What would be a cool invention?


Community Member
8w 5 & 4
Enough with these boring yet another social networking site, startups that want to make commission off insurance companies and otherwise people twittering their life away.

What I think would be a cool invention: If we can allow colour-blind people be able to see colour. How awesome would that be?

I was inspired by this video: [video]https://vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/121698707[/video]

You can almost breathe the fresh air. What would you want to invent?
But are they really color blind? I have never seen a doctor administer the test correctly by compensating for external lighting differences. And such a test could be devised both in favor and against one with color blindness which leads to yet more inquiry of legitimacy. Many were proven wrong in that even dogs see color. But on a similar note of visual perceptions, I think women like guys with big hats yay or nay?

Would this sudden curiosity be brought about from reading up on new bionic eye procedures being undertaken in Britain?
  • Planet terraforming
  • Carbon dioxide cleanup
  • DNA analysis / hereditary risk assessment and mitigation strategies
  • Occulus Rift porn
  • Anal bleaching
That the person could change somehow electronically the optical power/prescription of the eyeglasses without always needing to buy new ones since eyeglasses cost fortune in my country, lol.
  • Planet terraforming
  • Carbon dioxide cleanup
  • DNA analysis / hereditary risk assessment and mitigation strategies
  • Occulus Rift porn
  • Anal bleaching

We already have planet terraforming...they're already doing that
We also have CO2 clean up...the plants do that
transformer computers which never break down. They simply transform into newer computers and automatically install the models and newest systems. as long as they don't develop their own consciousness like Chappie, I think I'm good. :D
Truthfully a 3D printer that prints grahphene. Watch the world change
An inexpensive setup to down small drones that get too close to areas of great importance that might be weaponized....other than a 12 gauge shotgun.
An inexpensive setup to down small drones that get too close to areas of great importance that might be weaponized....other than a 12 gauge shotgun.

I can see it now. Drone wars....
A device that records visuals as they appear in your brain,
be it videos or images, and translates them into files that can be accessed with relevant programs.

For example, a person could create a virtual world entirely from recording the images of their brain,
import it into say a game engine, share an image, create an entire movie or 3d print an object among-st a million other possibilities.
A lie detector on every computer so that no lies could be typed and posted onto the internet
It would not work as people who believe something that is not true would pass localized lie detectors.

good point

I guess we will have to act as the lie detectors
A customization booth that works by reassembling/rearranging things at the subatomic particle level to allow people to:
- look the way they want to
- will allow people to restore their bodies when damaged
- would allow for invalids to be able to walk again.
- Simply change clothes to any kind of apparel they could imagine. :m153:
A customization booth that works by reassembling/rearranging things at the subatomic particle level to allow people to:
- look the way they want to
- will allow people to restore their bodies when damaged
- would allow for invalids to be able to walk again.
- Simply change clothes to any kind of apparel they could imagine. :m153:

I'll take three please! :D
Something that can be dissolved in the ocean that would dissolve all plastics and pollution, but would not have any effect on marine plant or animal life.
Enough with these boring yet another social networking site, startups that want to make commission off insurance companies and otherwise people twittering their life away.

What I think would be a cool invention: If we can allow colour-blind people be able to see colour. How awesome would that be?

I was inspired by this video: [video]https://vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/121698707[/video]

You can almost breathe the fresh air. What would you want to invent?
A built in printer into a computer.