and what sort of limits (if any) should we place on it?
Is it an end in it's self, or a means to an end?
I hope you didn't think I was against science or don't appreciate what science has given us. I'm just interested in the differing attitudes to it, for Shai Gar knowledge is the only goal, for you science exists to make life better for us, right?
Seriously? Satya's gunna love you...
LOL, your argument is my reason for my name Shai Gar
Shaitan is arabic for the adversary, or devil
Gar is old english for spear.
The Spear of the Adversary is the weapon of the devil, which is knowledge/science. (or, that's how fundies tend to say it (both muslim and christian))
Are you certain you're not ISTJ rather than INTJ? Nearly every INTJ I've met online seems to hold the search for knowledge as their highest goal. The search for knowledge is science.
Satan's most accepted tool to distract minds.
Well i hope Satya realizes that even his avatar doesnt agree with any form of science...that im aware of. And if Satya finds himself agreeing with science and yet is attracted to avatars of that sort...well, that simply proves me farther.
Hahaha Im definitely INTJ. Ive even gotten INTP multiple times. I strive for knowledge, much of it. Just not through science. Through the bible, i find this knowledge much more meaningful and fulfilling.