Ugh, People | INFJ Forum

Ugh, People


Resident palindrome
Staff member
Aug 21, 2015
Creating a thread for human interaction and behavior issues that doesn't need an entire thread dedicated to them. If you are feeling irked about humans, post here.
I assume being a Ni dom who is introverted is the reason why I come off as sort of spacey and quiet. I am stuck in my head and thinking, but I am also friendly because I want others to feel comfortable and liked. This combo makes people think I'm an airhead, so they don't listen to my ideas and advice, or they treat me like I'm a kid, or like I'm dumb. Sometimes the consequences of brushing me off are serious, and other times it doesn't matter. (Today it affected me, which is why I'm annoyed.)
I'm not the, "I told you so," type, but a lot of friends have apologized for ignoring my advice and ideas after the scenario played out, so they do learn that I'm not as "out there" as they initially thought.

I'm not looking for advice, just explaining a hopefully relatable situation we can laugh about. Not being listened to or taken seriously just sucks. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
"Hey, that's probably not the best thing to do"
"Yea ok man, sure, whatever"

My life.
It troubles me when others question my genuineness, often scratching my happy. In the effort to remain peaceful, which in no way equates passive, I give the benefit of doubt to the other that perhaps they are having a bad day, may have trust issues, had a poor and troubled childhood, working through an issue or what ever they may be dealing with; but, when it is every interaction with them that they incessently "poke the bear" what am I to do but react, out pops the genuine arsehole...first with a warning of please stop. Then a tad louder, please, do stop, you're soiling up my happy. Then when the bear has had enough, verbally eats them and leaves them in the pile of dung that they were presenting, I'm the bad guy? When people get too "people-y" I just move away from them to avoid that particular case of indigestion. ;)
I assume being a Ni dom who is introverted is the reason why I come off as sort of spacey and quiet. I am stuck in my head and thinking, but I am also friendly because I want others to feel comfortable and liked. This combo makes people think I'm an airhead, so they don't listen to my ideas and advice, or they treat me like I'm a kid, or like I'm dumb. Sometimes the consequences of brushing me off are serious, and other times it doesn't matter. (Today it affected me, which is why I'm annoyed.)
I'm not the, "I told you so," type, but a lot of friends have apologized for ignoring my advice and ideas after the scenario played out, so they do learn that I'm not as "out there" as they initially thought.

I'm not looking for advice, just explaining a hopefully relatable situation we can laugh about. Not being listened to or taken seriously just sucks. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
Remember that how most people treat you is about them, not you. The realities we create are less about truth, and more about the part we want to play. People treat you like that because they WANT to, not because they need to, and they saw the opportunity to inch their way into that position without much resistance.
@ruji - Absolutely. You're right.
I could go into depth about how and why you are right, but that would be boring, because we already agree.

@Sandie33 - Hahahaha! "Please stop. Stop. STOP! OK, now.... RELEASE THE KRAKEN!"
I usually walk away before releasing the kraken. What if I release my kraken and he gets lost? What is he ends up at the kraken pound? What if he become a feral kraken?

"Hey, that's probably not the best thing to do"
"Yea ok man, sure, whatever"

My life.
Hahahahahahhaahaahahahahahahhahahaaaaaaaa! Yes.
Waiting to exit a shopping center I decided to let a waiting car turn right into my lane from the parking lot when our light turned green. The car behind that person then just bulled its way in and I had to stop because otherwise they would have plowed into me. The driver’s head was noticeably turned away from me as I leaned on the horn. She obviously knew I was there but just decided that plowing into me without right of way was worth the risk because her time was more valuable than mine. I frequently have an urge to just let the accident happen during situations like this, but at the very last second my brain overrides it, knowing that willfully getting into an accident to prove a point is like falling into the “someone is wrong on the internet” trap. Everybody loses.
@Sloe Djinn - WHOA! Glad you weren't hurt. What a jerk!

Haha, I have a friend who drives like that, though, and she has no clue it is dangerous or annoying, even after she totalled her car. Last time I was in a car w/ her she stopped in traffic (in the middle of the busy street in a major part of the city) just to look at someone's pet. :tearsofjoy:
Last time I was in a car w/ her she stopped in traffic (in the middle of the busy street in a major part of the city) just to look at someone's pet.

@Sloe Djinn - WHOA! Glad you weren't hurt. What a jerk!

Haha, I have a friend who drives like that, though, and she has no clue it is dangerous or annoying, even after she totalled her car. Last time I was in a car w/ her she stopped in traffic (in the middle of the busy street in a major part of the city) just to look at someone's pet. :tearsofjoy:
Omg it was probably her!!! Plz key her car for me. ;)
I frequently have an urge to just let the accident happen during situations like this, but at the very last second my brain overrides it, knowing that willfully getting into an accident to prove a point is like falling into the “someone is wrong on the internet” trap. Everybody loses.

A few days ago I had to sit at lunch listening to two people I otherwise love discuss different brands of washing machines for an hour.

Ugh, parents. :p
A few days ago I had to sit at lunch listening to two people I otherwise love discuss different brands of washing machines for an hour.

Ugh, parents. :p
It’s so true though. It makes you nerd out on the most boring shit. I can imagine loving that discussion, maybe having a lively debate, and then realizing what I’m talking about...
It troubles me when others question my genuineness, often scratching my happy. In the effort to remain peaceful, which in no way equates passive, I give the benefit of doubt to the other that perhaps they are having a bad day, may have trust issues, had a poor and troubled childhood, working through an issue or what ever they may be dealing with; but, when it is every interaction with them that they incessently "poke the bear" what am I to do but react, out pops the genuine arsehole...first with a warning of please stop. Then a tad louder, please, do stop, you're soiling up my happy. Then when the bear has had enough, verbally eats them and leaves them in the pile of dung that they were presenting, I'm the bad guy? When people get too "people-y" I just move away from them to avoid that particular case of indigestion. ;)
People question it because people tend to have a reason why they do things, so people are skeptical of why you are doing what most people aren't.