Why do people tell me their secrets?

Most INFJ's have an imaginary "tell me your problems" sign floating above their head. I am one of them. I have actually grown to like it (partly cause I am extremely nosy).
You happen to be the one guy they think they can tell. You seem harmless enough for people to confess that they have three dead men buried in their backyard which may or may not have died due to a gang operation....
Most INFJ's have an imaginary "tell me your problems" sign floating above their head. I am one of them. I have actually grown to like it (partly cause I am extremely nosy).

sounds exactly like me :m114:
I have that, too. My friends know I'm less judgemental than most people, and that I can look at things from multiple angles. Also, I give pretty good advice for a teenager. It's particularly funny when they ask me for help/tell me things about their love life. Like I know...
Most INFJ's have an imaginary "tell me your problems" sign floating above their head. I am one of them. I have actually grown to like it (partly cause I am extremely nosy).

What he said.
I know that people tell me theirs because I don't judge, I don't pry, and I don't tell.

It's probably because there's a sincerity for good intentions. People like that.
I know people tell me things they would never tell another soul even upon the first meeting of me. I think it has a lot to do with other being able to tell that we are very secretive, understanding and caring. We generally care about what some one has to say. We will listen and give advice, honest advice despite any personal stock we may have in the person.
Why do people tell me things I shouldn't need to know (but already suspect)?

This sometimes happens with me and I don't know why. I like it when people tell me stuff like this, it makes me feel like I'm trustworthy and makes me feel good about myself because I'm pretty good at keeping secrets.