What's the purpose of science?


Right the First Time!
and what sort of limits (if any) should we place on it?

Is it an end in it's self, or a means to an end?
to discover everything there is to discover, and prove it
engineering is to create all there is to create
Why bother?
maybe you don't want to, but us, we likes knowledge. also... there should never be limits to science.
Why do you want knowledge, is knowledge the end or the means to an end?
An end itself. I'd cut off my testicles to be able to enter a black hole, and stay alive to know precisely what happened, and what's inside.
What an interesting perspective. I would be happier just wondering. :D
and what sort of limits (if any) should we place on it?

Is it an end in it's self, or a means to an end?

Science exists to explain the world around us. Almost everything we take for granted today can be traced back to science. The building you are in was built by science. The food you eat was grown with science. The internet you are using now was created with science. All technological advance is the product of science.

People so easily forget what the world use to be like just a couple hundred years ago. Infant mortality was high, so it was very common for parents to bury their children. The second greatest cause of death among women was giving birth, so it was very common for husbands to bury their wives. Disease was rampant before the advent of antibiotics, and you have to wonder who was left to bury the men.

Science exists to make the world a better place. Obviously there needs to be ethical principles in place. The Tuskegee study and the Nuremberg trials are proof of that. But science creates new means and ends every day.
I hope you didn't think I was against science or don't appreciate what science has given us. I'm just interested in the differing attitudes to it, for Shai Gar knowledge is the only goal, for you science exists to make life better for us, right?
Actually if you think about it, science is mainly about proving ideas wrong in order to come closer to the truth. We don't know anything is true, really; we can only disprove. We can make correlations, but nothing is for certain. A theory is just that, a theory. We can use science to try to explain things and have a better understanding, but there is know way for us to prove that something 100% true.
I hope you didn't think I was against science or don't appreciate what science has given us. I'm just interested in the differing attitudes to it, for Shai Gar knowledge is the only goal, for you science exists to make life better for us, right?

It exists foremost to understand the world. There are only three fundamental ways to understand the world.

Mystical Knowledge: intuitive, religious, or spiritual knowledge that is based on faith instead of evidence.

Subjective Knowledge: subject accounts (opinions) of human experiences

Objective Knowledge: the tentative understanding of the world based on facts which are expressed in probabilities or demographics.

Mystical knowledge leads humans to be arrogant because every man feels they know "the Truth" and we fight amongst ourselves for meaningless religions, political ideologies, etc. Subjective knowledge leads people to take things for granted and believe that world is as it always has been and it will always be this way. However, objective knowledge uses science to provide verifiable measures of the probability of truth and uses history to show us exactly how things have changed over time.

There is one more advanced form of knowledge, critical knowledge, which uses objective facts and subjective experiences as expressed in case studies, to determine societal goals and the methods and policies used to reach them, but that is primarily a social scientific form of knowledge.
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Knowledge pleases some people, safety we can achieve by using it appeals to even more people. The ability to use theories to make predictions is truly important. As is the ability to make tools. Science and arts are what sets us apart from other great apes. And so far we have been way more succesful as a species. That´s how I´see it in a larger scale.

Why bother? Not everyone, but many people have that inherent curiosity and get their kicks from studying and discovering things. Including myself.
Seriously? Satya's gunna love you...
Seriously? Satya's gunna love you...

Well i hope Satya realizes that even his avatar doesnt agree with any form of science...that im aware of. And if Satya finds himself agreeing with science and yet is attracted to avatars of that sort...well, that simply proves me farther.

No offense to Satya at all.
LOL, your argument is my reason for my name Shai Gar

Shaitan is arabic for the adversary, or devil
Gar is old english for spear.

The Spear of the Adversary is the weapon of the devil, which is knowledge/science. (or, that's how fundies tend to say it (both muslim and christian))

Are you certain you're not ISTJ rather than INTJ? Nearly every INTJ I've met online seems to hold the search for knowledge as their highest goal. The search for knowledge is science.
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LOL, your argument is my reason for my name Shai Gar

Shaitan is arabic for the adversary, or devil
Gar is old english for spear.

The Spear of the Adversary is the weapon of the devil, which is knowledge/science. (or, that's how fundies tend to say it (both muslim and christian))

Are you certain you're not ISTJ rather than INTJ? Nearly every INTJ I've met online seems to hold the search for knowledge as their highest goal. The search for knowledge is science.

Hahaha Im definitely INTJ. Ive even gotten INTP multiple times. I strive for knowledge, much of it. Just not through science. Through the bible, i find this knowledge much more meaningful and fulfilling. It saddens me that youre muslim, are you open to change with that?

And thank you for agreeing with me, i didnt realize that what your other posts were saying (i actually didnt read them at all).
Satan's most accepted tool to distract minds.


Well i hope Satya realizes that even his avatar doesnt agree with any form of science...that im aware of. And if Satya finds himself agreeing with science and yet is attracted to avatars of that sort...well, that simply proves me farther.

Judging a book by its cover eh?

An intuitive personality makes no less a critical mind.