Wanting EXACTLY this! (irrationally)

enfp can be shy

people vs the bad people?
Does it happen occasionally to you? You come across something, which you immediately LOVE, and then, when you can't find it anymore, the similar replacements are no match. Even though technically they may be of the same quality, or superior, but you already attached yourself with that SPECIFIC thing, no matter how good the other options might be.

How can we explain this tendency of people to attachment, which often defies reason and functionality?
It might seem strange, but I get this with specific pictures on the internet. There's always one time where I just know of an image that would fit in so well in the thread but I simply can't find it. Sure I can find others like it, but it's not the specific one I'm thinking of. Also some get wiped from photobucket. Whoever uses photobucket should die a horrible death.

At least I can still find the epic Star Trek bobble hat pic:
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Does it happen occasionally to you? You come across something, which you immediately LOVE, and then, when you can't find it anymore, the similar replacements are no match. Even though technically they may be of the same quality, or superior, but you already attached yourself with that SPECIFIC thing, no matter how good the other options might be.

How can we explain this tendency of people to attachment, which often defies reason and functionality?

If you're at all particular about the stuff you use/consume you will invest some time into finding the "right stuff." It sucks when a really good product is discontinued.

This kind of thing happens to me all the time - toileteries, shoes, underwear, stationary, tyres, etc. It has gotten to the point that I'll buy a large stock of some product I particularly like, just to save myself the inevitable dissapointment of having to search for an equivalent or better product in the future.

I suspect I am too picky.
If I see something I love, then I get it. Thankfully, it's not usually something that is either discontinued or wears out.
Except Alpen bars. They vanished after I only had one. I suspect it was to stop me from spending copious amounts of money on them :)

It could be explained by forgetton memories (ooh, poetic title just there) or maybe influences you don't notice, like someone looking happy and eating/wearing/doing the thing you crave. Maybe?
If I see something I love, then I get it. Thankfully, it's not usually something that is either discontinued or wears out.
Except Alpen bars. They vanished after I only had one. I suspect it was to stop me from spending copious amounts of money on them :)

They haven't gone anywhere, you get loads down here!

Have you checked the breakfast cereal section?
I am keenly interested in the mind and how it functions. It is known that the more of your mind is engaged towards a particular objective - the stronger the result. I venture to say that when you are in pursuit of that ONE object - whether it be a thing - or an idea - or a person - you engage all the aspects of your mind experience. You potentially hear, smell, taste, see, touch it for the first time. They say the FIRST experience (memory, data, whatever you want to call it) is laid down the STRONGEST in the mind's neural pathways.
Anything similar that comes along after that does not make as strong an impact.
Perhaps that could shed some light on your topic.
Yeah this can happen to me from time to time. Once I lock myself onto something, it's really hard for me to let go and have something that can later match up to it.
This happens to me once I make a decision. It's very rare that I see something and know completely that I do indeed want to buy it, that it's worth, to me, the money I'll be trading for it.

If it suddenly isn't an option any longer, then I don't even really want it anymore and don't want to try to replace it.

But, I mean, I guess my answer would also depend on what kind of thing you're talking about. I'm thinking a handbag or an item of clothing; no, I don't want an imitation or a fake. Food I've ordered in a restaurant? I'll order something else, probably, so as not to draw attention to myself, but I won't be under the illusion that I'm "hungry" anymore. A kind of candy bar? I don't know. It's just a candy bar.

Sometimes, though, I do get very attached to the idea of something. I plan to get it. I sort of (this sounds so weird...) mentally prepare myself for it. The change in plans can bug me.