Who would make a good match for me? And why have my relationships with ISFJs been...


I'm INTJ/P. Was hoping to get some opinions from you guys.

1. What type would be a good match for me?
2. And does any one have any ideas on why have my relationships with ISFJs have all been complete catastrophes?
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Whatever you FEEEEEEEL like, partner. Whatever tickles your fancy. Although I'd have to say NFs are probably best... And WTF stay away from SJs... just stay away...
if you're a really attractive and healthy girl between the ages of 18-30 with a high sex drive: then me.

other than that, i dont even know where to start. you could check socionics relationship chart--

your dual, aka best relationship, would be an esfj according to them.

The LII is most engaged in communication when they are critically analyzing people's decisions and actions as well as how they generally are or are not consistent with certain pre-established goals. their dual, the ESE, likes hearing the LII's judgment, and simultaneously softens its edge by shifting their focus to how they are communicating their ideas, letting them see the intellectual thought process from the outside. The ESE appreciates and praises their ability to take the information seriously, but the ESE will find funny ways of reminding the LII of how they are coming across when they seem more serious than they realize.
It's too hard for SJs to understand intuitive thoughts. You'll be on different wavelengths all day every day.
lol maybe you just cant understand sensory thoughts. :rolleyes: or you need to communicate better. theres no sense in grouping people like that.
my advice, don't go off type. don't really even use it. If you know someone's type, fine, but it's better just to look at personal characteristics and character as a whole, without nomenclature or definitions to limit or box them in.
That being said, there's a balance. Not really what you asked, but that's my two cents.
It's too hard for SJs to understand intuitive thoughts. You'll be on different wavelengths all day every day.

I've had problems with explaining intuitive thoughts to SJs but you learn how to deal with it. At this point, I've explained and prooved it enough to my girlfriend that she automatically just assumes my intuitive thought is correct and just goes with it (unless I'm wrong). It's not impossible to deal with.
my advice, don't go off type. don't really even use it. If you know someone's type, fine, but it's better just to look at personal characteristics and character as a whole, without nomenclature or definitions to limit or box them in.
That being said, there's a balance. Not really what you asked, but that's my two cents.

This pigeonholing just seems so pointless to me. If someone wanted to date me because I'm INFP, I'd tell them to fuck off. Regardless of how I personally feel about the subject, I do hope that you find someone lovely. Just don't focus on type so much... if the chemistry is right, it's right.
That's why I said "whatever you feeeeel like, partner". Every PERSON within a type is different. Personally, I like INFJs the most, but they invariably come with some really fucking annoying tendencies. I've really liked certain INFPs and ENFPs before, and that's because they were sharp as hell. The feel of the connections were different. The way we communicated and nature of relationship felt different. I just happen to know, based on what I've seen, that I like NFs. It's just an estimation. I'm not stuck on the idea "I MUST HAVE AN INFJ". MBTI helps me understand people. It's not used as a checklist item.
lol maybe you just cant understand sensory thoughts. :rolleyes: or you need to communicate better. theres no sense in grouping people like that.
Err... I'm surprised you would dismiss what I said without more careful consideration. I don't just blurt shit out without having thought it through, even if I seem to be making a strong statement. I know you like to think that everyone's equal and so on and so forth, but keep it real. SURE you can take the time to break down every thought you have that your SJ buddy doesn't understand, you'll be quite busy with this all day long, and your SJ friend STILL won't understand you as well as an NT or NF would with 10x less explanation. It's no way to have a friendship or relationship. It makes perfect sense to group people like that.
my advice, don't go off type...

I've had problems with explaining intuitive thoughts to SJs but you learn how to deal with it. At this point, I've explained and prooved it enough to my girlfriend that she automatically just assumes my intuitive thought is correct and just goes with it (unless I'm wrong). It's not impossible to deal with.

Hmm..I simply couldn't get through to these women though. It's like I'm in some weird alternate universe. It was like talking to a f'in monkey. It started as a joke but by the end, with all sarcasm possible, I meant the phrase "Oh, ok, you're right, let's not let facts get in the way of the argument."

Anyway, the thing is, there have been three ISFJs in a row. I wasn't really paying that much attention and was not into types that much, even though I knew mine. It was more of a novelty. But the more I thought about it the more eerily similar they seemed. So I started going over old e-mails. ISFJ. ISFJ. I was feeling a lot of tightness in my chest by the time I got to the third one. It was like seeing the sign of the devil. ISFJ. The profile of ISFJ has them pegged too. It might seem unwise dismiss people like that, but 3 outta 3? Not doing that again. I only mean as far as relationships you know? I'm still friends with one.

...SURE you can take the time to break down every thought you have that your SJ buddy doesn't understand, you'll be quite busy with this all day long, and your SJ friend STILL won't understand you as well as an NT or NF would with 10x less explanation...

I'm intrigued and want to be a guinea pig for the good of mankind. I will brave a conversation with an SJ friend and report back. I won't bother trying to explain something to her, but what kinds of thoughts would be good for her to explain to me? What questions can I probe her with? OK, on second thought I will also try to explain something to her, but what would be a really good example of some intuitive thoughts?
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Don't select your mate based on MBTI. Select your mate based on attraction and also respectfulness. Everyone should have someone who listens to them and makes an effort to solve problems as they occur and not let them pile up. Till you find the person you should work on those qualities in yourself. If communication fails, relationships fail.
I'm INTJ/P. Was hoping to get some opinions from you guys.

1. What type would be a good match for me?

The truth is that people of any two types can fall in deep love. Love is more a matter of gratitude than type.

However, from working as a personality profiler for two years, I've come to see a pattern that seems to work better than average: change the first letter and keep the second one the same.

Introverts and extroverts generally teach the other how to get in touch with their secondary function (which is the opposite of their introverted or extroverted nature), and therefore it's a growth relationship.

Sensors that date sensors and intuitives that date intuitives do better, as they have a common way of viewing the world.

2. And does any one have any ideas on why have my relationships with ISFJs have all been complete catastrophes?

The most important letter is the N/S split. Our entire way of taking in information, and hence what information we find interesting, is based on your being an intuitive or sensor. To communicate across that gap takes greater patience and understanding than it would otherwise require. The benefits are also generally less: sensors are not generally going to provide you with conversation or advice that is interesting or even relevant to you. Often bridging the gap is quite worth it though, sensors are great at things we intuitives are not, and vice versa.
Who you get along with best, respect, loyal to and love as your equal. That could be anyone of any MBTI type.
However there is this book if you're interested: Love Types
Its a book on MBTI compatibility, you can download the whole book for free by clicking on the link.
LOL @darth_tater

you amuse me, let's date

edit: that is if/after i break up with my boyfriend which wont be anytime soon

and if you aren't far away

or old

both of which you probably are