

Permanent Fixture
I can see that being natural for INFJ's to be "wistleblowers", and I am often like this. However, I tread lightly on how I do this, as I take the concideration of the potential consequences of being one.
i agree with IndigoSensor

many times, foreseen consequences are not worth the rigidity of moral highground
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I can definitely agree to this. My intuition is usually right about the upcoming problems in the system. I am into finance, so back in 2006 I gave warnings to everyone to get out of the market, because it's gonna collapse. All the signs were there, but EVERYONE refused to look at them - it was a really frustrating time for me then. And no, I'm not making this up ;)

BTW something similar, but on a smaller scale will happen again this fall or at the end of the summer. You'll be able to check it out.
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This is kinda off topic, but I laughed when they used the phrase "ethically challenged brethren"

I think it's completely logical and I can see how INFJs can be "whistleblowers". And good for you Tamagochi ! :D
I can definitely agree to this. My intuition is usually right about the upcoming problems in the system. I am into finance, so back in 2006 I gave warnings to everyone to get out of the market, because it's gonna collapse. All the signs were there, but EVERYONE refused to look at them - it was a really frustrating time for me then. And no, I'm not making this up ;)

BTW something similar, but on a smaller scale will happen again this fall or at the end of the summer. You'll be able to check it out.

So...in other words...score a scholarship before they begin cutting money again
I've got a little story to tell. I use to have a friend by the name of Nick. I believe him to be INFJ.

I'm a consultant type personality at school. I'll do for knowledge or payment, and I know how to do a lot. I made a lot of money scamming people, or just offering my help at school. I also often broke school rules or silly laws.

My friend Nick loved to tattle tail. He'd do so because he felt it was right. The friendship mattered to him, but his morality overruled it. Until one day that is.

On this day I'm not sure what happened, but he snapped and started hitting a female. I may be an asshole but I have a few lines, and one of them is that you never hit a girl unless she's trying to kill you, or she starts the fight. So I knocked him out. The bus driver wrote him up, and told him he'd need to go see the principle. For about two hours we fought back and forth. Both of us using Fists and Words until an ESFJ & another INFJ got between us.

So, we worked it out little by little until that morning. He found himself in the office waiting, but unlike all those times he sent me to the office alone, he was not. I was by his side the whole way. Because even though it was against my lines I saw no logical or illogical reason to end my friendship.

The point of the story is that I don't think he realized until that day what great friends we were. I was not only the person that stopped him from doing something he'd hate himself for later, but also the light to guide him through the darkness, and he never tattle tailed on me again.
If I were as much of a whistle blower as my heart wanted, everyone would hate me.

Oh wait...
I think I tend to be a whistleblower. I used to get paid to be one, actually, and I was pretty good at doing my job (lifeguard). I also kind of feel a nagging obligation to help others before things get really ugly. It might be nagging because I rarely act on the impulse. Nerves always get to me before I can ... I always think about the worst things that can happen before I act ... so yeah :m056: