Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

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It's sad that this discussion even has to be a thing.
LOL but you are actually doing what you're accusing others of just now.

You're generalizing the hell out of things and doing everything you can to stigmatize and defeat your opposition.

The only thing different about you is you use the claims of debating in a civilized manner to mask the fact that you have no intention of actually debating at all, since you've got it stuck in your head that you are right and NOBODY would ever be able to convince you otherwise.
I'd vote for that. It needs to retire to the Troll Cave indefinitely.

I'm hoping he does enough to get banned. I think that's only fair given his stance about being free to hire who he wants - well we should be just as free to be picky about who we have as forum members.
Ha ha, wow. This just got a lot more crazy.

So all homosexuals were molested when young? Really? Well you did post a youtube video. That's just undeniable proof right there.
I totally agree and don't encourage anybody to follow my opinion if he's not convinced, I also believe that there are no mistakes, God won't send a female soul into a man's body or vice versa, in the same time God wouldn't give you a male body to have sex with the same male body, they are incompatible, that's if we consider biology only and not the spiritual compatibility.

So what are your beliefs regarding hermaphrodites and biologically intersex individuals? While a rare occurrence, God seems to create some humans with both sets of genitalia.
So what are your beliefs regarding hermaphrodites and biologically intersex individuals? While a rare occurrence, God seems to create some humans with both sets of genitalia.

What does it have to do with LGBT, it's a totally different story, what matters is the soul matches the body, they should lean towards one sexual identity if they left on their own for some years, but what happens is parents and doctors perform mutilation surgery to force one gender they like which is very sad. If you want you can check the shocking story of David Reimer and Dr. money which shows that gender is in nature and not by nurture or choice.
What does it have to do with LGBT, it's a totally different story, what matters is the soul matches the body, they should lean towards one sexual identity if they left on their own for some years, but what happens is parents and doctors perform mutilation surgery to force one gender they like which is very sad. If you want you can check the shocking story of David Reimer and Dr. money which shows that gender is in nature and not by nurture or choice.

How is it a totally different story? If gender is a part of nature, then how do intersex people and species fit into that paradigm? How do you rationalize this?

I'm assuming that you're attempting to dodge the question because you do not have an appropriate response which is pretty much what I expected.
You are not paying attention, I told you there is no intersex, it's a variation of male and female and that individual will slowly lean towards the correct gender. Some attribute it to chemical pollution but even if it's not the cause, there is no confusion, the confusion comes from our perception. LGBT is a different story because it is based on choice and not biology, nobody can go against nature and not get hurt or hurt others.

...LGBT is a different story because it is based on choice and not biology, nobody can go against nature and not get hurt or hurt others...

What a load of crap. Nature in itself is chaotic. Are you going to tell me dolphins, who also have homosexual relations with one-another, are going against your god and nature? Puhleese. You are just upset because we see through the bs you're trying to peddle about how you think humans should be according to your religious beliefs. You are not seeing how this world truly is nor the true nature of this world and all living things in it. You are stuck in your own ideals and everyone who doesn't fit into your cookie-cutter image are just wrong. You are the one not paying attention. Welcome to my ignore list, along with all the other alts of yours I have ignored.
You are not paying attention, I told you there is no intersex, it's a variation of male and female and that individual will slowly lean towards the correct gender. Some attribute it to chemical pollution but even if it's not the cause, there is no confusion, the confusion comes from our perception. LGBT is a different story because it is based on choice and not biology, nobody can go against nature and not get hurt or hurt others.

God does create intersex people and they do, in fact, exist. What you seem to be trying to state is that there are no intersexual souls. That souls can only be male or female and it is our perceptions that confuse us, yes? You then go on to dismiss those who disagree with their biological assignment because their "choice" is mistaken, rather than their "soul".

I totally agree and don't encourage anybody to follow my opinion if he's not convinced, I also believe that there are no mistakes, God won't send a female soul into a man's body or vice versa, in the same time God wouldn't give you a male body to have sex with the same male body, they are incompatible, that's if we consider biology only and not the spiritual compatibility.

This still assumes that there are only male and female biological assignments when, in fact, there are biological intersex people. If your spiritual assignment is based upon biological assignment, then it does not stand to reason that spiritual sexual assignments are clearly defined when biological sexual assignments are not.

You also have no justifiable reason to differentiate between a person's soul and a person's choice. You selectively choose which one to use based upon your bias: if it aligns with what you want to believe, then it's spiritual truth. If it does not, then it is human choice. How do you prove that God does not mix gender and sex when it is demonstrably true that he creates biologically intermixed individuals?

I think that maybe you are mistaken.
the person just makes things up. of course there are intersex people who see themselves as intersex their whole lives and never "slowly lean towards" being more male or more female. its just blatantly false to claim that there arent people like that. why bother talking to this person? they are living in a complete fantasy, theyre totally unable to recognise simple contradictions to their fantasy world.
homophobia is not name calling, it is not a derogatory or discriminatory slur, it is a way of describing an attitude. the attitude of fear that is being displayed here is already very clear, including the ideas that the gays are taking over society, destroying workplaces, molesting children. if that isnt homophobia i dont know what is.

I have been curious about it's usage. Your usage actually make sense. Most people I have talked to claim it is someone who attacks homosexuals because they are a closet homosexual. This lineof thought didn't really fit the vast majority of people who are afraid of homosexuality in society.
I'd vote for that. It needs to retire to the Troll Cave indefinitely.

I don't believe he is trolling. I do think he is being rather serious. This may be difficult to read and deal with but this is the type of thinking that exists in the real world. I would say that interacting with it in reasonable manner and letting it 'show it's true colors' is more productive than hiding it and shoving it under the rug.
the person just makes things up. of course there are intersex people who see themselves as intersex their whole lives and never "slowly lean towards" being more male or more female. its just blatantly false to claim that there arent people like that. why bother talking to this person? they are living in a complete fantasy, theyre totally unable to recognise simple contradictions to their fantasy world.

There is a difference between having respect for someone's beliefs and disagreeing with those beliefs. As a matter of fact, just because I am arguing your case does not mean I accept all your arguments or propositions as true. I actually disagree with several things you've stated before, but since it is a common reaction to take it personally I have to be exceedingly careful as to when, to whom, and how I disagree because they almost always invariably take it personally.
There is a difference between having respect for someone's beliefs and disagreeing with those beliefs. As a matter of fact, just because I am arguing your case does not mean I accept all your arguments or propositions as true. I actually disagree with several things you've stated before, but since it is a common reaction to take it personally I have to be exceedingly careful as to when, to whom, and how I disagree because they almost always invariably take it personally.

im sorry to hear that we disagree. i have made no assumptions about whether or not you might agree with me. its lovely that you choose to be so considerate of the feelings of others.
did God tell you this? did he specifically tell you he has criteria for in which souls occupy physical bodies?

i do agree that there are no mistakes; hence all forms of existence and soul incarnations are perfect in it's own way.

Although I am an atheist, I do respect other's regarding their beliefs. I didn't want to turn this thread into a religious debate at all, but people are bringing religion into it, so may as well. I just wanted to note that what I mentioned earlier regarding the person's religion was solely directed at that person using their beliefs to make judgments and hiding behind their god to make themselves seem superior and right.

I completely agree with [MENTION=884]Solongo[/MENTION] on this.
God does create intersex people and they do, in fact, exist. What you seem to be trying to state is that there are no intersexual souls. That souls can only be male or female and it is our perceptions that confuse us, yes? You then go on to dismiss those who disagree with their biological assignment because their "choice" is mistaken, rather than their "soul".

This still assumes that there are only male and female biological assignments when, in fact, there are biological intersex people. If your spiritual assignment is based upon biological assignment, then it does not stand to reason that spiritual sexual assignments are clearly defined when biological sexual assignments are not.

You also have no justifiable reason to differentiate between a person's soul and a person's choice. You selectively choose which one to use based upon your bias: if it aligns with what you want to believe, then it's spiritual truth. If it does not, then it is human choice. How do you prove that God does not mix gender and sex when it is demonstrably true that he creates biologically intermixed individuals?

I think that maybe you are mistaken.

Anyone who doesn't want to engage in a sensible talk, I will ignore him.


So back to the topic Matt, scientists have linked intersex with chemical pollution, so I am not really sure if they exist naturally or not, but if they do then I think (based on the individuals I saw in videos) that they lean more towards one gender than the other, and we can check the chromosomes, if they have a Y chromosome then they are males, if not then they are females, just in varying degrees that we have to accept.

Yes I believe there are male or female souls only, why should we label them as intersex. We as a modern society are obsessed with perfection, maybe that's one of the reason to alienate them (and physically and spiritually mutilate them at young age) because of some variations in their biology.

I didn't get your point about my bias in using soul and choice, but anyway what I meant is that God creates the souls with a gender, and then they are given free choice on earth, either to accept God's assignment for them and be thankful or reject it and follow Satan and live a Hellish life on earth and beyond.

What you call biologically intersex individuals, I call variations of biologically male and female individuals, I hope it's clearer now.
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