what should i do for my future?


Regular Poster
like... i wanna be a big boy and all but i just want to find a job that doesnt require alot of college with the best wages. after that i can take more school or whatever i need but anyhow,

what do you people think?

where can i make the most money with least college

If you don't want to do the college thing, then skills are the name of the game. My interest have led me to consider massage therapy or acupressure, while Acupuncture and Physical Therapy require at least a bachelors in the States. Still they are all growing professions. You won't be rich, but you'll be okay to comfortable depending on your lifestyle.

Believe or not, you can even make a living doing balloon art. Though, when in doubt intern, even if one doesn't exist, sometimes you can negotiate one for yourself. If nothing else, you'll find out what you don't want to do, and that's just as valuable.

peace and elf shoes,

start a business? lots of people are naturally commercially astute and make a lot of money this way.
Get into anything that does work based training.
Join the military it literally requires zero college. Of course you have to risk being deployed.

Hey you asked.
An apprenticeship might be good - you get a guarenteed job placement and you don't have to pay for college/university.
But they're awfully limited these days. Usually you need some good connections. Maybe try joining a group to do with something you're interested in and scouts might pop up. Of course, that's kind of unlikely, but you never know.
I'd just do what you want to do for now and it should get you to somewhere you want to be in future.
well im the left handed weird guy... i click with people really well and i play guitar well.
other than that im just average. i mean, im not afraid of some college i just wanna know you guys opinions
If you don't have academic smarts, then you need street smarts. Look for local meetups, conventions and get integrated with some sector of the community. You won't need to worry about wages if you know money management.

There are trade skills and licenses abound and can start there. EMT, volunteer firefighter, HVAC licence etc.

If you are an industrious person, be a dishwasher, taxi driver, waiter that sort of thing.

Go to a local camber of commerce meeting and talk to people. See where the businesses are good and start from the ground up. delivery driver, book keeper whatever.

Get yourself some street smarts.
like... i wanna be a big boy and all but i just want to find a job that doesnt require alot of college with the best wages. after that i can take more school or whatever i need but anyhow,

what do you people think?

where can i make the most money with least college


The public service. You need to go to a government town for this.
Well, it depends on what you mean by "a lot of money." A lot of money is relative to the amount of stuff you own and have to take care of. If you don't have debt or bills you could get by quite comfortably on very little, and still have enough to save. If, however, you expect to lead an extravagant lifestyle with parties and expensive toys, then you'll need to set your sights on careers that will take you to that point.

My advice--? Start at the lowest level in the career you eventually want and save your money. Put it away. Live frugally now so you'll have the money for later. Don't get into the trap most of us have, living paycheck to paycheck...because a bigger paycheck shouldn't mean you can get more stuff; it should mean that you can put more away for the tougher times that come.

And they do come. Yes indeedy.

Get out a piece of paper and begin writing down what you'd like to do for the rest of your life. Don't worry about the money aspect; worry about what you could see yourself doing for thirty or forty years. Then once you have that short list, investigate what it'll take to start in those professions. Talk to the people who work those jobs. Find out what the entry level is like. You may decide not to take a job, once you discover how much work it takes to get to the "top."

In the interim, before you get that entry level job, you can always do retail or food service. Those places can be temporary to help you get on your feet and to help you begin saving towards your dream job.

Tl;dr: Do what you love; the money will follow.