Video: INFJ or INTJ?

I only watched a minute in (was boring to me, and the title topic was of little interest), it was more then enough to gather INFJ. Also have reason to believe he is gay.
I decided to see a few mins of two of his other videos on there (I saw the one where he's standing and wearing a greyish shirt and another one (Blog 9) and in all of them he's holding that cup and sometimes made hand movements, as well as glanced up and to the side. I know sometimes I like holding things a lot when I talk; it's a comfort thing and I sometimes make hand movements and my eyes'll go off to the side or around the room as if I'm looking at something there. I saw the first few mins of his 5th blog too and in the beginning his eyes trail out the window and they also wandered a bit around and he didn't look at the camera at all -for those mins I saw. His facial expression also seems to be kinda indifferent for the most part and in that Blog 9 too, but I know he's into what he's saying. And he seems like a warm person. Was going to go with INTJ when I was watching that first video; I saw the whole thing but I wasn't really paying much attention to what he was saying but more to his body language. Anyways after seeing a bit of some of his other videos, I think he's an INFJ.

Von Hase, where are you?
Von Hase believes you can tell personality from visual stimuli. He's not much use here.
He is way too organized and structured to be a P. And he's a minimalist and very much an intuitive. Please, for the sake of this "argument" ;) lets stick to INTJ and INFJ.
He is way too organized and structured to be a P. And he's a minimalist and very much an intuitive. Please, for the sake of this "argument" ;) lets stick to INTJ and INFJ.

Some of the most minimalist people I've ever met have been P's. And being a philosopher does not always make you an intuitive. Philosophy encompasses a great many things. He is certainly not an NT, that is obvious though. So by your argument that makes him an NF, but from watching the video, there is something missing.

Maybe similar phenomena: Someone mistyping as INFJ? Maybe something similar could be at play?
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Yes, Von Hase isn't much use here because he can't get the video to play.

Otherwise, Von Hase would because he bases his assessments on body language, facial expressions, and mannerisms... all of which are much more easily discerned from video than photographs.

Well at least we agree on something :)
Here is a link to ALL of his videos:

So it looks like we have one person voting him out of NT. I still want to keep that channel open. We're looking at INTJ vs. INFJ.

I posted this same video on the INTJ forum and an INTJ believes he's an INTJ. I'm just curious as to what others think.

I'm interested in generating responses :) I keep a non-judgmental bias.
Wow, I think I found another INxJ (an evolved one)... please visit my blog:

The latest 2 blogs are of INxJ's. Again, I am very interested in hearing other people's feedback :)
View attachment 1362

Guy number one is an INFJ, and yes Indigo, he is gay. He's clearly an Ni dominant, but his reasoning methodology is very much Fe - how he feels things should be - and Ti - how things work. He's at the age where he is developing his Ti, which is the bulk of the reason for his dissertation. He's talking out loud to both figure things out (Ti) and educate others on what he's realized (Fe). At this stage of development, Fe and Ti create something that appears to be Te. I'm sure that the INTJs are picking up on this, but because they're not Fe users, the subtle distinctions and cues that people express are lost on them.

View attachment 1363

Guy number two is an INTP, and he is at the age where he developing his Fe, which for INTPs is often a struggle between Ti and Fe which creates something that appears as Fi. Sharp individuals might see this guy as an INFP because of that, as it is very clear that he's an Ne user. However, he's much more focused on how things work (Ti) and is trying to figure out how he feels things should be (Fe). It comes off as that Fi need for emotional philosophical integrity. I'd be willing to wager that the people he is referencing are Fi users, which are seeming very admirable to him right now, but his Fe can't reconcile what they're telling him, so he's using Ne and Ti to debate it into truth.
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