What is your tritype? | INFJ Forum

What is your tritype?


Seeker at heart
Oct 10, 2017
It's been a while since the last thread on enneagram tritype. So here's a new one.

As some of you may know, for a long time I hesitated to lend credence to enneagram in view of what I considered its excess of complexity. But recently I identified my tritype (458 - The Scholar) and I must say that since then, I keep returning to the description I have found online and the almost chilling accuracy of it.

This naturally makes me curious about the tritypes of other people on this forum, as I'm now tempted to think that the tritype can be a really good complementary to Enneagram.

So - what is your tritype? And what does it say about you? Everyone join in! ;)

Pssst. I'm particularly curious about: @Pin @John K @infinite dreams @ruji @jkxx @Milktoast Bandit @MistyWrites @Skarekrow @Sandie33 @Happy Phantom @JennyDaniella @Reason - and many others I'm sure!
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I think 614 or 612 still, as of the very present moment. Strangely, while I tend to keep changing my mind, it's not changed on this for some time, so maybe there's something to it.


I always found the 458 combination pretty foreign personally!

In general, I tend to be skeptical, strongly focused on rationality and how certain we can be of things, idealistic>practical, and extremely pain-averse (but between the options of numbing oneself to it and responding neurotically to it, most definitely choose the latter).
I think E1 seems to augment my E6 in the sense that the perfectionism and idealism of E1 can help augment the doubt-fighting needed for 6 -- after all, if there's anything we wouldn't doubt, it's that which is perfect (if genuinely so).
I think 614 or 612 still, as of the very present moment. Strangely, while I tend to keep changing my mind, it's not changed on this for some time, so maybe there's something to it.


I always found the 458 combination pretty foreign personally!

In general, I tend to be skeptical, strongly focused on rationality and how certain we can be of things, idealistic>practical, and extremely pain-averse (but between the options of numbing oneself to it and responding neurotically to it, most definitely choose the latter).
I think E1 seems to augment my E6 in the sense that the perfectionism and idealism of E1 can help augment the doubt-fighting needed for 6 -- after all, if there's anything we wouldn't doubt, it's that which is perfect (if genuinely so).

Cool! Mind if I have a look at the description of 612 and 614 to see what I think suits you better?

Also, what do you mean by "I always found the 458 combination pretty foreign"? Just the fact it's kind of a paradoxical combination?

It certainly is. But in many ways I have a pretty paradoxical personality I think. The attached/detached, analytical/impulsive, introverted/upfront, and accepting/domineering dichotomies resonate with me. @Lady Jolanda even calls me Renigma. ;)
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As you and I have discussed, mine is 954 and it's pretty damn accurate.
As you and I have discussed, mine is 954 and it's pretty damn accurate.

Indeed, we have discussed it quite a bit. I checked it earlier today and it actually explained a few things about you! haha.

Wyote aka The Contemplative :aum: ;)
I actually have no idea, but I took a random test online and it said "459". I'm still not sure about my enneagram either, it's 4 or 9.

This is what I found about my tritype:

"459, 495, 549, 594, 945, 954
The Withdrawn, The Contemplation Pool, The Fetus, The Wilting Life

Life Purpose: To delve deeply into the mysteries of life and share it with others, a philosopher, want to write about and discuss your discoveries with others, never ending quest to make sense of your world

Blind Spot: To focused on inner world, inhibited, indifferent to others, insecure, moody, expect others to initiate and come to you

Traits: Intuitive, knowledgeable, accepting, original, wise, peaceful, self-aware, reflective, shy, reserved, self-conscious, need regular quiet time to reflect on thoughts/emotions, easily flooded with emotion, difficult for you to voice your ideals/feelings.

The 459 is the most reclusive type on the Enneagram. They are humble, modest and discreet. They can be ethereal and dreamy. They are passive and unassertive. They are shy but usually display a pleasant countenance. They have complex inner worlds. the objective with the subjective. They are gentle, sensitive and avoidant. Since they are so reserved, they express their anger in a passive-aggressive manner. Their withdrawal and withholding feels harsh or very uninvolved. Naturally reserved and reflective, you see yourself as intuitive, introspective, perceptive and thoughtful. Responsible and diligent, you resist taking action that is not first well considered and thought out. You dislike making sudden changes and prefer to take time to think things through before acting. When opposed, you tend to take a step back or move away from others to evaluate your circumstances to manage problems. A true introvert. The withdrawn likes to delve within them self in order to release their tensions and stress. The more problems that arise in their life, the further they find themselves from the external world."

Feels kinda familiar. :)
Or INFJ 954 Vs INFP 459. Or maybe flower is really INFJ :wink:

Or maybe an INFP 945, or an INFJ 495 :eek:neofthosedays:

Truthfully @flower, I get more of an INFP vibe from you. I would agree that 4 and 9 are strong in you (or so it seems to me).

It's actually quite interesting to compare how the tritype comes across in an INFJ and a (hypothetical) INFP.
Can't wait for @Pin to show up and tell us he's a tritype 888.


Oh and by the way @flower, can I ask where you took that test? Just out of curiosity.

Nope :upsidedown:

I was formulating two different hypotheses about flower, not you. You're definitely 954 :)
I'm a 529.

Meh. OK.

I'm not convinced enneagrams are legit, but I felt that way about testing as an INFJ and MBTI for years before I read a thorough description and noticed it really fit, so my problem may be a lack of thorough and consistent informations about Enneagram types and tritypes.
Some of it fits in that, "Ugh, noooooo, hahahaha it's me," way, and actually gives me that "cold in my stomach" feeling. My reaction to other aspects of the description is skepticism.

PS: Sometimes typing (in any system whether enneagram, MBTI, archetype, etc) reminds me of the novel "White Bone" by Barbara Gowdy where the protagonist dreads being named "She Spurns", and yet, her herd names her "She Spurns" because, well, she spurns.
I'm a 529.

Meh. OK.

I'm not convinced enneagrams are legit, but I felt that way about testing as an INFJ and MBTI for years before I read a thorough description and noticed it really fit, so my problem may be a lack of thorough and consistent informations about Enneagram types and tritypes.
Some of it fits in that, "Ugh, noooooo, hahahaha it's me," way, and actually gives me that "cold in my stomach" feeling. My reaction to other aspects of the description is skepticism.

I felt the same way for a long time, until I realized that the tritypes I had contemplated before (539 / 549) were actually not my true tritype. I just had never seriously thought of having 8 in my tritype, yet it’s the case.

Do you think it could be that you’re not sure 529 is your tritype, or are you pretty definite about it? Given what you said in your post re enneagram, I imagine you’re not definite.
I felt the same way for a long time, until I realized that the tritypes I had contemplated before (539 / 549) were actually not my true tritype. I just had never seriously thought of having 8 in my tritype, yet it’s the case.

Do you think it could be that you’re not sure 529 is your tritype, or are you pretty definite about it? Given what you said in your post re enneagram, I imagine you’re not definite.

I can't be sure, which is why I added the reference to the novel "White Bone" where the elephant herd names their 'sisters' based on their personalities and the protagonist is unhappy with her name, even though it suits her.
My personal experience, and some experiences friends have had w/ MBTI is that a combination of too little information about type, a lack of understanding about "stacks", and the inability to accept who we really are, can all contribute to disbelief in MBTI. So, while I am skeptical about Enneagrams, I'm acknowledging that these factors could be playing a part.

I will say this: Some of it is chillingly accurate, and even explains me to the point where it analyzed the major theme of my dreams for decades! EEK!

Edited for clarity.
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I have a pretty paradoxical personality I think. The attached/detached, analytical/impulsive, introverted/upfront, and accepting/domineering dichotomies resonate with me. @Lady Jolanda even calls me Renigma. ;)
Dr Ren & Mr Hyde! ;)

My tri-type is probably either 7-4-9 or (controversy time!) 6-4-9.

479 – Gentle Spirit Archetype

479 - This is the sort of sprite or fairy like tritype. There is a need to remain positive while still searching for meaning. The blindspot is that there is an attraction to magical thinking and missed opportunities to speak their truth so they find themselves glossing over negative feeling states in favor of something more comfortable or positive. When 4 is in charge there's a tendency to not see all the ways in which depression or sadness is evaded through this magical thinking process.

the life mission is that this is the true healer archetype. They are often found doing bodywork or other healing practices as these are the 3 types that have a desire to transform. They like to inspire people toward happiness through expressing their creativity in a peaceful non-intrusive way.

She said this is the most lyrical type, a sort of ethereal archetype (so is the 459 but it is a more withdrawn ethereal quality, almost wispy and ghost like) whereas the energy here is lighter and more impish or I think when it's a male energy you get a strong trickster archetype (like dfgray). Playful yet meaningful. Very idealistic (although not quite as idealistic as the 471) but still concerned with maintaining positivity and feelings of being up. I think Regina Spektor is an example of this archetype with 4 in charge.

I'm actually put off by the idea of being in a "healing profession", though there's a strong likelihood that 7-4-9 is my tritype. I guess it's a reluctance to mix energies with society at large, or something of that nature. I wouldn't want to be in a profession where I constantly had to touch people. I'm not a cold person, I just wouldn't want a day filled with people-touching, if that makes sense.
EDIT: Oh, also, I would have to say "reluctant to show anything negative" is not such a likely descriptor for me.
Katherine said the 479 (749, 947) all took some kind of issue with the term "healer", even if they were in healing professions or were attracted to it. She was wondering what it was about that term that was off-putting, so what you've shared above is interesting (from a 7 perspective).
She said this is the gentle soul tritype that has a healing presence on others whether or not they intend to so when she says healer this is what she means as opposed to being vocationally attracted to the healing arts (although this is very common with this tritype).

I think for me when I was deciding between 479 and 478 I realized that my tendency to push, and shake up overrides my tendency to calm down. Although I can do both. I ultimately didn't end up going into counseling because I am a.) too impatient b.) too bossy and directive and c.) need to have more freedom to invite change than that discipline can allow.

So while I consider myself attracted to healing, and am interested in healing arts (energy healing, reiki, etc). I want to manifest it through a more intense and provocative way. Something that shakes people up in order to invite growth and development.

When 8 replaces the 9 you get more of a sense of groundedness or at least more practicality and realism that can seem a little harder edged and less lyrical.

For me there's less of a tendency toward optimism for the sake of being positive or keeping it light, although I don't like for things to get too serious, but if things need to be serious than I'm willing to go there. It's more of an if it's ugly, let's look at it. I actually struggle with that within myself; needing to see it if it's ugly (4 and 5 wing) with a propensity toward evasiveness and denial (with the 7 and 8) it's a strange mixture. Katherine says with 9 it (whatever "it" may be) must be transmuted into something lyrical, beautiful or playful to be tolerable.

you are very identified with the defense of optimism and tend to hid your more painful feelings and pessimism for fear of being rejected. you see the wonder in beauty and are gentle, lyrical, and idealistic in the way you relate to others. you are attracted to the healing profession or arts.
your life mission is to identify what is truly meaningful in life and help people transform negative feeling into positive change. a true gentle spirit, you feel happiest when you have creative expression to reconnect with your innermost self and facilitate change.
your blind spot is that you can be so focused on ideal circumstances that you become trapped in magical thinking and fail to speak your higher truth and act in accordance with your true feelings.
your growing edge is to speak your truth even if it will create conflict with others. going along to get along or to keep things light and upbeat denies the truth of the moment and can cause you to become distant from yourself. higher love has a voice and true joy is not dependent on the image of being happy.

This tritype [927] is the most identified with seeing themselves as peaceful. More than any other tritype, they need peace and positive relating to experience a sense of being... so are extremely uncomfortable with negativity in relationships. The 479 doesn't like it but expects it.

4 and 7 together combine to create a sense of the creative, intuitive, magical and imaginative. The gut type determines the flavor. 479s are elegant, wispy and ethereal. When 4 is dominant the 4 is reluctant to show their edgy, more negative emotions. The emphasis is on having an image that is deep but not seen as difficult. Suffering is more private.

The 749 is the 7 that is the most elusive, liquid and fluid. They are positive in a gentle way with a touch of sadness. They are identified with being deep but still future oriented and forward moving whereas the 479 is identified with past and what is missing and believed to be of importance.

The 947 usually thinks that they are the 4 as they see life as bittersweet and feel deeply but they are not as intense as the 4 or as hungry for diversity and experience as the 7. The 947 and 974 seek harmonic resonance more than the the 479 or 794. They want depth and beauty but seek peace and tranquility more. They pine in a quiet gentle manner. They lack voltage...and struggle with naming their preferences in the face of adversity. Think of Dr Zhivago as an archetype of the 947. The 479, 749 and 947 are all very gentle and nostalgic.

If you have the sexual instinct as dominant you could easily identify with 974. The 972 is less ethereal and more focused on being positive. The 974 knows that they feel unhappy, they are more inclined to hide so that they will not be rejected for being negative.

All of the 79 combinations are somewhat positive. The 279 is focused on being pleasant. The 379 the most positive. The 479 Is positive outwardly but doesn't always feel it.

The 479 report that they feat that if they show negative emotions they might be rejected.

The 479 with 4 dominant feels devastated by negative mirroring. If a flaw is pointed out if feels disheartening. With negative feedback, the 479 will have trouble holding on to their sense of self... Self esteem suffers as the 479's sens of self is too fluid and takes the shape of the last mirror.

For the most part, 479s like to be in the healing/helping professions where they have the opportunity to use their intuition and creativity.

The 471 and the 479 are both focused on the vision, creativity and the magical. The difference is in the gut center. The 471 has 3 types with access to 1, so are very critical of themselves and feel they must manifest the vision. The 479 is less strident and more soft-spoken and gentle. They are dreamers and intuit but can be shy about pushing to manifest.

9s fear being in conflict. 479 vs 469. Look at the level of confidence and optimism. The 7 brings a light touch with magical thinking, hoping for the best. In contrast, the 6 brings support and loyalty. Both are highly intuitive but the 469 has more doubts - The 479 is more future oriented, focusing on the possibilities. The 469 is more dutiful with a heavier heart, fearing that they can't make enough of a difference.

479 do not realize how healing their gentle nature can be. Your life mission is to identify what is truly meaningful in life and help people transform negative feeling into positive change.
The 479 is more inclined to side step, make nice, and try to get along as conflict feel unbearable.

If you are a 479, you are intuitive, innovative and accepting. You want to be original, positive and peaceful. You are very identified with the defense of optimism and tend to hide your more painful feelings and pessimism for fear of being rejected. You see the wonder in beauty and are gentle, lyrical and idealistic in the way you relate to others.

Inwardly they feel a lot of intensity, especially if they are the sexual instinct. identification is with gentleness and can feel uncomfortable if they share something negative.

479 and 379 I have deemed the "cool guy" tritypes. When 4 is there you get that sort of archetype of the cool artist, laid back, playful, witty, but with a sort of "hidden sorrow". You sense there is more there but that they are keeping you at bay in order to avoid dipping too much into the swamp.
7-4-9 (and the variations thereof) would have a goodly dose of magical thinking. Tending to overdose (in some form) on imagination and whim.

If you knew just how off-base the names 'Healer' and 'Gentle Spirit' are for the 9-4-7 tritype, and how slanted the name 'Ambassador' is for the 9-3-7 (or as you imply 9-4-7 with a very heavy Three wing), how pronounced the narcissistism and exhibitionism of these two tritypes can be, you might perhaps not be so eager to identify with them. Also, the challenge to feel grounded in the physical world, or at least in one's own physicality, is part of the Nine itself, not to mention the Four.

--'a more abandoning and erratic 9. An insatiable and emotionally discriminating 9.':
I'm 974 and others wouldn't describe me as 'erratic' (nor would I). I think 'abandoning and erratic' comes from your so/sx stack, which comes through as a loud note, to me, in your posts.

As for "insatiable and emotionally discriminating", I think this also taps your stack. Your so/sx-ness brings forward the more gregarious aspect of the 7 in your tritype, which manifests as a more-extroverted interplay with those in your presence - though I'm not saying you're an extrovert - there's just more desire for inclusion there. For me (sp/sx), the 7 in my tritype shows up more exclusively as "private mental fun", with only a small interest in "sharing the good times with y'all".

The 4 (in my tritype) shows up as a focus on aesthetics (including a pretty high degree of full-on snobbery in that area), plus life-long issues with depression and feelings of being valueless.

479 - Innovative and accepting 4. Most positive 4. May have defense of optimism hiding pessimism as sadness is hidden.

Also, both sevens and nines have a tendency to want to avoid dealing with negative situations for different reasons...with 7-9-4, I'd guess there would be a lot more denial than the usual 7, but with 4 in there it couldn't be kept up for as long, so there might be cycles of denial-and-crash. There would probably be more underlying self-doubt than is normally found in seven, as well as using the withdrawing defense a bit more.

Yeah, I think seven brings a mild denial through optimism...and then nines tend to get into a bit of denial, because of their desire to avoid conflict/upsetting their equilibrium, so if nine were one of your tritypes, you'd probably have a bit of the "optimistic denial" of 7, but a bit of the "I don't want to deal with this" denial of 9, as well. By contrast, an 8 tritype would probably be more of a sobering influence on the seven, and 1 would probably add a bit of criticality and increased perfectionism (also making for a triple frustration type, with the 4 and 7...but probably less likely due to what you said about the "live and let live" approach to people.)

Cate Blanchet could be a 4. I see the 479 or 471 tritype...ethereal one moment strident the next. But there is a gentleness in her energy that seems more 479.

(4)-7-9 - The Positive 4
4-(7)-9 - The Withdrawn 7
4-7-(9) - The idealistic 9

A dreamer in every sense of the word. They love to go on flights of imagination, and dream up fantasy worlds. They may often find themselves disappointed in the real world however.

974: intuitive and innovative 9. Most creative 9, especially with an 8 wing (i would think 1 wing here). Tends to be moody. Extraverted 7ish.

As a 9-4-7, I value emotion in a 4-ish way. But the valuing seems once-removed in relation to my 9-ness. It's a belief (about emotion), and though beliefs affect behavior and attitude, in the case of the secondary tritype elements, they're not as reflexive as the response from the primary type.

The 479 is more gentle...and more ethereal. The 479 displays congenial attitudes and hides their feelings of anger for fear of being rejected. The 469 is more phobic than the 468. The 479 seems more easy going as they are more conflict-avoidant. They can demonstrate the outbursts of the sexual 4 when there is a threat to intimacy but feel terrible shame as their identity is built around being gentle and kind. The 468 feels more inclined to be the truth teller at all costs so they take greater risks.

As 4 is dominant, in addition to seeing themselves as intuitive and deep with a need for beauty and aesthetics....The 479s see themselves as loving, innovative and gentle, the 468 as intense and iconoclastic and the 469 as thoughtful and introspective.

469 – Seeker Archetype


If you are 469, you are intuitive, inquisitive and accepting. You want to be original, certain and peaceful. You are a very sensitive and can experience intense feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty. As a result you need multiple sources of confirmation. You want to be individualistic but can fear being separate from others.

Your life mission is to raise the questions pertaining to the mysteries of life and share your findings with others. A true seeker, you are happiest when you feel you can answer the question of who you are.

You can be so focused on your feelings, insecurities and doubts that you can feel paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision and of being misled or duped.

The 469 is a seeker with a lot of self doubt. There is always more to learn when you are this tritype but the desire is to develop a philosophy. the 6 and 4 have the most self doubt along with the 9. The 4 doubts their feelings, the 6 their thoughts. 6s want reassurance, 4s want praise to offset their natural tendency to be shame sensitive. The 4 leading is more concerned with the Who am I question and hopes to 'someday' have that answered through constant introspection and referencing their own feelings. I can only speak from my own lens and say that the 6 leading is less identity focused. Who Am I doesn't enter the picture like the 4, and less reliance on needing to set themselves apart to resolve the philosophical dilemma.

...the 6 will stereotypically give 469 some sort of orientation around associations to ease anxiety...469 will have more of a push-pull reaction pattern with authority in staving off inner anxiety.

The 9 or 4 with the 469 tritype has the 3 types that feel doubt. Doubt breeds insecurity which increases anxiety. The gift of this tritype is the ability to search for meaning. What begins as doubt ultimates brings a great deal of knowledge that can lead to greater understanding.

The sx 469s want the security of that comes with a trusted relationship. Grief can feel overwhelming and many have shared feeling flooded. They also report that grief brings up fear.

Both the 469 and 269 tend to be passive. The 269 is more engraciating. The 469 is more aloof.

The 468 reacts and rings the alarm to prevent making a mistake to calm down and the 469 doubts and procrastinates to avoid making a mistake.... To calm down.

The 469 is very gentle unless threatened.They are very out of touch with their gut! The struggle is with doubt and inaction.

9s fear being in conflict. 479 vs 469. Look at the level of confidence and optimism. The 7 brings a light touch with magical thinking, hoping for the best. In contrast, the 6 brings support and loyalty. Both are highly intuitive but the 469 has more doubts - The 479 is more future oriented, focusing on the possibilities. The 469 is more dutiful with a heavier heart, fearing that they can't make enough of a difference.
‎469s report a fear of making ten wrong decision and then having feelings of painful self consciousness and shame for having done so.... But also for not making a decision.

If 6 is dominant in the 469 tritype, there are more obvious fears and concerns. However, 946 and 469 are equally troubled by insecurities.
All 3 types have a little paralysis through analysis. And all 3 hate conflict.
) The 469 experiences extreme self doubt and hesitates more than other 4s. It is a shy 4 but they do have their own opinions...they are just reluctant to voice them. The 649 has the greatest difficulty trusting their own thoughts and tends to seek multiple confirmations before making decisions. The 964 is plagued with indecision too and can look like a 6 but they are not as inclined to seek opinions from others. They just avoid the conflict hoping it will resolve itself.

The 469 is the most doubting tritype regardless which type is in charge. It is also the tritype that most struggles with a constant sense of self. They can also be somewhat passive. The only tritype more passive is the 269. The 269 is happier in presentation.

Regarding doubt for the 469: I think Katherine said that the 4 has self-doubt, the 6 doubts themselves and others and the 9 has the believer/doubter dichotomy.

the 649 (or 469 964) want peace harmony and gentleness. They are sensitive and doesn't know what to trust and in particular doesn't know what to trust in themselves. She stated that the 6 is more often than not phobic and needs multiple sources of confirmation and information. They don't feel they can rebound from emotional pain so they tend to avoid it through the questioning process and end up finding more questions.

469 is going to have more difficulty being separate from others. More shame and anxiety about being different. There would be more checking in with others.

(4)-6-9 - The Normative 4
4-(6)-9 - The Withdrawn 6
4-6-(9) - The Reactive 9

This tritype has many self-confidence problems. They may often feel as though they need help from others, but that they are unable to get it. They fight between needing others and striving for seclusion.

Accepting and intuitive, most emotional and passive, can think they are a 2 or a sx subtype. Most doubting 6.

This will often explain why non 6s that are not self-preserving wonder why they run high anxiety. For example, the 9 or 4 with the 469 tritype has the 3 types that feel doubt. Doubt breeds insecurity which increases anxiety. The gift of this tritype is the ability to search for meaning. What begins as doubt ultimates brings a great deal of knowledge that can lead to greater understanding.

946: Intuitive and inquisitive 9. Most inclined to hesitate and feel doubt and uncertainty. Most gentle, passive 9. High anxiety.

When the 4 and 6 are in the tritype there is more negativity as a strategy to prevent making a mistake that will bring shame, blame and criticism. This is most true of the 461 and then 468 and then the 469.

649 The Seeker. Accepting and intuitive 6. This is the most emotional and accommodating 6. This 6 has the most self-doubt and uncertainty and often seeks multiple sources of confirmation before making a decision. This 6 is very sensitive, and can be mistaken for a 4 or 2.

The core fears are of fear itself, danger, being alone, cowardice, submitting, deviance, uncertainty, targeted, chaos, conflict, being loveless, complication, discord, being shutout, inharmonious, being inadequate, emotionally cut off, ordinary, commonplace, being abandoned.

Anxiety and worry increase with the 1 and doubt and uncertainty with the 9. Examine your motivations rather than your behaviors. This is especially difficult for the 6, but more so for the 649 as all 3 types tend to doubt as a defense strategy. This is the Tritype that is most reluctant to take a stand for their "own" opinion until they are angry. The 641 has all 3 types that fear making a mistake and being at risk for having done so. They tend to be more likely to show frustration and to correct and instruct others ( especially for the so 641).

your descriptions sound more like sp1 in the gut. As a sp6 you have a natural iine of connection to sp9. Research has shown that you move to your wings and lines of connection with the same dominant instinct running the show. When your sp6 moves to sp9 and sp3 it is momentary and adding to you sp6. When you shift in your tritype your sp6 shifts to the 1 for solutions and runs all permutations of the 1 driven by the needs and concerns of the self-pres. The confusion may be that sp1 worries much like a 6 but the focus is on improving. So your instinct may have made it more difficult to land on the 614. Take your time. The 694 is much more hidden and inhibited. The 641 is focused on the perfecting and refining...getting it right.

Both 4s and 6s can be emotional. The questions is what are you emotional about? In terms of difficult behaviors...
6s identify a source to prove
4s identify a source to impress
649 doubting, insecure

I'm 649 too...some days 469, and some 964
My mind automatically scans for rejection, conflict, and inclusion/exclusion, whenever I'm focusing on *me* (for example putting myself 'out there' with my music - which is my absolute heart and soul). Whenever my self and esteem and worth is on the line, whenever I've made a personal *effort* to engage or simply self-express to others, I'm basically a wreck.
However if attention is not on me, I'm fine...often one with nature, internalizing the world, being receptive and in touch with my inner self, entertaining myself with my mind, desires, fantasy...I can do that in my own privacy and on my own terms and I'm happy to not need others. But I'm too often pulled to find myself in the world (and show myself to it) to stay isolated for long. I can (and often do) get passive and can let a lot of years go by spinning on the same ungroundedness, not really pushing myself out there for fear of rejection and not being what I envision myself to be (wish to be). I have a lot of 'go along' energy that I fall back on when I need emotional and psychic rest.

I think my tritype is 469. It particularly plays itself out in the social realm via shame, feeling utterly different, feeling hunted when very insecure (with no real external evidence to back the feeling up) and then by succumbing to a desire to merge with the group by lying down and playing 'dead' like a puppy. The merging brings short-term relief until my need to express myself takes over. If I can't I feel sickened by my lack of authenticity, if I can I do which opens me up to feeling exposed and ashamed again so I withdraw to avoid feeling hunted.

The sx with 4 brings emotional intensity and a need for closeness with desired intimates...and, there is anger if intimacy is thwarted or denied. The 468 is impulsive and highly reactive... the focus is on immediate resolution. The 469 feels a great deal of doubt and in general is not as reactive. There is more of a tendency to hesitate, plan and prepare with more anxiety.

The 469 is more phobic than the 468.

The 649 ponders...thinks and rethinks. They are introspective like the 459...just more people oriented. Their shame is in making a mistake...they must get it right like the 461 but do not feel that they can easily say their opinion our loud due to a fear that they might make a mistake.
As 4 is dominant, in addition to seeing themselves as intuitive and deep with a need for beauty and aesthetics....The 479s see themselves as loving, innovative and gentle, the 468 as intense and iconoclastic and the 469 as thoughtful and introspective.
Or maybe an INFP 945, or an INFJ 495 :eek:neofthosedays:

Truthfully @flower, I get more of an INFP vibe from you. I would agree that 4 and 9 are strong in you (or so it seems to me).

Yeah, I think I'm definitely INFP too.

Oh and by the way @flower, can I ask where you took that test? Just out of curiosity.

Sure! It's from this site http://enneagramuserguide.com/enneagram-tests/tritype-wing

The info about the tritype I got from here http://enneagramsubtypes.weebly.com/descriptions.html