my cat Hazelnut of course, who will turn 14 next year.
fourteen in cat years?

Yes, I believe that's about 75 in human years... but granny Hazelnut is soooo youthful looking and cute :hearteyes: I'm stroking her right now and she's purring and saying hi to you all! *waves Hazelnut's paw*