same resultYou Are In Stage I
Even though you are far from being an actual infant, you are in the infant stage of development.
You are still figuring out the world around you, and you are still developing trust.
For whatever reason, you don't have a lot of consistency in your life. It's sometimes hard for you to cope.
If you're not careful you can withdraw from the world. What you need is more people to love and more hope in your life
This test hates introverts, I have hope and love.
This test hates introverts, I have hope and love.
1 X _ _ _ _ _ _ 7
Disagree Strongly
I'm a Toys R' Us kid!
same result
Stage I
(this test sucks ass)
I am in!We should form our own club where we tell people they smell and throw water balloons at each other.