Unenlightening Right Answer Game | Page 7 | INFJ Forum

Unenlightening Right Answer Game

I saw you drop it - I'm not picking it up.

Is there a difference between herbs and spices?
Yes, it depends on what cookbook you read. Herbs are mostly for savory dishes, while spices are usually for sweeter things. I am well known for adding basil to sweet dishes and cinnamon to savory ones.

What is the right way to hang toilet tissue?
On the right.

Exactly how many cooks does it take to spoil the broth?
It only takes one, but several can have their hands in it.

Who came up with "leap year" and why is it not a holiday?
I have never had a problem laying down in a bath tub.

Why are most people too tall to lay down in bath tubs?

How does an egg balance on one end?
With a little luck and extreme concentration.

If you try to fail, and do, is it a success?
In respect of the attempt itself yes, in terms of what was attempted no.

Why will the same people who say the world is overpopulated also encourage people to lose weight?
Because they are paid to by the government.

Is a healthier world in their thoughts?
It is a healthier world in thier fanciful thoughts.

What is the meaning of life?

When is a door, not a door?
when it's not attached to a wall

why do politicians lie so much?
The truth is not expedient.

What is the most essential component to a good fairy tale?
a happy totally unrealistic ending

what do you need right now?
a happy totally unrealistic ending

Actually many original fairy tales are pretty gruesome and not all of them end happily. Of course they get sugar coated now.

Edit: Shit I just lost.
Hemoglobin makes blood red.

As for a more thorough explanation:

The protein hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood, changes shape when it binds oxygen. When it changes shape, it absorbs different wavelengths of light, making it change color. When blood is exposed to air, much more of the hemoglobin absorbs oxygen than had in the vein the blood came from (in the veins, the hemoglobin has already given up most of its oxygen to the body). Therefore, the blood turns red.
Source: http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/bio99/bio99423.htm
Why do some cut flowers wilt faster than others?
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