Where should you sing? | Page 2 | INFJ Forum

Where should you sing?

You Should Sing in the Car

You may not be ready for your big stage debut, but you're a decent singer.
You can carry a tune, and you should be proud to have others here you sing.

Whenever a favorite song comes on the radio, crank it up and start singing.
Whether you're alone or with friends, belt it out. Singing is an awesome release.
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You Should Sing On Public Transport

You love pop music and you love to sing along to your headphones.
You don't care how tuneless your voice is as long as it feels good.
And you don't care who gets annoyed - they should lighten up.

You go girl.
They need to add:
You should sing on Rockband. As a result for this quiz lol.

It's for those of us that fall somewhere between the car and karaoke.
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You Should Sing At Karaoke


You love to sing, and you don't care whether you're good at it or not.
Singing is its own reward, and you think that everyone should sing.

You're a total ham, and you just love being in front of a crowd.
For you, singing is celebrating, and you like to sing as much as possible!
You Should Sing on Stage

You've got amazing pipes, and it's time that you use them! You are a born star.
You would wow a crowd with your voice. You just need to get in front of a bunch of people and start singing.

It's likely that you're a naturally good singer, but it's also true that you practice a lot. You love to sing.
You could be the next American Idol or the next world famous opera star. You've got the talent for either (or both!)

This is actually pretty accurate.