VIVID Dreams...


Retired Staff
messed up
Have you ever had a dream SO vivid it has NEVER left you? I have several and i just had a new one just two nights ago.....I will share if any one is interested but Just wanted to see is this a type thing?
I had a weird dream that might signify something...

I was at my middle school. Obama was my teacher (this was in 2007) . He was teaching class and I left when the bell rang.
The water was up to my waste (for some reason the school was flooded) I walk down the hall way and see a floating peice of
clay or poop. brown/orange water was spreading out from it. I was going to ignore it and I figured the brown water couldn't
reach me by the time I left. Then I decided I should better tell the janitor. I told him what happened. Some how he made the
water level go down so he could clean it.

I figure that Obama will be the nect president (since teachers guide students and presidents guide nations?).

The water signifiys something about me being on the swim team maybe or Katrina hurricane(maybe something similar
might happen to Obama like Bush?)

Maybe the poop signifies filthy things in the world and I might ignore it but in the end I do something about it

I thought the janitor was just plain out crazy. I thought the he might put the water up again after he cleaned the poop.

For some reason this dream makes sense to me but I don't know what it means.
entyqua said:
Have you ever had a dream SO vivid it has NEVER left you? I have several and i just had a new one just two nights ago.....I will share if any one is interested but Just wanted to see is this a type thing?

I have such vivid dreams that it effects my whole day and sometime my week...
I wake up and I can be crying my eyes out, or wake up thinking someone really did die, or waking up screaming...

Is it only INFJ's that go through this..?!?!?!?1

It's a very common thing for me...
mexymoo3 said:
entyqua said:
Have you ever had a dream SO vivid it has NEVER left you? I have several and i just had a new one just two nights ago.....I will share if any one is interested but Just wanted to see is this a type thing?

I have such vivid dreams that it effects my whole day and sometime my week...
I wake up and I can be crying my eyes out, or wake up thinking someone really did die, or waking up screaming...

Is it only INFJ's that go through this..?!?!?!?1

It's a very common thing for me...

A couple of years ago I fell in love in a dream, she died near the end and was sent to the place that isn't heaven.

I woke up in tears.

I was a messed up kid.


Other dreams I remember vividly I'm being chased by someone or something.

Another one I had I was 12 or 13, I was being chased by a large beast, who resembled the giant in a not too old game Shadow of the Collossus. I avoided it by turning into a narrow passage, at the monster was much to large to fit.

I've also had vivid dreams of me being a God, completly gold, invulnerable, unstoppable.

I love dreams. Even those that evoke strong emotions.
Never vivid in the way you mean. I have a few select dreams that I hold onto, because they were especially significant... but it's because I've thought about them enough (beginning from the moment I wake up) that they stick in memory like anything else.
I still have a memory of a VIVID dream I had as a child at 8 years old and still remember it as if I had it This morning.

I dreamt that my dad was kidnapped and for some reason I was the one having to give the ransom money..and as my dad got back into the car and i was walking back to the car then the kidnappers shot me in the back as my family drove away..
Therapy for months on that one!!

The ones ive had since then have more been imagery than story

EG this can kinda be chocked up to Intuition as well as a ghost story...When I was 17 my fiance died of a drug overdose...the night he died I dreamt of him coming to me dressed all in white telling me he was alright and not to worry...

Other such random intuition dreams have occurred but none with as much impact as this one!

but again most of them later in life are imagry that is just vivid..some times beautiful some times destructive and sorrowful
Mh;.. a dream about I guy I was madly in love with when I was 14... Took me a few days to get over it :? it was SO REAL (I think I was very, very frustrated at the time and needed to compensate badly).

There's also a recurring nightmare I had as a very early age (first dream I can remember), about a witch, a lake and my mum dying... terrible.

Otherwise, a lot of dreams I remember quite precisely, but more from an analytical point of view.
Shaz- said:
There's also a recurring nightmare I had as a very early age (first dream I can remember), about a witch, a lake and my mum dying... terrible.
That reminds me of an occuring nightmare I used to have. I would leave my room and head toward the kitchen in the middle of the night looking for my mom, and instead a witch would fly out on a broom, then everything would go black. The dream then shifts to me as a black cat on the couch and the witch petting me.
I've had many very strange dreams. A lot of them aren't exactly vivid; in fact, there was a period in my life where none of my dreams had sound, and it was very drab. I would never see people's faces, even if I knew who they were, and I understood them, but they never spoke. And it was always isolated; there was always this feeling of loneliness, but it was never quite sad...
A lot of my most vivid dreams were nightmares. I had one dream where there were people inside a large plantation house, and it was set on fire. One man was chased up a tree by a lion, and for some reason, that caused a lot of fear in me.
Another dream wasn't at all scary, but instead very beautiful; I rode a bike up to the top of a hill, and there was this little cafe. It was very cluttered with beautiful little novelty items, like wind chimes and blown glass and other homey items. In the back, there was a little porch that overlooked the entire valley completely, and in the distance you could see a storm, but it was far away, a melancholy presence that filled the air with the low sound of thunder and the sweet smell of rain. There was a group of little old ladies gossiping, and I took my homework there and sat down to listen to their wisdom, and that was the dream.

But most of my dreams now are just weird. I remember many of them, but they are so bizarre... I have vivid settings in my dreams, and a lot of times we're doing really strange things like learning to fly (that was in a dream where my school was a submarine and my aunt was teaching a class where we were supposed to jump off a pedestal a fly) or having a peeing contest (a dream where we were saving pokemon, then flew away in a jungle-jim-turned-spacecraft like the ones in Star Wars: Attack of the Colones. We flew to my grandma's house and had a peeing contest, which was awkward because I'm a girl and wasn't too good at aiming). A couple recurring themes are water, storms, empty cities, canyons, and flying machines.
Dreams so vivid... that when I when I moved from Florida to Hawaii... so many places and occurences in my dreams seem to come alive. It's weirded me out, and i've been trying to understand what my purpose is here, having seen these places in my dreams become reality.
I had lots of crazy dreams. I remember having a lot of dreams about dying, or fighting. :P
I have a lot about fighting and dying... lately however I've been having daydreams or vivid visions in the middle of a conversation these are usually about sex...and very vivid and graphic and I FEEL every feeling...the butterflies the feeling of passion im stating to feel crazy
I have a lot about fighting and dying... lately however I've been having daydreams or vivid visions in the middle of a conversation these are usually about sex...and very vivid and graphic and I FEEL every feeling...the butterflies the feeling of passion im stating to feel crazy
Some people get all the luck.
I don't remember most of my dreams, the ones I do are complete nonsense.
Fascinating, I have no capacity to understand dreams but I still have them.

Example: Floating underwater in a suspended rusty iron cage shaped like a rib cage but tapering to a small opening at both ends. To make things stranger I'm having a deep conversation with two the two large sharks that are calmly circling the cage. However despite the friendly conversation I can't swim out of the cage without being eaten.

Any interpretations?
There is major conflict..... You are toying with some serious conflict either conscious or subconscious...the ultimatum in the dream...drown or be eaten signifies this conflict or ultimatum you are facing...again either consciously or subconsciously
Freud would say its a sexual conflict ;)
I had a dream of clowns, water, bridge, and a mother and father in law. Next day, my hubby and his car pool partner saw a truck load of clowns coming up an on ramp on a freeway.
Oooooh! I have VIVID dreams alright. They're usually explicit types of dreams, except I never see anything explicit. It's like my dreams are censored?

The worst dream I had though, was of a guy I had really strong feelings for. I know the dream was just a twisted remake of past experiences with him, but it felt so real and so painful that when I woke up I was in tears and gasping for air.
Another mom dream, I was on top of a building in New York as the sun was setting, She was sitting on the edge and talking to me.