What does the media mean to you?


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
Do you trust it? Do you feel the media is twisting facts and distorting truth to support political ideologies? Do you feel the modern media is ethical? Is the internet a trustworthy media source? How do you personally interpret what you read, see, and hear from the media?
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A singular source is always biased in some way. When I truly concern myself with something, I attempt to find as many sources as possible so as to get an overall interpretation. Even then, it's hazy at best. I try to live in the present and don't concern myself with most past events, unless of course it directly affects my present state in some way.

This is pretty much how I feel about it.
Agenda's often lead to distortion of facts to succeed in the agenda. The media often distorts facts to suits their own agenda. It is possible to get truth from the media, but you have to be very careful with accepting a lot of the information being provided (or not provided) at face value.

A lot of what the media reports is not educating us in areas that would be beneficial to us as a whole. American media is particularly problematic for many reasons...I think we all pretty much agree on many of those points

I don't agree to media scare tactics that aren't accurate. If they could only be accountable for the fear they instill in the hearts and minds of good people...
I only ever hear about utter police brutality through the independent news websites that link to youtube.

I never hear about it through US National News stations, or our news...

Like that youtube video of the lady who was shot in the face with a rubber bullet at a PEACEFUL protest when she questioned the polices presence...
I only ever hear about utter police brutality through the independent news websites that link to youtube.

I never hear about it through US National News stations, or our news...

I was talking projected terrorism. It is a threat. Is it the threat they say it is, though?
Don't know how much US Media goes on about it. But it's not much of one to the rest of us.
Don't know how much US Media goes on about it. But it's not much of one to the rest of us.

There is a lot of hype here in the news. We are promoters of shock value, so that is reflected in our news. We are also fickle, our the viewers need fresh and shocking news 24/7.

When we lived overseas I would come back to the US to hear the news. It was so ugly, doomsday and erroneous. My family would be so hyped up. It really irritated me because a lot of it turned out to be untrue after everyone already moved on to the next forecast and I'm like, hey, wait a minute. Let's call a spade a spade first !

It's really ugly right now with the upcoming elections. A lot of mud slinging. Gross politics. I can only scan the newspapers...Can't wait for the election to be over.
Media has biases, sometimes irresponsible ones, they are businesses and like all other businesses they have their own agendas and loyalties. Propaganda is alive and well in every corner of the globe.

We can't take what is written/said on face value, independent investigation is a requirement if you want to find truths, uncensored internet sources have many unverified 'facts' and ultimately we must sort through all of this and uncover what we can consider our own truth.
I was talking projected terrorism. It is a threat. Is it the threat they say it is, though?

Here is what it really going on that the politically correct American media is not talking about because it doesn't understand the real motives of Islamic Fundamentalism.

I present it to you because of it's seriousness. It is real.

We must realize the choice of good vs evil that does exist in the world today, within, without and make the choice for good.

Go to : www.obsessionthemovie.com
One thing that really pisses me off about the (news)media is the way they blow things out of proportion and then draw them out as long as they can, it particularly pisses me off when they start turning tragic funerals into three ring circuses. Funerals are not news! A death is perhaps newsworthy but a funeral should be allowed to be private and dignified.