What is hate?


life is good
I was reading an article (here), and I began to wonder about the idea of hate and differences in how it might be defined and understood.

I was raised to imagine hate as something active; I understood hate as an emotion more so than an action. I was told that, for hate to exist, hateful feelings must be present and if they are accompanied by an act then the intent must be an exercise to express one's hateful feelings (and that expressing one's hateful feelings is not an act of hatred because one has the right to opinion and feeling -- this is kind of similar to something discussed a few lines down, I think).

However, I think there is another definition of hate, which is based on the simple observation of behaviour and doesn't require admission of feelings of disdain, dislike, or otherwise discontentment. It is this definition which I believe the article employs, and which many human rights arguments seem to employ. This second argument also seems to interpret hate as the absence of affording dignity, respect, freedom, etc. toward the subject of hate.

Oftentimes, it seems people claim they are not practicing hatred by rationalizing their actions in culture, beliefs, etc. They focus on the rationalization or justification of the correctedness of their beliefs and prioritize that above the rights of the other party to dignity, freedom, respect, etc. Along these lines, it seems as though such an approach would fall within the first definition of hate by using the argument "It's not as though I hate you (it's not as though I harbour feelings of wanting to destroy you) but I just believe XYZ is correct/appropriate." (In this case, XYZ = something that may be viewed as a human rights crime.) Proponents of the second argument may then claim that "I believe that XYZ is correct/appropriate" dismisses someone's rights, and that compromising human rights and refusing to let up one's position might indeed be a form of hatred.

So, I guess I wonder how common that first interpretation of hate is vs. the latter. Or what are other ways in which hate is conceived.

And, if the second (I'd say more sophisticated) definition is also hate, iyo.

Is it hate to attempt to deny someone else their humanity? What marks this as hatred?

Also, is anyone able/willing to clarify the difference between hate and hatred? Many thanks. :D
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my understanding of hate is that it is an emotion formed out of ignorance and fear

hate will suck the life right out of you. it will cripple your ability to fully feel other more positive emotions. it will hold you back from reaching your potential in so many ways
not worth it.
not even for a minute.
I have always heard you can't hate someone unless you once loved them. So in order for true hate to be there- you have to have feelings for them on some level. So I don't know if it is possible to hate someone you don't know. I think people can fear someone they don't know and it can turn into anger. The goal though is to remember that we are 1- all human, 2- we all deal with some issue that is hard and thus hard to make a judgment on how someone else should handle it, and 3- we all just handle things differently. We can't just run around hating everyone. I believe truly you get back what you give out into the world and I have learned that people that have bad attitudes are seen as more honest than those that do not. I try to be very open, honest, and understanding- people do not trust that. It's amazing how we have messed up priorities!
my understanding of hate is that it is an emotion formed out of ignorance and fear

hate will suck the life right out of you. it will cripple your ability to fully feel other more positive emotions. it will hold you back from reaching your potential in so many ways
not worth it.
not even for a minute.

Hate is not formed from ignorance nor fear. It is a response you make because either someone did something that pisses you off or you dislike someone/something very much.

Hate can fuel you in ways that were never possibly attainable because you pushed yourself harder, and every time you felt like you were slipping, You'd imagine hate again. It is the most powerful of all emotions, and is not to be taken lightly.

It needs to stay clean though. Hate all the time, and it won't have any effect, as there is not enough positive to CAUSE you to hate.
Hate is not formed from ignorance nor fear. It is a response you make because either someone did something that pisses you off or you dislike someone/something very much.

Hate can fuel you in ways that were never possibly attainable because you pushed yourself harder, and every time you felt like you were slipping, You'd imagine hate again. It is the most powerful of all emotions, and is not to be taken lightly.

It needs to stay clean though. Hate all the time, and it won't have any effect, as there is not enough positive to CAUSE you to hate.

i would not use hatred for any motivation whatsoever
my experience with those who hate shows me that ignorance and/or fear always play a part.
yes someone could piss you off. do you need to hate that person? is that what you want to carry with you everywhere you go? and incidentally everything you do gets filtered through that emotion.
did you realize that when you hate you only hurt yourself? the one you hate couldn't care less for the most part, yet that seethes and spreads into everything you are.
my opinion of course, but one that i have found serves me very well.
i no longer hate.
no one and no thing has that sort of power over me that i could be persuaded to go there
Hate's what's already been said. Fear, irrational feelings, etc.

I'm not one for hating. It's a waste of my time. But I'm in a bind right now where I either hate one person who betrayed me or a whole group of people. I choose the former simply because I still want to be among people and help them.
I think hate is a feeling of desire and attachment. It is the the antithesis of love because you don't want the attachment and the desire is something negative.

Hate is personal (desire). If you hate you have feelings about someone/something that makes you feel conflicted.

Hate is engrossing (attachment). If you hate you are absorbed with the focus of your hate and bonded to it.
Hate to me stems from fear and ignorance. Hate shows that you still invest some kind of emotional attachment in the object of hate. I think what should be feared the most is indifference.
From what I've experienced hate stems from ones own insecurities/self-loathing. I think it was Yoko Ono who once said that whatever you say to any one you're saying to a mirror of yourself. Like space exploration when we don't know a lot about our own planet: it's always easier to look outside of yourself than into yourself. Only through soul-searching can you rid yourself of all hate. I'm glad I did that, because it led me to Krsna :)
Hate is when my computer crashes in the middle of an important client project with an urgent deadline.
Voltaire once said, "I know how to hate because I know how to love." I have experienced as much myself, though I have never encountered anyone aside from us that has echoed this understanding or experience.
Hate is essentially an manifestation of ego. How can you feel hate if ego did not exist? Hate or being upset essentially means that an expectation existed that was not met or was disregarded creating the emotion of being upset or let down. It also essentially means that some individual did something to upset your ego and you believe they insulted your ego in some way which results in the hate.
"the signification to love less, to postpone in love or esteem, to slight, through oversight of the circumstance that 'the Orientals, in accordance with their greater excitability, are accustomed both to feel and to profess love and hate where we Occidentals, with our cooler temperament, feel and express nothing more than interest in, or disregard and indifference to a thing" Fritzsche on Romans 9:13

μισέω, miseo: to love less; esteem less, hate, loathe

"Jacob have I loved, and Esau have I hated." Used early for comparison.