what's in our eyes


Permanent Fixture
our eyes are deep, i have a feeling that i am close to finding something remarkable

i need some help

i would appreciate anyone interested in helping me

this is something which has been developing for years, though i didnt know it

and now i feel like i'm tapping into something we have almost lost

i'm not pursuing this for money

this knowledge must get out to the people, and it must get out in the right way or the wrong people will manipulate it

i am hesitant to say too much

all i need are some open individuals to talk to right now
Feel free to bounce your ideas and thoughts off of me whenever. :)
I am here. You could aim me or whathaveyou.

(Wait. Nevermind. infj stuff. Didn't see that.)
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dneecey, acd, thank you

both of you have meant a lot to me on this forum

i probably wouldnt have stuck around as long as i did if it weren't for you two

i have some really strong intuitions and i need some fellow helpers/scientists to help pick at this thing with me

there is no money in this, but the rewards will be greater than you can imagine

again... this is an open call to all who are interested in something bigger than your self

this goes beyond just playing around

i know i just need to find the right people

anyone have EEG monitoring equipment?
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Let me help you, myself! I'm intrigued, and I hope you'll find me trustworthy.
What is it, bennyben?
Miss you, bee-tee-dubya. <3
Oh Ben, it's finally time I've returned at least some of your numerous favors you've done for me
i would love to hear your thoughts. PM me if you wish :)

not sure how much assistance i can be, but i'd be interested nonetheless
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thank you all for showing your interest
this week has been especially draining
trying to keep my friend from the edge
barely got to sleep this week...but i'm handlin'
and life goes on

i was sitting with my friend Rivers
he is almost 4 years old
we had a staring contest
it took a few attempts to get him to focus
and i just let myself feel 'blank' while i looked at him and he looked at me

after half a minute we broke the gaze
i asked him how he felt, if he felt anything
he said "i feel funny"
he was relaxed, and feeling good about our eye exchange

i could tell that it did something for him

then he pointed to his right eye and said "mommy", pointed to his left "daddy"

i have tried this exercise with him twice

the second time our eye contact was shorter and less focused, as there were many other people around to distract/make noise

but even after a brief moment of eye contact...maybe 10-15 seconds
he said "i feel better"
and again, pointed to his right and left eye, appointing mommy to the right and daddy to the left

you must understand, this kid is an exceptionally gifted one
he is extremely creative and bright

i think he is young enough to actually feel his mom and dad coming through his eyes

it kinda makes sense

try closing your left eye, look around and feel the scene
do the same with your right, and test it out
pay attention to the difference in your perception
maybe we all have mom on one side and dad on the other

i can feel a difference, if i pay attention to it
maybe it's just a dominant right eye i've got... not really certain
all this doesnt matter so much

this is just one small piece of the puzzle

my most intense experiences with eye contact have involved people dealing with heavy shit

when i look into those eyes, at first see nothing but walls
those walls have to be breached
when the defenses are down
the real person behind that face begins to come out

this is an extremely intense, emotional process
i think i am allowing troubled individuals to be calm

through this gaze i establish a level of trust
and there is acceptance which takes place on a deep level
just one person, wholly accepting another

some people never get to feel that, and they need it so desperately
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thank you all for showing your interest
this week has been especially draining
trying to keep my friend from the edge
barely got to sleep this week...but i'm handlin'
and life goes on

i was sitting with my friend Rivers
he is almost 4 years old
we had a staring contest
it took a few attempts to get him to focus
and i just let myself feel 'blank' while i looked at him and he looked at me

after half a minute we broke the gaze
i asked him how he felt, if he felt anything
he said "i feel funny"
he was relaxed, and feeling good about our eye exchange

i could tell that it did something for him

then he pointed to his right eye and said "mommy", pointed to his left "daddy"

i have tried this exercise with him twice

the second time our eye contact was shorter and less focused, as there were many other people around to distract/make noise

but even after a brief moment of eye contact...maybe 10-15 seconds
he said "i feel better"
and again, pointed to his right and left eye, appointing mommy to the right and daddy to the left

you must understand, this kid is an exceptionally gifted one
he is extremely creative and bright

i think he is young enough to actually feel his mom and dad coming through his eyes

it kinda makes sense

try closing your left eye, look around and feel the scene
do the same with your right, and test it out
pay attention to the difference in your perception
maybe we all have mom on one side and dad on the other

i can feel a difference, if i pay attention to it
maybe it's just a dominant right eye i've got... not really certain
all this doesnt matter so much

this is just one small piece of the puzzle

my most intense experiences with eye contact have involved people dealing with heavy shit

when i look into those eyes, at first see nothing but walls
those walls have to be breached
when the defenses are down
the real person behind that face begins to come out

this is an extremely intense, emotional process
i think i am allowing troubled individuals to be calm

through this gaze i establish a level of trust
and there is acceptance which takes place on a deep level
just one person, wholly accepting another

some people never get to feel that, and they need it so desperately

That line struck really hard for some reason.
You might be interested to know that when my gf and I were first getting to know each other we were sitting together one day. She got silent and stared at me. She didn't think I would stare back, or if I did I would certainly give up quickly. But no, I stared right at her and we did this for a good ten minutes in total silence. After that she was very comfortable and open around me and vice versa.

You see, I have always felt as though I can break through to the "real" person by staring at them. I use eye contact as a purposeful tool when I discuss serious matters with people.

I don't share this kind of thing usually, but it seems pertinent to your venture here.

I'm very new to this forum so it will maybe take time to trust me but there are a few things I could help you with someway or another. Between personnal thoughts and few scientific facts... And experience.
Feel free to contact me if you wish...

I want in on this too. Seems you're tapping into a very intriguing concept. I'm open and want to understand what you have to share.
This is very interesting. I was considering posting a thread about communicating through eye contact, this makes me think of that. Count me in for help, I very much believe that emotions can be communicated with eye contact.
What's in our eyes?

Here's a scientific explanation:



In all seriousness, the muscles around the eyes says a lot. Relaxed muscles have the eyes move more gently and naturally, tense muscles gives it a jerky and off movement.

As for the pupils, well I'm not sure if you know, but when someone is into somebody their pupil eyes usually get bigger, this is especially true in the heat of love. It's more relaxed and is collecting a lot of light (or in other words you!).

I could go on from shit I've read, but I'm distracted now!

All in all, I think the eyes are a good representation of the entire's body physical and emotional state.
Today was really an anxiety filled day today.

Not being able to have my own thoughts follow through to completion really put me on edge.
What's in our eyes?

Here's a scientific explanation:


All in all, I think the eyes are a good representation of the entire's body physical and emotional state.

wikipedia has interesting info on that optic disk...
imagine that...a million neurons right there in the eyes...

wiki says... "A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information by electrical and chemical signaling."

and then i found this info about Ganglion cells on this site http://webvision.med.utah.edu/

"For the greater part of 150 years it was assumed that the mammalian retina contained only two types of photoreceptors; rods and cones. However, a flurry of recent evidence has demonstrated the existence of a third type of mammalian photoreceptor that differs greatly from rods and cones. This type utilizes a different photopigment, is much less sensitive to light, and has far less spatial resolution; characteristics that fit perfectly with this photoreceptor's primary function of signaling changes in ambient light levels to the brain throughout the day. Most surprisingly, these photoreceptors are ganglion cells, and thus, have the unique ability to communicate directly with the brain. These intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) are a rare sub-population of ganglion cells (1-3%) whose primary role is to signal light for unconscious visual reflexes, such as pupillary constriction, and regulating a number of daily behavioral and physiological rhythms, collectively called circadian rhythms. This latter process, which adjusts circadian rhythms to the light/dark cycle of an animal's environment, is known as photoentrainment. The visual behaviors under ipRGC control are remarkably tonic, and require long integration times of ambient light levels. The unique properties of ipRGCs, both functionally and anatomically, make them well suited for regulating such behaviors."

http://webvision.med.utah.edu/Melanopsin.html#Conclusions and questions

so i wonder if this has any thing to do
with a sensation i felt recently
when a very troubled girl was staring at me
it felt as if a very fine silk thread was being pulled out of my eye
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These intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) are a rare sub-population of ganglion cells (1-3%) whose primary role is to signal light for unconscious visual reflexes, such as pupillary constriction, and regulating a number of daily behavioral and physiological rhythms, collectively called circadian rhythms. This latter process, which adjusts circadian rhythms to the light/dark cycle of an animal's environment, is known as photoentrainment. The visual behaviors under ipRGC control are remarkably tonic, and require long integration times of ambient light levels. The unique properties of ipRGCs, both functionally and anatomically, make them well suited for regulating such behaviors."

http://webvision.med.utah.edu/Melanopsin.html#Conclusions and questions

what do you all take from this?

i'd like to develop the ability to make my pupils open up, just by focusing on it

i think there are others that could do this

i think that we give other people access to us when we maintain eye contact

two minds, linking up through the eyes

that is exactly what is going on

we speak to each other without saying a word