What qualities or characteristics make you unique?

1) What have others said or mentioned to you about your presence or effect on them which gives you a sense of your difference or uniqueness (positive of course)?
- Insightful. Agree with everyone that it's difficult to talk about positives.

2) What have you noticed or realized about yourself which makes you stand out, noticeable or different in a positive way?
- I'm a good listener.
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I guess above all, being a paradox. I am proof that the world is NOT black and white but really varying shades. One of these paradoxes that gives me a kick (yeah, still and forever) is the feeling of being incredibly wise and aged and being an innocent, pure child.
1) What have others said or mentioned to you about your presence or effect on them which gives you a sense of your difference or uniqueness (positive of course)

-The empathic thing is a big one. I can quell people's insecurities and anxieties because i guess i give off a tranquil, non-threatening feeling. friends, coworkers, people i barely know are constantly sharing their deep, dark secrets with me... i can get even the stoniest ST/NT types to admit some kind of vulnerability.
-kooky humor, ability to make people giggle at things they normally wouldn't :)

2) What have you noticed or realized about yourself which makes you stand out, noticeable or different in a positive way?

- able to express myself reasonably well through several mediums, through visual art and music. nobody in my family does anything creative so i guess that sets me apart.
- ability to see value in (and sometimes sincerely appreciate) anybody, regardless of socioeconomic background or mistakes a person has made. i think this is an INFP thing.
- i live to break people's stereotypical views. can an INFP be cuddly AND a badass? :m114:
- i've been told i have "good hair"
- i am not afraid of giving someone i just met a real, two-armed, full on hug when i say goodbye to them

we are all too cool for school, clearly :D
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1) What have others said or mentioned to you about your presence or effect on them which gives you a sense of your difference or uniqueness (positive of course)?


2) What have you noticed or realized about yourself which makes you stand out, noticeable or different in a positive way?

My drive to succeed in my dreams and to not let anything step in my way of accomplishing them, also my veiw on the world is different to most people in the society I live in.
1) What have others said or mentioned to you about your presence or effect on them which gives you a sense of your difference or uniqueness (positive of course)?

I have been called "intelligent" by most people in my environment ( family, school environment, friends) and being perveived as intelligent has always been kind of an essential part of my self-worth ( Just so you know, I think my "intelligence" isn't evenly balanced in different areas, but this may also be due to a lack of encouragement, esp. in the musical field.)I have come to believe that I am this insightful, smart person I am perceived as to some extent and over the course of time and tried to live up to my reputation.
My level of quietness has been mentioned by others more frequently in the past when I was - on top of being very introverted- also very self-concious. People remarked I was so*
" unbelievably quiet". Also, other people tend to label me "conceited", however, this has only occured with those who don't know me at all or strongly violate my values. People I am close to tell me I'm caring, nice, funny, and almost always express their surprise about this other side of me. A teacher once asked me if I was always such a serious person.

I get calming presence and pleasant, unique voice sometimes aswell ;)..

2) What have you noticed or realized about yourself which makes you stand out, noticeable or different in a positive way?

I care about issues my peers aren't concerned about, I want to make a difference and not just pursue a prestigious career to earn a lot of money. In this time of our lives, we all focus on the future, it's almost unwritten and I do want to serve a greater cause..Just in general, I feel like an old soul a lot of the time and have "strange" interests.

Introversion would be another point. In a world dominated by extraverts, this adds to a sense of general difference.

Little details in life, glances, a particular lighting outside, a special peace of music can totally make my day and occupy my brain for quite a while..and evoke those emotions I struggle to verbalize appropriately.
I desire bonds with others that I can't seem to form or that other people don't feel a need for
I am very easily hurt, sometimes even by constructively intended critic, and this is something I need to work on.
My acquaintances always comment that I am "happy" and "in a good mood." Strangers will most often smile at me and say hi. I've been told I am very approachable. This doesn't surprise me. I enjoy being kind to strangers. I've been told that I am often noticed immediately when I walk into a room, like when I go to court for example. I think this has to do with carrying myself with confidence.

I think how people perceive me is how I want to be perceived and how I also perceive myself. I am very conscious of social etiquette, not bad mouthing others, quick to give compliments to anyone, or offer assistance to someone if they are near me and in immediate need, etc. I believe that kindness is contagious.
1) What have others said or mentioned to you about your presence or effect on them which gives you a sense of your difference or uniqueness (positive of course)?

2) What have you noticed or realized about yourself which makes you stand out, noticeable or different in a positive way?

1) I've been told that I: am very interesting
have a unique sense of humour
offer creative solutions to problems
am quite strange but in a good way

2) Hm, while I have many positive attributes, I'm not sure if I would call any unique. I've met others with the same absurd sense of humour as mine and who are odd. I remember someone once remarked that while I have my head in the clouds, I also have my feet on the ground. I think that would by my most unique quality. There are many practical realists in the world and many idealistic dreamers but few who are both.
I have a cool smile when in a good mood.
I was told by an old best friend, we're still great friends, that I should stop expecting others to act like me. OK, so maybe I have a high expectation for people I have come in close contact with. I learned to expect the best and prepare for the worst. I would bounce my feelings off my friend, and I think he gave me some form of compliment when he told me that. He has repeated it once or twice over the years.

Learned a lot about human nature over the decades. I sometimes will not work with people when I know how they will react to situations from the past. I mostly work alone now. Last couple of people I met I could work with were females and I feel like it would start problems at home. Why?

Saw a young lady working as a receptionist at a medical facility once. Told the wife someone would snatch her up from there quickly. Next I heard, she was working for a senator or someone running for the senate. I can see their actions and reactions and just know how well they would represent a company with their attitude. That's not good when one can't use it.
1) What have others said or mentioned to you about your presence or effect on them which gives you a sense of your difference or uniqueness (positive of course)?
- Very empathic, ''world needs more people like you''

2) What have you noticed or realized about yourself which makes you stand out, noticeable or different in a positive way?
- I really love to listen people and stories of their lives. Worries and laughs, everything. There's always something new to learn from every person.