Transgender - Why is it even a thing?

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you want to help them through their struggles? and you think its more helpful to tell them that theyre confused and that their choices are bad, than to allow them to acknowledge that what theyre doing has an analogue in nature?

bad choices? bad according to who? to you? you think that you are qualified to exercise judgment on the choices of others? and how do you derive such a sense of personal entitlement?
This is even a thing because it is true for people, because it is who they are - and it's not limited by race.

It's about being aligned outside with who you are inside, feeling like you were born in the wrong body, and doing what you can to feel secure in your gender identity.

This is still widely misunderstood, and the result is hate crimes, discrimination, pain, fear, suffering, blood - death by one's own hands or someone else's.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. Racism is a threat to justice. Homophobia is a threat to justice. This is a threat to justice.

It's very simple.

8 pages later, reposting what I posted on the first page.

One can bring up suicide, sure. But realize exactly WHY one might feel compelled to take one's own life. Realize it's because of hateful ignorance and discrimination that destroys lives.

Realize this, and think about the consequences of one's bigotry, and a life might be saved.

I mean, if you want to talk about suicide.
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION], there is no rule that says I can not reply to a 3 months old post, the thread was not closed by moderators, why are you so suspicious, "dig up threads, cause trouble, an agenda" !!! all of this because of stating my opinion, by the way I am not supposed to help anybody every time I post and if you have heard my opinion a million times before, it doesn't mean I should not express myself, just saying.

[MENTION=5667]Jacobi[/MENTION], yes there is plenty of research that proves there is no gay gene, it's a big lie propagated by the homosexual propaganda, here is a good summary;
"A scan of the whole genome has not found any homosexual genes, unlike the case for schizophrenia (which has still only identified 4 genes linked to 3%of schizophrenia.) "

I consider it a very bad choice one can make, because he's going against nature, just think about the biological compatibility of sex between different genders and the incompatibility of sex organs between same sex individuals, it is very clear and doesn't even need any scientific research, it just needs will power and truthful confrontation of oneself in order to get rid of this disease once and for all, it is very possible and there are many ex gays out there. I condemn all those who are happy with it, but I don't condemn those struggling with it, their upbringing or environment might have lead them to that confusion, well it's never too late and a firm decision can help such an individual out. If you have homosexual tendencies you should fight them as much as you can otherwise you will get depressed, high suicide rates are not because of society's discrimination, it is more because of the internal struggle inside the homosexual, just read what Richard Weller wrote in his confessions:

"I tried imitating others when they said they were born gay, I would say "me too"! It seemed an easy way to get people to accept us. If we were born gay that took away any personal responsibility for our behavior and made people feel sorry for us. All along though, we knew it was a convenient lie.

I love and respect myself today, but I hate the things that I used to do. Homosexual sexuality is perverse and unhealthy, both physically and emotionally. We put on such a respectable image, but inside we were miserable and ashamed. Like many young gays, I tried to commit suicide because I didn't think there was a way out. "


In my belief homosexuality is condemned because it is a high form of transgression of God's laws, any homosexual owe it to himself to confront these thoughts that lead to self destruction, but maybe you believe more in science, so you may listen to this scientist here, open your eyes, Dr. Nicholas Andrew Cummings is not against homosexuality even but speaks the truth.:

I consider it a very bad choice one can make, because he's going against nature,

Nein, mein dummes Wasserbüffel!

Although there may be no isolated gene(s) for homosexuality and transgender, there is a good chance that genetic development plays a part:

Prenatal hormones and sexual orientation
The hormonal theory of sexuality holds that, just as exposure to certain hormones plays a role in fetal sex differentiation, such exposure also influences the sexual orientation that emerges later in the adult. Prenatal hormones may be seen as the primary determinant of adult sexual orientation, or a co-factor with genes, biological factors and/or environmental and social conditions.

The fetal brain develops during the intrauterine period in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. In this way, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation are programmed or organized into our brain structures when we are still in the womb.

However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in extreme cases in trans-sexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain. There is no indication that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.

Your opinions are your own, so I will not immediately label you a troll account. However, you may need to do a little more research on such complex subjects.
Because there are people who want to be the opposite gender. That's why it's a thing.




This thread was a blight on this forum and you have revived it.

Look what you have done. NOBODY WANTS TO TALK ABOUT THIS. The topic reached an uneasy peace and you destroyed that by bringing it up. WHY would you do that in eight posts if you weren't specifically looking to talk about transgender topics?

You are disturbing the peace. Nobody here is going to side with you.

Also if you go around poking hornets, don't try to blame the hornets when you get stung.
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However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in extreme cases in trans-sexuality.

I am not convinced with the theory of these researchers, I think there use of "can" and "may' may indicate it's just a hypothesis, and it is not even logical, they are suggesting that the genitals have mind of their own and their sexual identity may be different from the brain since they are developed at different times! very weird logic, might be homosexual agenda in play, however we do agree that there is no gay gene and homosexuals are not born that way, everybody should take responsibility for his choices and actions.
I am not convinced with the theory of these researchers, I think there use of "can" and "may' may indicate it's just a hypothesis, and it is not even logical, they are suggesting that the genitals have mind of their own and their sexual identity may be different from the brain since they are developed at different times! very weird logic, might be homosexual agenda in play, however we do agree that there is no gay gene and homosexuals are not born that way, everybody should take responsibility for his choices and actions.

Oh so there's a homosexual agenda yet you don't have an agenda (even though everything screams that you do have one)

I'm calling you out for what you are. You need to be dealt with.
are you stalking me or something? is this some new kind of forum bullying? how old are you sprinkles seriously, why don't you discuss the topic instead of screaming agenda bla bla bla, anyway peace to you.
are you stalking me or something? is this some new kind of forum bullying? how old are you sprinkles seriously, why don't you discuss the topic instead of screaming agenda bla bla bla, anyway peace to you.

Because this is a community and you are disrupting it. It's not bullying when I'm trying to protect my community from people who would trample all over it without regard to how things work here.

You cannot have a sense of dynamics here being as new as you are. That is why you should hold off a bit. It's called respect and consideration. That's if you really are new in the first place.

And why would you think I'm stalking you? I'm going by public information and it isn't like there's a lot of information to sift through since you've hardly arrived here yet. That's really suspicious. You're also strangely combative for someone who supposedly has peaceful intentions.

You just keep acting more and more familiar.
You know what, forget it.

I wasn't trying to be mean or bully you. I was trying to give you a helpful warning and an insight to how you can be better received here. Don't want to listen to me? Fine. Forget it then. You go ahead and do whatever you want without listening to this and see how well it works out for you.

You just go ahead and see.
are you stalking me or something? is this some new kind of forum bullying? how old are you sprinkles seriously, why don't you discuss the topic instead of screaming agenda bla bla bla, anyway peace to you.

I believe you posted "@sprinkles" right before sprinkles responded to your post. You cannot indicate that you are talking to him and then when he replies accuse him of stalking you...
I believe you posted "@sprinkles" right before sprinkles responded to your post. You cannot indicate that you are talking to him and then when he replies accuse him of stalking you...

Not to mention that threads go to the front page every time someone posts. How can one expect to not have their actions noticed by everyone looking?
[MENTION=9860]Grayman[/MENTION], that's because he posted it about me in a another totally unrelated thread,


I think @amad should be checked to see if it is an alternate account. Way too familiar for being new.

Also, seriously. Who thinks to look for controversial topics that aren't on the first page and posts in them just after signing up? How can someone do that and NOT specifically be looking for trouble?

Why would a casual user even make their first posts there? Especially without even getting a feel for the community first? Really, you have to be looking on purpose to do that. Even if they find the topic by accident, why pick that topic to post in when there are far better and more constructive ways to introduce oneself?

Where a person makes their first posts says a lot about their intentions.
[MENTION=9860]Grayman[/MENTION], that's because he posted it about me in a another totally unrelated thread,

I posted that there because I shouldn't post it here. I still think it's true.

You're not willing to listen or believe me but go ahead and see if I'm wrong. People are responding civilly to your argument but it's not because they want to debate with you. It is because they think you are wrong and they're being nice about it. Don't mistake it for friendly discussion.

You think you can target me because I'm being vocal about my suspicions but all you're doing is confirming them. You want to fight. It's pretty clear to me.
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION], I really hate it when someone drags me to a discussion that is unrelated to the topic at hand, why this hostility and suspicion? this is a very weird attitude, why all these posts about me everywhere?? what are you trying to do, intimidate me so that I would stop voicing my opinions and not express what I believe in ?? well it is no surprise homosexual activists use the same technique, I forgot about that.
[MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION], I really hate it when someone drags me to a discussion that is unrelated to the topic at hand, why this hostility and suspicion? this is a very weird attitude, why all these posts about me everywhere?? what are you trying to do, intimidate me so that I would stop voicing my opinions and not express what I believe in ?? well it is no surprise homosexual activists use the same technique, I forgot about that.

I already explained why. And now you're trying to use me as a scapegoat to continue doing it. You're now trying to use me as an excuse to get at other people.

You're being really obvious now. Better enjoy it while it lasts because people will get sick of you soon enough.

Two threads is hardly "everywhere" by the way.
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